Chapter 13

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It was one of my favourite trips of the year. The last Hogsmeade weekend before Christmas break. I love Christmas and Hogsmeade in the snow at Christmas time was my absolute favourite.
"Hey guys, I have just got to go pick up one of your presents, so Kayla is coming with me. Catch you in the brooms in a bit?" Lily said to me and Lucy. We were walking slightly ahead of the two other girls. Before we could even say anything, they had already run off in the other direction.
"are we going to talk about what's going on with them two?" Lucy asked. I shook my head
"not until they talk to us" Lucy hummed in agreement

"is there anything particular you need to pick up?" Lucy said as we strolled through the village often stopping to window shop.
"not really, I only have my brother left to buy for, but I am at a bit of a loss. Usually my go to would be something quidditch related but he has everything he could possibly need now"
"how is he getting on?" I just shrugged
"okay, I think. He hasn't really been replying to my letters much so most of the information I have comes from mum and dad"
"shit, that suck's I know you guys use to write quite often" Liam and I used to be pretty close. Even in the years he hasn't been at Hogwarts we would always write to each other but since he has gone pro and moved in with his girlfriend it just hasn't been the same"I guess he is just busy" I surmised. I could tell Lucy disagreed with me, but she thought better to comment on it

"I suppose you have got the 4 idiots something" I guess by 'idiots' she meant the marauders.
"I have. I got Sirius as muggle baking book since he seems to have really gotten into baking with me recently. For Remus, I got him this book by an author he is always talking about and some chocolate. Peter was bit more tricky but I settled on a charmed bauble that every time you look at it shows you a different picture and for James, you know how he always wearing those red converse well I got him another pair but I sewed little patches to them so like there's the Gryffindor logo, a quaffle and even a little cauldron because you know he is my potions partner after all" Lucy just looked at me in disbelief
"your annoyingly good at everything aren't you?" I laughed
"I was just born this way Luce I can help it"

As we entered the three broom sticks Sirius immediately began shouting my name to come sit with them. A quick scan of the room confirmed that Lily and Kayla weren't here yet, so I turned to look at Lucy with a pleading look. She sighed
"fine, but I refuse to sit next to Black" I immediately smiled at her
"come on, you can sit in between me and Peter. He is harmless"
As promised, I sandwiched Lucy between myself and Peter but that didn't seem to stop Sirius "So Vixen what can I get you? pint of poison perhaps?" Lucy actually growled next to me
"play nice Sirius" I scolded him to which he just rolled his eyes and stood up.
"come on Prongs give me and hand getting the round in" he dragged James with him to the bar where they were both flirting up a storm with Madam Rosemerta
"What have you boys been up to today then?" I asked the remaining Marauders.

It wasn't long before the boys were back handing out butterbeers to the group. James now taking a seat next to me causing us all to move round the booth. As Sirius sat down next to Remus, he pulled his hair into a bun tying it on top of his head. That's when I spotted them
"you bastard! You stole my earnings" I shouted shooting daggers at the boy who looked up and me wide eyed before quickly pulling his hair back out of his bun to cover his ears.
"no, I didn't" he said panicked
"Sirius I literally just saw them" I narrowed my eyes at him
"early Christmas present?" he had the cheek to ask.
"give them back to me" I deadpanned. I am pretty used to Sirius stealing my stuff, but these were my favourite earing and I had been looking for them all week.
"no. I like them" I swear to Merlin. I moved out of my seat and lunged over the table at him.
"Yeh Emily get him!" Lucy cheered from behind me. I was just about to reach the earing thief when James grabbed my hips and pulled me back into my seat.
"alright Sunshine let's not start a bar fight shall we" he said next to me. I frowned glaring at the boy opposite me
"say sorry Sirius" James said as if he were telling a child off
"sorry Em I will buy you a new pair" I looked up at him my arms still crossed across my chest
"some that are just as shinny?" I pouted. He laughed smiling at me
"shinier" I gleamed at him before saying okay and went back to drinking my butterbeer and the group went back to a steady conversation.
"so stealing skirts and gloves is fine but not earrings?" James asked me
"they are very shinny" I raised my shoulder in response
"you're like a Niffler" he said tickling me in my side and I squirmed in my seat batting his hands away.

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