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Narrator POV

It begins long ago, with the fall of a dark Kingdom and the capture of one thought dead.

Elbereth, a warrior, wife, and mother. A Queen under the stars, and an elf that shone so bright, she even caught the eyes of the darkest shadow.

Sauron, a Maiar of high caliber before his corruption, a being, that despite all the power he had prior to his fall at Isildur's hand, found himself, in a sense, lonely. For there were none that could match or counter his power, none that could match or counter his shadow.

It is with these two that our story begins....

Year 2798 of the third age
Month of Nínui (February)

Sauron was defeated, for now. The heir of Elendil had stolen the ring, it was just a matter of time before the corruption reached his heart and consumed his soul. Until then he had to recover. He needed to rebuild his strength and his power. He'd been forced to fake his 'death' in order to get away safely. It wasn't long after his strategic retreat that the kingdom of Angmar was attacked.

While he observed the final battle, after a 675 year long war, at Gundabad, he saw a vibrant warrior elleth, with silver hair. She was intriguing to say the least. She flowed gracefully across the battlefield almost as though she was dancing. He decided he could use this elleth. But how? He knew she was special, so how could he use her?

He studied her movements as battled against a few of the Gundabad orcs. He realized that this elleth, this warrior that held her own against some of his strongest orcs, was powerful. More than just the physical prowess she showed. He could feel the magical strength she radiated.

He knew then, how he could and would use her. He would combine his power with hers. He would turn her into his vessel; for a better and stronger return. He just didn't expect the true outcome and consequences of his actions.

***Time Skip 1 month later***
Month of Gwaeron (March)

The sacking of Gundabad, the last time she saw her husband, her King. Queen Elbereth, wife of King Thranduil, and guardian of the stars. She kept thinking back to her family. She hoped they were well. She prayed to the Valar that Thranduil made it back to their son, Legolas.

Elbereth wasn't sure how long she'd been there. Trapped within the cavern cells below mount Gundabad. All she knew was that their old enemy was here. They thought him dead and defeated. She was scared, and was rapidly losing any kind of hope for escaping her fate. Why was she even still alive? She just didn't know.

Elbereth POV

I awoke once more in the darkness. I don't know how long it's been. They had made very sure that I wouldn't have even the slightest hint of times passage.

Out of the darkness I could hear it. The footsteps, measured and confidant, signalling yet another unwelcomed visit and one sided conversation from the enemy we were all certain had perished at Isildur's hand. After almost 700 years of believing him to be gone, along with my father-in-law, and he's now haunting my every waking moment.

The foreboding of his steps echoing off the walls sends a cold sweat dripping down my spine. 'Ilúvatar, hear my prayer, watch over the hearts and minds of my kin, may they be safe. May I return to them'

His steady gait is almost upon me, I'm certain. I hear his deep voice sounding almost amused while he taunts me. Yet again...

Sauron's POV

"Nuvenan ma son" I started. She merely side-glanced at me and went back to staring at nothing. She's certainly stubborn I'll give her that.

"Come now my dear" I began again "I am going to be, your only company for a long while. You may as well bestow your name to me at least."

I hear her scoff under her breath. "So you may have power over it, and me in turn? No thank you." Ahh, so she speaks. This is a welcome change. It is at least different than the complete silence for the past month.

"How long?" She asks me quietly. I almost didn't catch it she was so quiet. "How long what, Maethril?" I had a feeling I knew what she meant, however, who am I to pass up an opportunity to keep her talking?

"Anno enni Enner vellas" I heard her mutter. "How long have I been trapped here? And how long do you intend to keep me?" Ahhh, there it is. I've been waiting all this time for her to show even the slightest chink in her cold exterior. "You Muin nín have been within these walls for the past Orithil canthui". Scarcely above a whisper I hear her breathing hitch. It's clear to me that knowing how much time has passed surprised her. Whether this stunning elleth expected more time or less to pass is unclear. Time will tell...

Elbereth POV

"Baw!" Must he torment me so? Four Moon days, two fortnight's. I've been trapped in these caverns for a month. No enni Araw

"Why? Why do you keep me here? What purpose could you possibly have, that you insist on my presence?" I need to know. I need to understand where his reason comes from at least... I see him looking to be deep in thought. If it weren't for the amusement I can see shining clearly in his eyes, as the corner of his mouth twitches into a smirk; I would truly believe him to be thinking hard about what I'm here for.

"Ahh, hiril nín, you're to become my new vessel. The new me. Your power, while not as strong as mine, is strong enough to entice me to combine them. That, is your purpose here." His voice carried and echoed in the emptiness around me, bouncing off the walls ten times over taunting me, again, and again. The harsh reality of his words reverberating in my head telling me all I need to know about his intentions.

Sauron's POV

I've no doubt she knows which ritual I speak of. The Faer bang- ritual. An exchange of bodies via soul. So dark, that it's never before been done....yet.

Narrator POV

"This will be the last time I ask, maethril, Man i eneth lín?" She could hear the impatience in his tone, and could see the last of his restraint ready to snap. Rather than risk his temper in a physical altercation that she knew she wouldn't survive, Elbereth decided to at least yeild her name. 'Pick my battles' is all she could think.

"i eneth nín Elbereth"


"Nuvenan ma son" > 'I hope you're well'

"Maethril" > 'Warrior' (fem)

"Anno enni Enner vellas" > 'May Tulkas give me strength'

"Muin nín" > 'My dear'

"Orithil tâd" > 'Two Moon nights'

"Baw!" > 'No!'

"No enni Araw" > 'May Oromë be with me'

"Hiril nín" > 'My Lady's

"Faer bang-" > 'Soul trade'

"Man i eneth lín?" > 'What is your name?'

"i eneth nín Elbereth" > 'My name is Elbereth'

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