Three months later

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We had given up mostly on searching for Ames. Tails, Cream, Shadow, Blaze and Silver searched now and then. Blaze and Silver had appeared a month and a half ago.

Of course, Blaze noticing that Amy was missing insisted on searching for her again. But most of us refused.

Maybe she had left us... For good. The day was going on as usual, but then Silver broke through door, panting.

"Whoa there, hun. What's the matter with you?"

Silver gasped for air, and quickly replied:"There is a light on at Amy's house! And I saw a green hedgehog go in casually like nothing!"

This took us all by surprise. After so long... Could it be she's back?

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sally smiled. "Let's go!"

Knuckles called the outers and told them to meet up at Amy's house. I wonder if she really us back. We headed out to her house, which like Silver said, was occupied.

Sorry for this extremely short chapter I ran out of fuel XP. I promise the next chapter will be worth while... Hopefully. But also it hasn't been getting much reads, yet, so idk. But I promise next chapter will be worth the wait.
R.T.L.R. shipping out.

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