Act Like My Victim

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Jack's POV
"Violet, we need to run. Now." I said sternly.
"Am I gonna die?"
"Not if you come with me." She looked at me, frightened. She was shaking. I held out my hand, she grabbed it. I lifted her into my arms and took off. She clung tightly to my shoulders, nuzzling her head into my chest.

"What kind of blood is he looking for Toby?" I asked.
"Young blood. Any blood, but it has to be young." Toby said, finally not ticking. I held Violet tighter and ran even faster. I can't let her die. Not now. Masky and Hoodie ran behind us, watching for Bloody Painter.

Violet's POV
I hung onto Jack for my life. I was scared. I didn't want to die. Jack seemed just as scared as I was. I can't believe all of this was happening. I meet a real, life Creepypasta character, (who I found out has known me my whole life) get him an ice pack because he bumped his head on my tree, and now I'm in his arms, running, for my life, from his friend Bloody Painter.

There was a quick, blue streak, moving in zizags through the trees around us. It soon disappeared. The mask and hood dude stopped running and began to fight off something in a blue coat. The guy in the goggles gave Jack a serious look as they picked up the pace. We soon reached the woods that were east of my house, just down the road. I was scared shitless.

Jack's POV
Hoodie and Masky fought off Bloody Painter as Toby and I ran into the woods. Violet was still shaking. I felt so bad, I couldn't do anything until I got the chance to catch my breath and come up with a plan.

"Man, you... gotta do... something. We can't... run for-...ever." Toby said, trying to breath.
"How 'bout... I say that... Violet is my... "victim" and... that he... can't have... her blood." I suggested.
"Good... Idea, but... she'll have... to play... the part of... a torture victim."

We found an old shed and ran inside. Toby and I tried to catch our breath. Violet looked so shaken up. Her face was pale and she seemed lost in a little world of fear and despair. "Violet?" I said. She looked at me. "You have to act like your in pain. Pretend that you've been tortured and beaten. You have to act like my victim."

"She needs to look bloody. Use mine, so you don't have to hurt her " Toby said.
"Toby, hand me your hatchet, please." I said. I took Toby's hand and sliced it. Blood slowly dripped on the ground. I'm definitely not good with hatchets, I ended up slicing my palm as well. I took some blood from Toby and smeared it on Violet's face. Then I did the same to her to hands and clothing.

Tears began to well up in Violet's eyes. Shimmering droplets slowly streamed down her face. She quietly sat there, weeping I lifted her head with my fingers. "You'll be okay." I whispered.
"Uh, Jack? You might want to hurry up. He's coming." Toby said, his eyes widening.
"Violet, just act like you're in pain. I promise, you'll be okay." I said lifting violet over my shoulder. She began sobbing.

The Bloody Painter was outside waiting. He looked up at me. "Hm, LJ what are you doing with that little thing?" he asked, wildly. I stayed silent, clenching my fist, inevitably digging my nails into the wound on my palm. My black blood oozed down my hand to the ground. "Oh, whose blood was that?" he asked. I held up my hand. "Mine." I said firmly. He seemed puzzled. "She's a fighter. Can't keep her restrained for too long." I said quickly.
He nodded and wickedly smiled,"I could take her off your hands."
"No, Painter. She's my toy not yours. Find your own victim."
"I see how it is, Jack. Fine, I will find my own. I don't want someone that's been tampered with anyways." Finally, it was over.

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