Looking For a Rose

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The gang went to her house, and found the door open, but also trying to hang onto the hinges. And all of the lights were on.

"Hm... You had to break in didn't you, Faker." Shadow said, looking towards Sonic.

"Hey, I don't exactly have chaos powers like you, android!" Sonic growling and balling his hands.

"Who are you calling Android, huh?" Shadow asked, his fur bristling again.

"Guys! Shut up, we're here for Amy, not some stupid thing Sonic did," Sally said, coming between the two headgehogs. "Let's go inside."

As they walked in, the boards creaked, and the smell of the food wafted through the air.

"Ah man it stinks! Sonic, why didn't you warn us about the stench?!" Knuckles said as he held his nose.

"It didn't smell like this last night," the speedster replied. Shadow stormed through the group and went up stairs, where the rooms were.

"Hey!" Rouge yelled, wanting to follow the crimson streaked hedgehog.

"Let him Rouge, we're here to search the house anyways."

Shadow walked down the hall, and searched for her room. It was so... Bare. It sent a chill down his spine. Just like Sonic, he searched through her drawers, only more... Care fully.

He found two things... Three to be exact. This would help them find her.

"How come I didn't find that?" Sonic growled furiously as Shadow set the three objects on a table.

Sally grabbed the 'crystalized' rose locket and opened it. "A picture of her with... A male... We've seen him before... Oh what is his name..."

Sonic took a look at it. "Scourge?!"

Rouge grabbed a book but it had a locket. "Her diary."

Then Shadow grabbed a bigger book and opened it. "An old but new photo album."

Rouge, somehow breaking the lock, opened her diary and began to read it to the gang.

"Dear Diary..."

"Hm Cliché." Knuckles said.

"Shut up," Sonic whispered, slapping his hand over the echidnas mouth.

"December 12, 2014...
Another day of running after Sonic. Oops. Haha. And...him running away from me. I have to let go of this non-sense. But how? Damn... I really hate myself right now. Why won't it stay in my head that Sonic will never ever want to be with me? I need to grow up holy cow. Till then, A. Rose."

"Wow Sonic, you sure made her feel welcome." Tails said, rolling his eyes. Then he looked over at Rouge."Is that all?"

"Nope. There's just..."

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