Calm before the storm

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About three weeks had passed since the one month break before the finals of the chunin exams. Naruto had left with a man named Jiraiya, one of the three legendary sannin, to train. Madara and Sasuke were left to train with Kakashi.

Madara took some pages from Rock Lee's book and trained with weights on to increase his speed. He also improved his chakra levels making Kakashi wonder how massive his chakra levels would be in future. He furthermore improved his tempest blade and he and Kakashi finally began to perfect his water style. Due to the intense training Madara unlocked two tomoe in his other eye, with gave him a completed pair of two tomoe sharingan as before he only had two in one eye and one in the other.

Sasuke continued to perfect his chidori aswell as becoming faster. Kakashi also took his time to increase Sasuke's taijutsu prowess. Sasuke had improved greatly but from his view, Madara seemed to improve much faster something that seemingly frustrated Sasuke.

Madara was able to help his summons(Kasei, Kuzoku, and Kuroki) to improve their abilities, making them much stronger than earlier. During the one month break, Madara also tried to speak to Temari more but she seemed to avoid him which confused Madara. One day he eventually caught her.

'What do you want?' Temari said.

'Why are you avoiding me?' Madara asked. 'I thought we had become friends...'

'It is none of your business...' Temari called out before body flickering away.

Madara was very confused, and wondered if he had done anything wrong. But he decided to worry about it later and went on training with his summonings. This training helped Kasei upgrade his flame control, and Kuzoku to begin to develop his earth style more and most surprisingly he started learning ice style. As a wolf summoning, his blood line had a connection with ice and had the ability to manipulate ice.

Sasuke kept improving aswell, even obtaining a summoning contract with a hawk although it was only for emergencies as it consumed a lot of chakra.

- One Week Later -

Madara and Sasuke arrived to the stadium on time. Kakashi wanted to delay their arrival but Madara made sure not to arrive late.

It was a good day for the occasion, there were blue and clear skies which were seemingly boundless. There was a cacophony of noises arising from the crowd with everyone bustling about trying to find their sit.

On their way into the village, there was an eerie silence all around, a sort of foreboding sound but Madara assumed it was because of everyone being at the stadium.

As Madara and Sasuke walked into the locker room, an arm wrapped around both their necks. They looked to the side to see a familiar grinning face, with whiskers on his cheeks.

'Hey guys! Long time no see!' Naruto yelled.

They exchanged greetings with fist bumps as they spoke about their endeavours over the last month.

Madara caught Temari looking at him and offered a smile but she just turned away from him. He needed to get to find out what he did wrong, but that would have to come later as he needed to concentrate on the upcoming battles.

As the three continued to discuss their activities during the past month, the jonin who refereed their last matches walked in.

'Alright guy, these are the matchups for the first round of these finals.

'First we have Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyuga' The proctor yelled.

'Perfect' Naruto thought staring at Neji. 'He will pay for what he did to Hinata...

'Next we will have Shikamaru Nara vs Choji Akamichi' the proctor continued

Choji and Shikamaru looked at each other immediately.

'What a drag' Shikamaru thought facepalming.

The proctor continued, 'Next, Temari versus Ren'

The two Shinobi looked at each other in anticipation.

'Penultimately we have Madara vs Sasuke and finally we have Gaara vs Shino Aburame...' The proctor called turning his back and walking unto the battle ground of the arena. 'Be out in 3 minutes Naruto and Neji. The rest of you go to the stands.'

Madara and Sasuke were still completely lost in what the man had said. It was the two of them, against each other.

Sasuke opened his mouth, 'Perfect, now we will now who the stronger Uchiha is...'

'Yep, in front of the whole village aswell. Jeez. I can't even pee if someone is standing behind me. Now I have to fight in front of the whole village.'

Naruto hadn't said anything since his opponent was announced.

Madara walked over and tapped him.

'Earth to Naruto' he called.

Naruto said nothing. He was focused and ready for his fight.

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