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19 years later

Harry's pov

"how do you think Hailey is feeling?" Ginny asked as we knocked on the door to my childhood home. My sister Hailey, who was 17 making her 3 years younger than me, had come home for the easter holiday and had informed my parents she had a boyfriend. Dad had demanded he meet the boy straight way. Which had led to my mum planning a family BBQ where we would get to meet him. My mum had tried to reassure my dad that Theo, my sister boyfriend, was a good boy but he was having none of it. Especially with uncle Reggie and Moony winding him up saying how much of ladies' man Theo is. Yeah, being at Hogwarts where your mum was your potions teacher and one of your uncles was the astronomy teacher and the other was your DADA teacher was not always so fun. I did however gain back a bit of popularity when people realised who my dad and uncle Liam were. Both my dad and uncle had been professional quidditch players and bloody good ones at that, now that I had signed with chudley cannons, I was hoping I could even have half the legacy they had built. Since retiring they had still stayed pretty heavily involved in the quidditch world, as they now both commentated on most matches. I am pretty sure Ginny only agreed to go on a date with me, after months of begging, because she wanted to meet my dad.

"she is probably stressing. Not a bad thing if she made those peanut butter brownies she made while she was revising for her owls" Ginny rolled her eyes at me. My sister and my mum were incredible bakers and my sister had picked up the habit of baking when she was stressed from my mum. That meant there was good chance she had made something delicious in apprehension of us meeting her boyfriend. I was broken out of my daydream when the front door flew open to reveal my adorable little cousin Amelia. Ginny slipped inside greeting Amelia as she did, before going to find my sister. Amelia wasn't so little anymore and it pained me to think about it. She was 11 now and in her first year of Hogwarts, I had been on the platform along with the rest of our family to see her off on September 1st.
"Hey Aims! I missed you now you're at Hogwarts" I said picking her up and spinning her round.
"put me down Harry" she scolded, running her fingers through her hair as I placed her down.
"what are you too cool for me now?" I teased purposefully messing up her hair again.
"Harry!" she squealed batting my hand away. I laughed at her before gabbing my wand quickly conjuring a bunch of sunflowers behind my back.
"Here you go, does this make up for it?" she practically snatched the flowers from my hands as she gleamed up at me.
"they are perfect! I am going to show my mum's" She said before quickly running off to my aunt Lily and Kayla. It was no surprise my aunts were raising such a strong-willed woman. What with aunt Kay being well on her way to becoming minster of magic in a few years and aunt Lil's being a kick ass healer. 

A butter beer was waved Infront of me. I grabbed it from my uncle Pads.
"I hope you're ready to conjure a lot of flowers tonight prongslet. As once the ladies catch wind of it they are all going to be wanting a bunch" he laughed patting my back before walking across the room to join uncle Reg and Moony where they stood chatting by the book shelf. Uncle Pads and Moony had gotten married last year. Their relationship had been a journey according to mum. Apparently, they use to date at Hogwarts but then broke up. I remember things between them being a bit tense growing up. That was until about 4 years ago when Uncle Pads got injured at work, he is an auror, and Uncle Moony had looked after him whilst he recovered. They have been together ever since. 

I moved through the house looking for my parents saying hi to my grandma and gramps as I passed them in the dining room. I wasn't surprised to find my parents dancing in the kitchen. My dad had his arms wrapped around my mum's waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as he whispered Merlin knows what into her ear. Mum attempted to carry on cooking as she laughed at whatever my dad was saying, but in true James Potter fashion he wasn't having any of it. He snatched the wooden spoon from my mums' hand, throwing it on the side. He then began to waltz my mum around the kitchen island. I stood, smiling, watching them from the kitchen doorway. They were always like this. My parents were one of them couples that were annoyingly in love. They got to together at 17 and had been inseparable ever since. Growing up I had always wanted what they had, and I would never settle for anything less than true love as I had seen what it looks like. Ginny was that for me. Mum had told me you know you have met your one when, after you kiss them for this first time you look into their eyes and you just know. To be honest, I always thought it was a load of crap, but I wasn't ashamed to admit when I was wrong, and boy was I wrong. The world changed for me the day I kissed Ginny Weasley. 

My mum finally spotted me in the doorway as she squealed shoving my dad off her and coming over to me to wrap me into one of her bone crushing hugs.
"have you been here long? Is Ginny with you? Do you want a drink? Something to eat?" My dad laughed from beside my mum
"let the poor boy speak sunshine" He moved forward giving me his own hug
"its good to see you son" They did this every time. They always acted as if I hadn't seen them in months. I was here two days ago. I wouldn't swap them for the world though. People always say their parents where the best. But they would be wrong. As me and Hailey had hit the jackpot with our mum and dad. I was about to answer my mum's million questions when gramps shouted that Theo had arrived. 

We moved into the living room but there was no Theo.
"Hails, are you not going to open the door?" my mum asked approaching my sister.
"not until they promise to behave" she said gesturing round the room where our whole family had squeezed into.
"They will. Wont you?" My mum had this look that would get you to do whatever she was saying, and she was using it now. Reluctantly our family agreed. Hailey sighed moving towards the door. My dad, uncles and gramps all stood to move with her. My mum spun around glaring.
"only James and Harry can come. We don't want to overwhelm the boy" with a grumbled my uncles and gramps sat back down

In the entry way I watched as Hailey took a deep breath before opening the door to a very nervous looking Theodore Nott. I had heard of Theo when I was at school. He was on the Slytherin quidditch team, I even think he was the captain now. Dad had made a snarky comment when he found out Theo was a Slytherin only to be scolded by mum saying my aunt Lucy would haunt him for that comment. I unfortunately don't really remember my aunt Lucy but from the stories mum had told me it made sense why dad was terrified of the chance of her haunting him. According to Ginny, Hails who was a smart ass Ravenclaw, had met Theo when my mum partnered them together for a potions project. Dad had again not been pleased when he found out my mum had sat his precious little girl next to a boy but seeing Hailey now, as her face lit up just from seeing Theo, I understood why my mum had done it.

"Hey Thee" next to me my dad rolled his eyes muttering 'Thee' under his breath. My mum heard him and I didn't miss the way she purposely stood on his foot as she moved forward.
"Hi Theodore, I hope your having a nice easter break so far?" My mum gave him her mega watt smile. Theo shook her hand firmly
"Its  been great Mrs Potter, thank you" my mum immediately waved him off
"Please call me Emily when  we are out of school" Theo seemed a bit more relaxed as he smiled at mum. That was until he turned to look at me and dad. We stood shoulder to shoulder, arms crossed, not a hint of a smile on our faces. Both Hailey and mum rolled their eyes from where they stood behind Theo.
"Mr Potter's" He said nervously. I did feel a bit of sympathy for the kid. Ginny had 6 older brothers after all. Since my dad wasn't budging, I took pity on the boy
"Good to see you again Nott" I said raising my hand for him to shake.
"you too. Great game last night by the way. The other seeker didn't stand the chance" if the kid kept giving me compliments, I guess I could be won over. My dad had yet to move.
"James" my mum said in a warning tone. Unwillingly, my dad uncrossed his arms, I watched wide eyed as he took Theo's hand in his pulling him closer to him whispering what I assumed was threat in his ear.
"do you understand me?" Theo had gone pale at whatever my dad had said to him
"Yes Sir" My dad stood quietly for a moment, looking Theo up and down, but a slow smile crept on his face.
"so I hear you are a quidditch captain" he said placing an arm round Theo's shoulder leading him off into the house as he talked about his days as quidditch captain. My sister quickly trailed after them not trusting my dad on his own with her boyfriend. 

My mum stood smiling as she stared after them. I moved closer to her, pulling her into a one-armed hug.
"you okay mum?" shaking her head slightly she smiled up at me
"yes, I was just reminded of something" I hummed in response leading her back towards the living room where poor Theo was being introduced to our misfit family
"full house tonight" I mused watching the scene Infront of me unfold.
"Just the way I like it. All the people I love in one place" Mum smiled happily.

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