Jack Fell Down And Bumped His Crown

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Violet's POV
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Not really." he said.
"Is your head okay?"
"I don't know. There's a little bump on my head and it really hurts."
"Then it's not okay."
"Do you want to ice it?" He looked at me, confused. "You know, put ice on it so the swelling goes down." I said.
"Oh, is that what your supposed to do?" he said surprised.
"You wanna come inside?"
"Uh... sure." He stood up. Oh my fucking God he's tall!

He towered over me, his head almost hitting the tree branch above us. Yeah, he's definitely creepy. He noticed me staring and smiled nervously, his sharp teeth slightly gleaming. He fidgeted a little and started fixing his messy hair. Now, how is he going to fit in my house?

Jack's POV
She looked at me, as if she were afraid. What if she thinks that I'm super creepy? I'm so nervous. Maybe if I smile she won't think I'm so bad. Dammit, I have shark teeth, now I'm even more creepy. Oh God, my hair is probably a mess. Uh, why is she still staring?

Violet looked at me quizzically. My cheeks turned a pale red. She smiled. Oh no. Why do I have to be so awkward? "How am I supposed to get you in my house?" she asked.
"Uh, I could just stay out here while you get something to ice my head with... or something.?"
"Good idea. I'll be right back."

Violet's POV
I went inside to the kitchen and opened the freezer door. Hm, ice cream, ice cubes, chicken nuggets, pork chops, ice pack... perfect. I grabbed the ice pack and headed outside. He was sitting there by the tree, quietly waiting for me to return. Oddly enough I barely noticed the fact that his nose is long and striped. Or that his teeth could rip anything apart. Or that he's as tall as my window. Oh well.

I handed him the ice pack. He cheesily grinned. I smiled at him. He turned red again. I giggled. "What?" he asked, confused.
"You're funny."
"Funny? Me?"
"Yeah." He turned even more red. "So what's your name?" I asked.
"Oh, it's Laughing Jack." he smiled. "Most people just call me LJ." he added.
"Well I'm V-"
"Violet. I know."
"I, uhm..."
"Is that why were you out outside my window? Do you... stalk me?"
"No. It's not what you think. Oh, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. I just hate it when-. Uh, forget it, you hate me now. I should go."
"Don't go." I said, grabbing his arm before he could get up. He looked at my hand.

"Why shouldn't I? Don't you hate me now?" Jack asked.
"I don't hate you, but why were you outside my window?"
"I... I... I'm basically an imaginary friend, well sort of. I was left alone and forgotten about, a really long time ago and... and I just hate when others are alone. I know that you've been homeschooled your whole life and how you have never had a friend. I just wanted to make to where you weren't alone. I'm sorry."
"So, you sort of watch over me?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Imaginary friend? Wait you sound familiar." I pulled out my phone and checked my Creepypasta app. There it was, the story of Laughing Jack. "Wait, so Creepypasta is real?" I asked. Jack nodded.

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