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Excuse what has happened with the other one, I don't know why it's only showing half of the chapter. Or a third or whatever. It's weird.

"Starving; you wouldn't happen to have some dozens of chile dogs, do you?" Everyone glared at Sonic.

Amy sighed and shook her head but smiled all the same. "Who wants some pizza?"

Everyone agreed with that. "Wouldn't want the house to smell like fart when he falls asleep," Amy snickered, as she faced Scourge. He couldn't do anything but laugh at that. "Well I'll be right back."

Amy walked towards the kitchen, and called Bruno's Pizza - the best pizza around.

After Amy hung up, she heard the bickering of two certain hedgehogs. Er, three, including her brother. Something about who was faster and better at combat.

"Ladies, ladies, you're all beautiful, but I'm the best beauty around," Amy said, doing the famous hair flip.

"You?!" Scourge bellowed a hearty laugh,"You could put a pig to shame with how unlady like you are! Your cussing might as well make Black Beard shave his beard off and be a business man!"

Amy snorted,"I am anything but a lady. I don't like those stupid stereo types where 'ladies have to sit with their legs together!' Bah-humbug!"

"Oh so you imitate Scrooge now, eh?" Sonic chimed in.

"Hey, I've never said that before!"

"Brother." Scourge looked at Amy,"CC. But you act like him."

"CC?" Shadow asked.

"Christmas Carol, keep up with the acronyms guys."

Silence took over for two seconds before everyone burst out laughing.

"I really missed this... Us, together," Cream said. Cheese made a sound of approval, his smile brightening up his face.

"Well, Scourge, keep our guests company, I will go retrieve our food!" Amy smiled, grabbing her car keys and wallet.

"Wait, Rose, may I go with you?" Shadow asked. He wanted to be with her, he'd always had. But was afraid of asking for that moment.

He saw Amy smile briefly and her eyes light up before turning around and saying he could.

"Sorry, its a bit dusty in here, but my black beauty is shiny as heck!" Amy called, unlocking her camaro. Shadow laughed, and looked at her. She really had changed, and for the so called "better" it seemed. He liked - no, loved her for who she was, no matter what.

"Hey, android, c'mon, pizza is waiting."

Shadow made a face and climbed on. "Did you really call me an android?"

"As if I can't hear that amused tone in your voice," Amy chuckled, turning ignition, opening the garage door. "It was the only way I thought of getting your attention since it looked like you were off in lala-land. I hope you can forgive me."

Amy looked at Shadow straight into his eyes, and smiled. "Yeah," Shadow looked away, hoping she didn't see the blush forming on his muzzle."I know you would never mean that in a mean way."

Amy began to pull out of the garage,"Oh? What makes you say that, Shadow?" She was looking left and right, before going left.

"I don't know, you're a nice hedgehog, Amy. You care for everyone even when you feel down."

Amy sighed. "How do you know it's still true, though? It has been three months since the last time you saw me."

Silence. It was beginning to grow thick, and Amy began to wonder. When the approached a stop light, she turned her gaze to Shadow, and froze. He was staring right at her.

"That moment you had with Cream? Don't tell me that you didn't at least melt a little when that poor bunny hugged you. I saw the recognition in your eyes. The old Amy is still alive. You choose to lock her up inside and put a façade up. One of bravery. It's okay to be afraid." I... was afraid of losing you.

"Oh Shadow..." Amy sighed. They were in silence the entire drive to the pizzeria. When they finally got there, Amy unbuckled her belt and hugged Shadow. I just don't want to hurt you, Shadow. I'm stubborn as a mule. I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I love you. You deserve someone better. A better friend...

"'m gonna get that pizza before it gets cold um..." Amy said, pulling back."Um... Be right back," she mumbled.

It has been revealed! Amy returns those feelings for Shadow, but feels she isn't good enough for him. What will happen next?

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