Episode 3: Training till I go craze

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 After the wizard told me this ridiculous story, it was already night. Actually it has been night time the whole time I was here. This remined me a joke I told once. I asked 'hey what do you call a sleepy cow?' 'BULL'DOZER'! HAHAHAHA!!! Get it!....... Nobody? Come on! Ok, never mind

"So wizard, I am pretty sure that I am not crazy, so why is it still night time when I have been here for so long?"

"This place is always night time because it follows the moon."

"Great, so now you telling me that a island is following the moon. What's next, I am the ugliest person alive and your just a little cute rabbit."

"Well, I actually can turn into a rabbit and any other animals."

"Wow! Cool! Ugh! That's not the point! I mean that this is all ridiculous, I don't want to be in the hero trope!"

"Well, like I said before, you can't leave unless I have trained you hard and your ready to survive the world out there."

So from what I understand, my mission here is to just train under him and then I get to leave? Ok this shouldn't be that hard, Right? I mean, I read in a web novels that heroes usually get to be super powerful super fast. So that means I am probably super OP! "Alright, I am ready! So what's the plan?"


Wait, heroes don't usually just sit around in web novel's? Maybe he'll teach me on how to consecrate my powers since it is so overwhelming! Hahaha! I am ready old man. Then I sat down and started to considerate on whatever goodness is in me! My face. My eyes. My hair. My irresistible smile. My RIZE!

"Now just don't think about anything and sit there. This will help you with patience and you should be able to find the voice within your self."

"Wait? What! What about my face, um I mean my training? I thought you were going to teach me to harness my overwhelming power?"

"You are right, which is why you have to find your inner voice. Now stop talking and start thinking about nothing. You are a man after all. Now I will leave you. Call me when you hear your inner self."

"That was so sexist! WAITTTTT! Please don't leave me!" Why did I just say that? I am Arthur Caspian, I can do anything, nothing will stop me and my RIZE! "Ok, I am ready to think about nothing.

"Good, I will bring you food once in a while."

Ok. this can't be that hard. I mean I always zone out and think about nothing. So I'll just here and look at the woods.



Wait what was that. Just now it wasn't my inner voice. That sounded almost like another person. Or maybe I am going crazy because I am thinking about nothing.

<Yummm, RICE>

Ok, who are you and what are you doing inside of me?

<YUMMMM, Oops, sorry, I am eating rice inside of your mind right now. MAN!!!! Its so good!>

AHHHHHH! How are you eating rice inside of my brain? Get out of there right now or I will mentally kick you out!"

<I can eat because I am using your memory to creating a bowl of rice and eating it. I also can't get out because I some how got into to your brain.>

"Wizard!!!! Come here right now or I might dieeeee!!! There is a voice that is talking back at me right now!!"


"Please come!!! I am sorry I called you a lizard! Just tell me what this voice is doing inside of meeeeee!"

<Please calm down, your disturbing my time of eating rice. I will give you a brain freeze if you don't stop.>

Nooo, please anything but a brain freeze, I hate those things.

As I was talking with this voice, the wizard finally came. "What do you need my boy! Did something happen?"

"Oh wizard, I am sooo happy to see you. There is this voice is side of me that is eating RICE, of all things. Get rid of himmmmm.. PLEASEEEE!"

"Wow, I am quite surprised you spoke to one of the Star Wizards this fast. Your brain really must be empty. Ask him what his name is and how he got there?"

"Um, Ok." Hey voice, umm what's your name? And also, how did you get inside of me?"

< I am Emerald the Young. As to how I got into you, I for some reason chose you at birth. When you were born, I came as a small light ball and merged with you. Now please, stop getting between me and my RICE!>

"He said he was Emerald the Young and he also said not to get between him and his rice."

"Oh dear." the wizard said worryingly.

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