Chapter 42

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Today was our first full day back home. The girls were going back home to their families tomorrow. Today, we were having our own Christmas day. Lily and I had made a Christmas dinner while Kayla and Lucy had decorated the house. After dinner, we all wore matching pyjamas, just as I had done with my family and exchanged our gifts as we sat around the Christmas tree. It was the most wholesome day.

"New Year's Eve, we are hosting right?" Lucy asked the group. We had planned to have a bit of new year's party, just us and the boys, even Peter was planning on coming.
"That's the plan. The boys are bringing the alcohol since we are proving the house and food" Lily explained.
"I think they are all planning on staying over as well so we might need to get some more breakfast stuff in when we do the food shop" I added. We had just enough room to fit everyone in. Sirius and Remus could take the guest room and Pete could have the couch.
"I might bring a date" we all turned to look at Lucy in shock
"not like a date date" she said quickly to clarify "Since I am going home for a few days, I will see my neighbours' son, you know the one who goes to durmstrang? We have had fun in the past. So, I might see if he fancy's banging into new year with me" we all complained at her. Lily even throwing a pillow.
"oh, come on we are all getting some! Even Em, after she finally let Potter slip it in"
"Lucy!" I said picking up my own pillow, hitting her with it again. She rolled her eyes at us.

In the morning, the girls made me leave before them so they could confirm I had in fact gone to James' house and not stayed at home like I had originally planned. I stumbled out of the Potter's fire and straight in the warm embrace of Euphemia Potter.
"oh, Emily it so good to see you again. Let me look at you" she held me out in front of her slightly "and look at that, even more beautiful. You are going to have to let me in your secret one day" I chuckled at her.
"Please Mia, you are extremely beautiful! Monty is a lucky fella" I said smiling at her
"did I hear my name?" I pulled away from Mia and ran into Monty's outstretched arms
"it's good to see you again sweetheart. I can't believe we missed you on the platform the other day" it was my plan to see the Potters before heading home from the platform, but Lily being Lily rushed us around, apparating us home as soon as I had collected my trunk.
"it's good to see you Monty. Thank you for letting me stay over Christmas" I said the last part to both him and Mia
"no need to thank us sweetheart your family! You already were before, but now that you and James are dating. Its official" I started blushing at Monty's comment forgetting I hadn't seen James' parents since we became a couple.
"he is treating you right isn't he Emily? Because if he isn't, you can tell me, and I will whip him into shape" I laughed at Mia
"Don't worry Mia, he is the perfect gentleman" apart from in the bedroom that one time but Mia definitely didn't need to know that.

"Come on Emily, lets sneak down to the workroom before the boys discover you're here I have some new ideas I want to run by you" Fleamont Potter might be the best perk to come out of dating James. Monty and I were just about to make it to the door to the basement which led to his workroom when Sirius spotted us. Monty let out a frustrated groan as Sirius barrelled over to us.
"I missed you so much" Sirius said planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek.
"Sirius, I saw you 2 days ago. Not even that it's been less that 48 hours" Using the back of my hand to wipe my face as I spoke
"exactly Emily. You know I have attachment issues. Now come on let me sneak you to my room before prongs finds out you're here"
"actually Sirius, Emily had already said she would come help me with something in the workroom" Monty interrupted Sirius. Before either of them could argue, James came around the corner
"you're here" running up to me bringing me into a tight hug, lifting my feet off the floor. Both Monty and Sirius huffed knowing they stood no chance now that James was here.
"I missed you" he mumbled before kissing my head
"I missed you too"
"erm excuse me, how come when I say I have missed you I get 'I saw you 2 days ago Sirius' but when lover boy over here, gives you the dreamy eyes it's all 'I missed you too' clear favouritism if you ask me" Sirius complained mimicking my voice at parts.
"come on Sirius, we don't stand a chance now" Monty said throwing a glare at his son while patting Sirius on the back. I stifled a laugh at the dramatic men. James was just about to take me off to his room when Mia came back through from the kitchen
"Emily lovely, I am about to make some gingerbread. Would you like to help?" I grinned at Mia and stepped away for James
"I would love to Mia" James gasped at me. While his dad and Sirius just laughed
"welcome to the club son" Monty clasped James on the back just like he had with Sirius
"face it boys, she loves me the most" Mia smirked at her family holding out her elbow for me to link. I just smirked at the boys as we left.

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