Episode 7: Cinque Quest - Part 3

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 "Sir, our infantry is ready to move out." a man on my left said. There stood before me was a whole army of soldiers. I was standing on the balcony of a castle of sorts. On my left was the man in a white shinny armor. on my right was a man dressed in very fancy clothes.

"So what is this about," I asked, not wanting to know.

"Are you alright, my king," the knight asked. No, I wasn't. I really wasn't. Now I am a king sending people to die. This wasn't ok. Why does a fifteen-year-old have to choose the fate of this army?

<Hey listen, you have to get out of here. To do that you have to complete this quest. I know how important life is for you, in fact, I feel the same way. But this can't go on. You have to cheer up and face what is going to come. I'll be there for you and have a bowl of rice ready too.>

Thanks. You are right, that room back there was just a quest to tell me different kinds of choices. To let me gain experience like a video game. I won't let it happen in real life. I will make the impossible possible. I am a hero after all. "Yes, I am fine. Now please let's go over the plan one more time.


I see. So this 5000-men army is going to meet up against 10 thousand army and I'll be leading them. This is not great. I am taking a history lesson in my school. From all the wars in my world, bigger numbers are usually the winner. I also Don't want to fight. "Can I talk to their umm...Boss."

"It is not wise, but you can do it. The commander of the enemy's army is outside the border of the wall.

"Then let's get out of here, ummm. I mean to meet the commander." I followed the white knight through the city. I didn't pay attention to anything because I wanted to escape this place. I will convince the enemy to not attack.

We walked another mile after we got outside the huge wall and saw the enemy's base. It had a white flag that had a yellow star in the center of it. This meant that the king had come in peace. As we walked through the camp, the enemy troops looked like they would launch an attack on me.

"Well, if it isn't in the king. What do we owe the pleasure." A man who was in full black armor asked as he came out of the biggest camping tent.

"I want to ask your king something."

"Well then, follow me." We then walked through the tent. There in side sat 9 men. The farthest man sitting in the room, I assume was the king. Eight men were sitting in a circle with the king. The black knight sat down on the right side of the king.

"Oh, have you come to beg for mercy?" the king asked.

"No, I have come to stop the war. Why do you want to conquer this land?" Usually when a country wages war is for, money, land, or just violence.

"Are you so foolish that you are asking why we attacked? It was your men who attacked us first. Do not think you are in the right because of what your heart tells you."

What is he talking about? I thought this land was just getting attacked, not the other way around. Unless I am on the bad side. Then why were all my army dressed in white? Doesn't that mean we are good guys?

"Wait, what do you mean," I asked.

"You lying arrogant King, you attacked us because you couldn't get enough power for yourself. You killed my men, women, and children. HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO BE ALL INNOCENT! You are the one who raided my kingdom. Killed my wife. Killed my children. HOW DARE YOU, I Would Kill You Right now, but that would just put me in the same boat as you."

This looks bad. Why do I have to be the greedy king? I thought I was a hero. This is the worst. War is going to be impossible to stop. Emerald! Help me out.

<Just say you were sorry.>

Yeah right, like that od going to help. "I am sorry, I killed a bunch of your men and family, let us all forget that and get along." That is going to get my head chopped off.

<Then ask how you can be reconciled.>

"I am so sorry. What can I do to make you stop this war? I forced my men to do my bidding. The blood is on my head, I must be the one to take responsibility." I think that sounded quite kingly.

"Give me your life, and I will consider it."

Great, I now am going to die. I don't want to die, but I don't feel fear right now. Is it because I am dying for others. That is what a hero is supposed to do. To sacrifice himself to save many others. Am I a hero now? Besides, I probably won't die. "Yes, you can have my head," I said staring into the eyes of the enemy's King.

"You have heart, you are not the evil king I know. Who are you?"

How does he know? "Um... Would you believe me if I said that I am just a fifteen-year-old boy who has to complete a quest?"

"You are just fifteen? It looks like you're in your 50s. Magic can really do wonders. Yes, I believe you. That evil king would never use his life for the good of his country. So I assume then you killed the evil king and took over his body?"

"Um not really but yea, close enough. I really don't know what I am doing."

"You are brave for even considering coming here. You are quite an interesting boy. I will call off the war. After all, I just wanted to avenge my family and my men, but vengeance is not mine. I see that you have a good heart. Never become like that king who was worse than even demons." The enemy king said. He had this kind stare that seemed to know everything."

"Thanks, bro. I guess I am done." I started to look around for a door, but there was none. "What?" I tried to walk out of the room but I couldn't move out of the room.

"What are you trying boy." the black knight asked drawing his sword.

"Sorry! It's just, that there should be a door right now. I have completed the quest." Or maybe I didn't yet. Dang it.

"Well, if you are still going to stay, why don't we chat. King to King." Then he sent everyone out of the room. I tried to follow, but I just hit an invisible wall. "So what is this quest of yours?"

I came back to the enemy's king and sat across him. I still felt like I was in my body, so I didn't get why he saw me as an old man? I am super handsome. "Well, it's called the Conqueror of Heart, but I don't get what it means."

"Maybe you are not supposed to know. Maybe all this was just so you could talk to me. I think your quest is about finding what you're fighting for. What Your duty is. What you are willing to give it's all to fight for. To have the will to stand up for your beliefs. So what are you fighting for?

"Funness. I guess. I don't know. I was summoned to another world to save them, but it's not my world."

"I know how that feels. I was once like that. I didn't want to become the king of my country, so tried everything to avoid it. Yet, many people in my life helped me to realize that this was my duty. I lost my best friend so that I may finally open my eyes and see. To become a king is to protect its people. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because my feelings got in the way."

"I still don't understand. Why is it my reasonability if I don't even know anyone here? Why do I have to suffer, I just want to go home."

"Maybe you're right. Maybe you are wrong. But trust me on this, you will find something or someone worth protecting in this world. To sacrifice yourself for what you believe and stand for. The meaning of life is something you have to find. Not by yourself, but with people who care about you, to take the steps with you."

"If you say so." Then a door appeared suddenly in the middle of the room. "I guess it's time for me to go huh." I walked to the door and opened it. Right before I walked through the king said

"Know this, following your heart is not always the best. You must know what you need to do or what you stand for. Your heart could get in the way of that. Following your heart, well I believe that's one of the biggest human lies in the world.

"Thank you. Talking to you has made me feel so much better now. I will remember." I then walked through the door.

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