2.4 - The Prime Minister's Mansion must be free of chickens and dogs.

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2.4 - Three days later, the Prime Minister's Mansion must be free of chickens and dogs.

  Li Shoude stood guard outside the door of Ziji Palace, with his hands folded in his sleeves and his body hunched low, wishing he could shrink himself into a stone statue, unable to see, hear, or even feel...

  I don't know whether it's good or bad luck that the new beauty came to bed today. His Majesty is usually very unpredictable, especially when he met Marquis Weiyuan, let alone how easy it was to do that. After returning from the border, as soon as he entered the palace today, he mentioned the most unmentionable thing about Prime Minister Fu. Now hearing the sound of crackling and breaking utensils coming from far inside the hall, Li Shoude was startled and felt his heart drip. Blood.

  What a fuss was... He didn't even have time to exchange the valuable things out first. His Majesty got angry and the inner treasury suffered heavy losses...

  In the Ziji Palace, Lu He knelt on the spot without saying a word. The emperor in front of him was walking around irritably, with the corners of his robes billowing in the wind. He was obviously very angry.

  He was a little distracted again, looking at Xia Zhi's still bare feet, a little worried that he would step on those fragments - if the dragon's body was damaged, his sin would be huge.

  "I don't understand you," Xia Zhi finally stopped, leaning over and squinting at Lu He. He had no attention at all to the other beauty who was huddled in the corner trying to reduce her presence, "Does Lu Qing know that there are people outside? What do you think? Those rotten scholars think that Fu Jia's suffering is all under your control. Why, do you still want to save your image? "

  Lu He raised his head and looked at him: "No...you should have heard about what happened in front of the palace gate."

  Xia Zhi straightened up, his hands behind his back with an unpredictable expression.

  Indeed, before Lu He came in, he had already heard the secret guards report about the dispute in front of the palace gate. Because of this, the emperor never expected that Lu He, who had always been sensible, would just meet him face to face. Praying to Fu Jia so firmly...

  Fu Jia...

  He must die!

  But seeing Lu He kneeling with a stubborn look on his face, Xia Zhi couldn't help but get a headache again.

  The rumors from the outside world are true - among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, he did have a soft spot for Lu He . To be honest, among those young and old courtiers who are either tall and thick or weak, who can not like the dazzling Marquis Weiyuan like a phoenix caught in a pheasant? Not to mention that he is very useful in battle. He shows off his power outside, but he is as obedient as a little lamb in front of himself. Over the years, Lu He has never done anything against his will, except that he has never really been able to drag people into the dragon bed for a taste.


  "Kneel here if you want," the emperor finally said angrily, "Lu He, don't rely on my favor to be lawless - no matter what, in three days, no chickens or dogs will be left in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

  "His Majesty......"

  "If you don't go, Fu Jia will have many enemies in the court. There will be countless moths who are more greedy and cruel than you. Think about it yourself."


  "Li Shoude, come to Bichen Palace, where I have been resting for the past few days."

  The steward loudly agreed outside and trotted in. He personally changed the emperor's clothes and cleansed his face without looking away. During the whole process, he didn't even glance at the other two people present. Lu He lowered his head and stared at the gold woven fabric on the ground. tattoo, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

  The huge Ziji Palace soon became empty. Lu He knelt on the spot in silence. After a while, he heard the girl who was also left here begin to sob quietly. The thin sobs were sad and sad, and those who listened I felt very uncomfortable.

  ——Even if she escapes today's death, her whole life imprisoned in the palace is still ruined.

  Lu He sighed, and was thinking about whether it would be a loss of character to comfort her with words, when suddenly his vision went dark, dizziness rushed into his brain, and his body was about to fall forward uncontrollably.

  The palace concubine exclaimed: "Master Lu——!"

  Lu He quickly stretched out his hands to support the ground, and finally managed to control his body. He looked up and saw the little girl stumbling over, with tears still remaining on her face: "Sir... you are bleeding!"


  Lu He was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and realized that there was blood oozing from his chest and abdomen - he had just won a big victory on the battlefield of Beirong the day before yesterday, but his coach was also injured, and was urgently recalled by the emperor, so he ran away without stopping. After a few days, not only did the wound not heal, but it became more serious.

  He raised his breath slightly and tried to keep his expression and tone as gentle as possible: "Excuse me, madam, can you find me some clean cloth?"


  The girl bit her lip, struggled for a moment, then stood up carefully. After a while, she came back with some clean silk and a small jar of water, and said embarrassedly: "I only found these..."

  "Thank you," Lu He nodded calmly, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, "Please step aside, my lady."

  "Hmm...? Oh oh." She was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned her back. Lu He then hurriedly bandaged himself with those things. He felt that his body temperature had risen a little, but now he was in a dilemma. No time to think about this.

  "grown ups......"

  He was thinking about how to persuade the emperor to change his mind. There was silence in the palace for a while, but he didn't want to hear a soft female voice calling him timidly again: "My lord, you just said...does the emperor really want to kill Master Fu?"

  Lu He suddenly opened his eyes, and the gaze hardened on the battlefield shot straight into the face of the palace concubine like an arrow. The little girl suddenly trembled and lowered her head in panic.

  He had a straight face and his voice was as cold as ice particles: "What do you mean?"

  The author has something to say:——————————

  What bold ideas do you have? Why don't I understand 233?

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