Chapter 70

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We had been called to urgent order meeting. Getting to headquarters when your 8 months pregnant and can't appartate was a bloody nightmare, especially when my only means of transport was to squeeze myself into the side car of Sirius motorbike whilst he drove like a maniac. He landed on the grass just outside headquarters offering me his hand to help me up, but I batted him away.

"Em come one you need my help" he said moving again to try and hook me under the arms
"Sirius Black, you touch me, and I am likely to castrate you. I am livid with you" his mouth gaped open
"with me? what the bloody hell have I done now?" in the distance I could hear James calling my name as he jogged over to us.
"what are you doing?" he asked watching me struggle for a second before swooping in to help me "Pads, why didn't you help her?" Sirius through his arms up before promptly turning and walking away while muttering under his breath. Now safely out of the side car James turned his focus back to me
"what's his problem?" he said leading us both inside
"he drives like he has a dementor hot on his tail. I called him out on it" James hummed next to me, wisely not saying a word. Once in the briefing room my eyebrows drew together. I was confused to only see our group, plus Frank and Alice. Was this not a full order meeting? James lowered me into the seat next to Alice, she immediately grasped my hand giving it an understanding squeeze. At 8 months pregnant, this girl got it.

Moments later Dumbledore and Moody flew into the room. Not one to beat around the bush Moody addressed the group.
"there is has been a development that has put some of you in grave danger" I didn't like the way his gaze bounced between myself and Alice. Alice seemed to notice to as the grip she had on my hand tightened. Moody seemed to be waiting from Dumbledore to say something but when he didn't, he sighed and carried on. This time there was no mistaking, his gaze was locked on myself and Alice.
"Voldemort has got wind of a prophecy that has been made" He swallowed before reciting part of the prophecy "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies" I felt the blood drain from my body. Next to me James went rigid straight, every one of his muscles locking into place. Thrice. James in diagon alley, me in the pub and then together in London. Born as the seventh month dies. Our baby was due at the end of July. The seventh month. Shit, he was coming for our baby. Well mine or Alice's baby, either one was not good.

Once my friends started to piece together what was said there was up raw. I was vaguely aware of Lucy and Sirius yelling back and forth with Moody. Remus had moved next to James and was trying to get some sort of response out of him. Lily had her eyes locked on mine, her stare was full of sympathy and concern. Kayla was trying to calm down Sirius and Lucy so we might actually be able to have a conversation about what the hell we were going to do and Peter, had shrunk in on himself hating the chaos brewing around him. James and I slowly turned to face each other, both with terrified looks. Without saying a word, we had our own conversation. Communicating to each other that we were both shit scared but no matter what we would fight to the death for our baby. We linked our hands together giving each other a small nod. James' jaw locked as he turned back to Moody and Dumbledore.

"how do we know he knows about the prophecy?" At the sound of James deathly tone, the room when silent.
"we have a reliable source who was able to pass the information onto us" Moody said making eye contact with me. Regulus. Of course, it was Regulus who got the message to us. My heart tightened at the thought of him risking his neck for me.
"who made the prophecy? Are they a reliable seer?" Frank asked his voice in an equally deathly tone
"The prophecy was made by Sybill Trewlaney. Our new divinations teacher" Dumbledore explained. I looked at Lily knowing she would know if this woman was legit or not. She reluctantly gave me a small nod. I let out a deflated sigh.
"how did he find out?" I found myself asking. This time it was Dumbledore's turn to sigh.
"Sybill and I were overheard at the Hogshead last month" James and Frank flew out of their seats causing their chairs to fall to the floor. If I could stand up without assistance I would be right there with them and I had feeling Alice felt the same.
"last fucking month! You knew my baby was a target for a whole fucking month and you didn't think to tell us!" James roared with an anger I had never seen in him before. I didn't blame him as the anger he was showing, I was felling deep in my bones
"not only that but you were careless enough to discuss something as important as this is the fucking pub!" Frank bellowed as Alice narrowed her eyes at the professor. Dumbledore pushed his glasses up on his nose
"now I can understand your frustrated" I barked out a laugh interrupting. I laughed while shaking my head.
"way past frustrated. You better start telling me what you plan on doing about this because if you don't start talking, I am going to be giving birth in Azkaban for murdering you" Lucy barked out a laugh while Kayla muttered to her to be quiet. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at my threat, but I levelled him with a murderous glare. Fucking try me.

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