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It had been a week since team 7 had returned from the land of waves mission. Madara got his second blade from the sword seller, who had promised him his sword earlier. Now he was the owner of two katanas.

Madara's and Sasuke's sharingan had developed, with Madara and Sasuke having 2 tomoe in one eye and one tomoe in the other.

After the team had eaten lunch at Ichiraku's Ramen, the came across some people they did not recognize, and one of them seemed to have been bullying Konohamaru, the third hokage's grandson.

Madara sat in a tree above them, and threw a small stone hitting the one holding Konohamaru by the collar on the head.

Naruto then blitz past, the guy holding Konohamaru, saving the boy from his grasp.

'Who are you guys? I have never seen you in the village before...' Sasuke asked.

'I am Gaara of the desert. These are my siblings Temari and Kankuro. Now get out of my way before I kill you.' The red haired boy said as blood lust radiated off him.

Naruto, Sasuke and Madara stood against Gaara, Kankuro and Temari.

'I dare you to try' Sasuke says annoyed.

All of a sudden, sand from the path way began to come towards the three.

The three dodged the sand, and then split up to form 1V1s.

Madara opponent was Temari. Madara scanned his opponent. She had teal eyes, and her sandy hair formed 4 buns on the back of her hair. Her outfit was a very light purple character with a red sash around her waist. On her back was what seemed like black bar.

'Your cute, shame I have to take you down' the sandy haired girl said, pulling the bar of her back.

The statement took Madara off guard, Temari used this as her chance to hit first. Madara noticed and managed to dodge just in time, before blocking a swing from the metal bar with his sword.

Before the fight between the two teams got more intense, Kakashi stepped in between stopping them.

'Enough.' Kakashi says with a sigh.

Temari, Gaara and Kankuro turned around to walk away, seeing no point of staying any longer.

As they rounded the corner, Temari looked back at Madara. 'Bye!' she said winking at him.

For some reason it caused him to blush slightly, lots of girls had hit on him before, and he brushed them all off without a second thought. But she seemed different.

Naruto seeing this began to tease Madara causing Madara to turn even more red.

Kakashi took his students to the training grounds.

'Those kids you meet earlier aren't from our village. Basically, the chunin exams are taking place this year, here in Konoha. I decided you guys are more than prepared to handle it, you have gotten way stronger over the course of our time together so I believe you can become chunins. Your mission to the land of waves just solidified my opinion.' Kakashi said his eyes making a smiling face.

Kakashi then gave them forms to fill, telling them to bring the forms to a designated building the next day.

'Kakashi Sensei' Madara said. 'Could you help me with my jutsu again? I used it for the first time against that masked figure person... It was tasking and made me very tired after. I tried to use it again but it didn't seem to have the same strength. My anger seemed to boost it, but relying on anger as a Shinobi seems foolish'

'I can help all of you with your jutsu. Plus Madara, I need to help you and Sasuke learn to use your sharingan better...' Kakashi said.

'Naruto keeps practicing that jutsu I have been teaching you. The rasengan. Sasuke keeps practicing your chidori. I will be back soon after helping Madara with his tempest blade.' Kakashi said clearly.

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