Chapter 1

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"she isn't even listening to us darling! She isn't going to see us for months and she can't even listen to us! Where did I go wrong as her father? To raise such a selfish child" chuckling at my dad's dramatics, rolling my eyes i turned to face my parents
"ha like you're not looking forward to not having me nag you for three months!" Both mum and dad are Auror's. They are the top in their field, but they have always ensured that me and my brother are their top priority, always making sure they were at the platform to see us off.
"don't listen to your father, Emily sweetheart, he is acting out because he is sad" mum said teasingly
"pft! Sad my arse! Good riddance I say!" dad exclaimed.

Mum, ignoring dad, brought me in tight for a hug" I love you guys, please be safe" I said pulling away slightly and jabbing my thumb in my dad's direction "make sure he doesn't injure himself too bad! and don't let Liam get a big head just because he is famous now" half joking half not. Liam already has a big enough head, doesn't need to get any bigger just because he plays professional quidditch now. I was actually quite sad he wasn't at the platform to send me off. It's not my first year at Hogwarts without him, as he is five years my senior, but it is the first year he hasn't seen me off on the train I hate to admit it, sibling rivalry and all, but I kind of missed him.

Turning and grabbing my trunk I headed for the train "well I best be off then! See you- oft" all the air had been suddenly squeezed out of me as my dad latched onto me.
"thought you weren't going to miss me?" I muttered into his chest.
"have the best time, my love, be careful okay? I love you" dad said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head and slowly letting me go. I gave him a heartfelt smile. Now I know everyone says their dad is the best dad ever but seriously Colin Williams was the dad of all dad's. I am a proper daddy's girl so I may be biased but he really is top notch. Grabbing my case with one last look at my parents I bordered the train.

After searching for what felt like an eternity, I found the compartment were two of my best friends were. Lily Evans and Kayla Bankole. Peering into the compartment I could see Lily had her charms book out and was pointing out something to Kayla, probably boring her to death. "Seriously Lil's the train hasn't even set off and you already have your school books out, if this is a sign of what you're going to be like this year I don't think we can be friends anymore" upon hearing my voice they both snapped their heads towards me as I entered the compartment and shoved my bag into the overhead storage. Kayla let out a sigh of relief, grateful Lily had momentarily stopped her rambling on about this year's syllabus, while Lily huffed.
"like your any better when we get into exam season! You live in the library!"

Shrugging Lily off I sat down in my seat. She wasn't wrong though I was just as bad if not worse than Lily when it came to schoolwork, I was a Ravenclaw after all and had a classic case of needing to overachieve. Last year I maybe went a bit over bored with the standards I set myself and ended up burnt out in the hospital wing. Since then I promised myself this year would be different, well at least I was going to try to be different.
Lily thankfully closed her book and shoved it back in her bag. "I want to hear what you have been up to in last 48 hours since we last saw each other" Lily said clasping together her now book free hands. We often spent time together in the summer and our last meet up was only two days prior. The only downside to our meet up's was that we were missing our 4th member. Lucy Vixen.

Our group was a bit famous around Hogwarts, not to toot our own horn or anything, just stating the facts! Each of us is from a different house. I am a Ravenclaw, Lily's a Gryffindor, Kayla's a Hufflepuff and Lucy a Slytherin. Our unlikely group formed all the way back on the very first train ride when we all found ourselves in the same train compartment. It was a bit of a shock when we were all sorted differently but we still remained best friends 6 years later.

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