Chapter 35

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There was just me and Lily in the house tonight. Kayla and Lucy, who's relationship with her parents was slowly improving since moving out, had gone home for the night as their parents wanted to drop them off at the station for the last time on September 1st. Lily had tried reaching out to her parents and her sister but they never responded. My heart broke for Lily, but I must say she was handling it remarkably well.

"how are you feeling about tomorrow Lil's" I said siting down on the other end of the couch after handing her a cup of tea. This was the first time for both us that our parents wouldn't be there to send us off at the start of the school year. She took a sip of her drink
"I am doing okay, I mean, I have done everything I can to try and repair my relationship with them but if they don't want to know me, that's their choice. I am not wasting my time and energy on them. Life is far too short" That is something all the girls and I had took away from my parents' death, there was no guarantees with life.
"what about you, how are you feeling?" she asked reaching out to hold my hand. When it dawned on me that my parents weren't going to be there, I had a bit of a break down. Mia and Monty offered that I go with them but that meant leaving Lily on her own and I couldn't do that. After a lot of crying and talking it out with Mia I was in a better mind set.
"it's going to be weird. Them not being there, but like Mia said just because I can't see them doesn't mean they are not there"
"can you believe how much has changed since that first train ride?" Lily asked changing the subject.
"it's scary when you think about it. Imagine if we sat in another compartment what life would have been like" Lily hummed at my response
"I think we would have all found our way to each other still. Somethings in the universe are just set" I groaned at her
"Lily, if you going to spout some divination crap" She interrupted me
"will you just hear me out. It is theorised that there are certain things that are set in the universe for example soul mates. No matter what decision you make in life your soul mate is still set. I think that us becoming friends is one of those set things like no matter what had happened at some point we will have become friends we are just lucky it happened when we were 11" She explained

"you believe that?" I asked genuinely curious. She shrugged
"I like the concept and I believe in soul mates" I hummed.
"do you think Kay is your soul mate?" she blushed bright red
"The whole concept of soul mates is so interesting. Your soul mate doesn't have to be your romantic partner it can be anyone and just because someone is your soul mate doesn't mean they are yours" I rolled my eyes at her
"your avoiding the question Lil's" she huffed
"I think she could be, Yes." I beamed at the blushing girl.
"what about you, is James your soul mate?" she tried to tease me.
"nah, Lucy is probably my soul mate" I answered brushing her teasing comment off. We both started laughing
"I do like the idea of us all being friends in any universe though" I continued. She whacked my arm
"I told you divination can be cool" I made a face
"I wouldn't go that far Lil's"

In the morning both me and Lily were rather quite both stuck in our own thoughts. Since no one was going to be in the house for months Lily and I went around the house making sure everything was turned off and the fridge and freezer were empty, so we didn't come back home to any major disasters at Christmas. We were cutting it close for time I think both of us didn't want leave until the last minute, trying to prolong the inevitable. I walked into the living room and smiled at Lily.

"hey Lil, want to take a picture before we go" I knew her parents had taken a picture of Lily every year on September 1st and I didn't want to her to not have the full set.
"only if you get in the picture with me" We used Lily's muggle camera as that how all the other photos had been taken it was a nice picture. Bittersweet but still nice.
"we need to go now Lil" I said holding out my hand to her. Lily had been pretty relaxed about today whereas I had spent a whole day crying about it already so was relatively prepared for the day. Whereas, I think it had only just really hit Lily that her parents really weren't coming. She took my hand and I apparated us directly onto the platform. I looked up at the scarlet train with the same wonder I had when I was 11. I heard Lily let out a small whimper next to me.
"you're doing great Lil, let's get on the train" I wrapped my arm over her shoulder and guided her to the train. We quickly boarded but not before looking over my shoulder like I always did for one last look at my mum and dad. I couldn't see them stood there but I knew they were there.

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