Enter: Uchiha Madara

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Madara began, 'Itachi, what does it mean to be a good person?'

'Why do you ask?' Itachi replied.

'When someone kills another person they are viewed as a murderer but when a ninja kills on a mission it is viewed differently and accepted... Why is that?'

Itachi looked at the sun setting in the horizon as Sasuke slept, his head on his lap.

'It is the reason behind the action that matters. Ninja kill to protect what they view as right, the average murderer does it for a selfish reason, such as increasing their material wealth. The difference is one kills to protect while the other kills to take more.' Itachi explained.

'So if I kill to protect someone or to achieve a goal that seems virtuous, is that okay...' Madara asked clearly confused.

'Let's finish this conversation another time, right now I need to get you back home.' Itachi said as he stood up.

'Okay...' Madara replied. 'But one more question, why is there such conflict in our world, why doesn't everyone just get along?'

'It simple really' Itachi began. 'First someone did something wrong and another person decided to take revenge. This affects someone else, who then decides to take revenge on wrong doer and it repeats. The cycle repeats over and over perpetuating. Sadly, it seems to have deep roots in our clan and is known as the curse of hatred.' Itachi finished.

'I made up my mind' Madara said.

'About what?' Itachi replied.

'I will never fall victim to our clan's curse of hatred' Madara said. 'I promise, and I don't break my promises.' The boy said with a grin.

This made Itachi smile as he took the boy home before returning to his home with Sasuke.

- Flashback ends-

'Madara! Madara! Earth to Madara!'

Madara had zoned out thinking about what Itachi had told him, what felt like decades ago but was in reality only 6 years ago. Then why, why had he killed their whole clan... He left no survivors apart from himself (Madara) and Sasuke. That night was a dreadful one marked by the awakening of Madara's and Sasuke's sharingan.

Madara looked towards the voice that called him, it was Naruto. Naruto and Madara had become friends when they were much younger. Madara noticed that people were keen on avoiding the blonde haired boy, and when asking his parents about it, they refused to answer him. Madara felt bad for the boy and decided to be his friend and since then they forged a bond as strong as brotherhood.

'Are you alright Madara?' Naruto asked looking intently at his friend.

'Yes I am. Where is Sasuke?' Madara asked looking around for his friend. Sasuke and Madara were not brothers but cousins and to their knowledge they were the last surviving Uchiha in the world, apart from Itachi. They knew each other since their youth and had formed a brotherly bond aswell.

So to Madara he had 2 brothers: Sasuke and Naruto. He cherished them and protected them.

'Hey Madara.' A girly voice called from behind.

Madara didn't reply, he knew who it was. It was Sakura Haruno, a girl in his year who wouldn't stop pestering him. Sakura did not take the hint but instead pushed Naruto aside to get closer to Madara. This enraged Madara who told Sakura she simply 'wasn't worth his time' before helping his friend up and moving sits, leaving the girl melancholic.

Sasuke finally returned from the bathroom and not a moment too soon as Iruka slowly trailed behind him.

'Good job passing your genin exams! I am sure all of you will be amazing ninjas. Today, you will be meeting your jonin senseis...' Iruka said.

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