Episode 6: Cinque Quest - Part 2

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The room was so beautiful! It was a long room from left to right filled with six of the most vibrant rainbow colors I had ever seen. All the colors had a kind of glow to them that sucked you in. The colors were all blended side by side from left to right was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. In each of the color sections stood a door matching that color.

So is this related to the "Conqueror of Choices?" I mean, I am just a fifteen-year-old boy, I don't make the best choices at times, especially these kinds. Am I just supposed to pick one of these doors and go through it?

<How Would I know, but looks like it.>

Um..... What color... How about green. Your name is emerald and emeralds are green. With that decided, I walked to the green door. The smell was like trees, grass, and flowers. "This smells naturery."

<That's not a word, but yeah you are right.>

So I opened up the door. There was just this green screen of a sort in front of me. I decided to walk in without thinking much. There before me was an open field of the greenest grass I had ever seen. Even the individual blade of grass was all the same height to 3 in. "Someone must really like origami but didn't have papers to use or they were really bored. No way a lawn mower could do this."
Emerald, you know I had a rough time back there in the dark room, you want to know why? Well, it was because I was going through a rough patch. GET IT! hahahahaha

At least give me some kind of reaction.

<I laughed inside of my heart.>

That is so lame. I then looked behind me but the door wasn't there anymore. I guess this means that I have to find another way out? Oh well, let's get this one over with too. I walked through the open field. The sky was beautiful and over the yonder was filled with big cumulonimbus clouds. The warm breeze yet cool also blew in my face.

You know this is the most fantasy thing I felt in all my life. Not even the dragon compares to this. (Sorry old wizard.) This is so calming. I could stay here forever.


Ok, I really regret saying that now. It now has been hours since I started to walk through these fields. Nothing has happened, and it feels like we have been in the same space forever. This is not good for me. My face could get sunburned and I'll look like a Shar-Pei. Hey Emerald, do you have any ideas on how to get out.

<Give me a second, I am eating rice right now. YUMMMM!!!>

Finish up already!!

<One can never rush Rice Time.>


<I am finished. Anyway to answer your question. This room is called the Conqueror of Choices right. You have been making the choice to walk around here, but nothing is happening. You can't go up since you can't fly, but you could go down. You can try to see if you can dig your way out of here.>

Um... I don't want to, but you did get me out of the last room so, I guess. I knelt down and started to dig with my hand. You know the lawn mower was a good invention, but the shovel was groundbreaking. GET IT! HAHAHAH! ........ I kept digging with my bare hand.

After digging five inches into the ground. I saw a green door. Then I started to dig the shape out. After a long time, I had a whole door lying there. I opened the door and saw the colorful room again. "No way. That was not what I was expecting. Well, let's go I guess." I carefully climbed into the door. The feeling was wired having the gravity change halfway.
I looked around the hallway and found that the red door disappeared. The same with the green door. Aren't they like complimentary colors or something? Whatever, I don't care. It still looks like I have more doors to go through. Better now than later.

I quickly decided on the violet door. The same thing happened again; there was this sort of violet screen in front of me. I opened it and stepped through it without even thinking about it. I was then suddenly sitting on a throne looking over two people. The one on the left looked like a young noble because of the fancy clothes. The one on the right looked like a middle-aged poor beggar.
"Your Majesty, this noble killed one of my precious sheep. I was just taking a walk hoping to take a brake. Then when I returned, I saw that MAN!! Eating one of my precious sheep!! Please, Your Majesty, look kindly upon this old soul.
"I said I was sorry. It was one of your workers who offered the sheep to me because I just returned from a long trip. I had no intention to eat one of your sheep.
"Lies and deception! Why would the Majesty listen to you greedy nobles" The poor beggar cried out!
"Because His Majesty is Just and Fair." the noble replied calmly.
Ok, so from what I get, me a fifteen-year-old boy, is about to judge two grown men. That is so wrong. It looks like I am some kind of king. I was in a room with no doors at all, which was wired. It was a big room filled with violet things. The banners on the wall, the carpet, even my clothes. Hey Emerald, what do you think?
<I got to concentrate on eating rice. Why don't you hear what the witnesses have to say?>
So I just copied what he said. Then suddenly people walked through the wall. There were two witnesses. Apparently one was the guy who served the noble. Then the other who traveled with the noble.
I'll just give you guys what I understand. The guy who served the noble said he had no idea he wasn't supposed to serve the sheep. The guy who traveled with the noble said he saw the server killing the sheep and serving the lamb chops
Yummy! I would love to have some lamb chops. Haven't had one in a while. I wonder if this world serves lamb chops. Anyway, Eemarld what do you think? It sounds like the noble guy is the one who is on the right. The beggar seems to be up to something. But I also wonder why that noble guy was there?
<Wow, I didn't expect you to understand or pick up that the beggar was up to something. Same with the server>
Well, I am Arthur Caspian, what do you expect. I had to suffer through a lesson about being a judge to get extra school grades.
<WOw! I didn't think you ever paid attention to those classes. Though I think you are right about the noble.>
"So noble dude, like, why were you there in the first place?" I asked trying to look cool.
"Um... Um... I was just visiting the town. I passed a street and the server asked me to come and eat. Though he looked suspicious, I agreed. I really had no intentions of doing anything bad."
So he was dumb. Even I probably wouldn't do that. Why would you walk into a place that had suspicious-looking people? Emerald, I think this case should be closed. The beggar gets what he deserves trying to trick them. The Young noble just needs to learn a lesson so he doesn't do it again.
< Yeah sure, now stop bothering me and my RICE!>
"Ok, then it is decided. This case will be closed."
"But your maj..."
"This is what I have decided. You beggar guy, you were trying to trick the young noble dude. And you(Pointing at the noble) were dumb so you fell for the trick. The beggar just wanted money from you. Don't fall for it ok.
Then BAMMM! Suddenly everyone disappeared. There was just one violet door that stood there at the end of the big room. I walked toward it and opened the door. I saw the room with the rainbow doors again.
After stepping through, I saw that the color yellow and violet was gone. These colors are complimentary and they are disappearing by that pattern! So if I go through one more door then I'll be done.
I looked at the blue and orange door. What kind of mission is beyond those. I then chose my favorite color. I walked through.

The moment I opened the door, I heard a baby and a mother crying. I looked and there I was standing in the middle of the deck. On my right was a bunch of men tied off together. They were all standing on the plank. On my left, was a mother holding her child. "Son save your mother and sister." one of the men said. "Sorry crew, it was fun. Thanks for sticking with me till the end! I love you, son! Take care of your mother and sister."
"Chose my young boy. Will you save your father and his men or will you save your mother and your sister?"

"Wait, wait wait. What?" In front of me was a man covered in a brown cloak. I couldn't see his face. Both of his hands held a massive fireball. My mother? My father? And I have a sister. Wait this looks like I am playing a role of a son. I am supposed to choose one or the other. I can't! This is Impossible! Help me, Emerald!
<I don't know what to do either, sorry.>
What do you mean you don't know? How am I supposed to choose which lives are more important? This is bad! This is really ba..
"You have three seconds. 1"

No, No, NO!
"3" He then fired his magic at both the men and women. I tried to run into the brown cloak man, but before I could, I ran through a door.
Now I stood in a black room. That was horrible. There was no choice I could make to save any of them. There was none. I am just a fifteen-year-old. How was I supposed to pick? My eyes filled with tears. Though I didn't know who those people were, there were still lives. My mother taught me that each and every life is worth more than all the things in the universe. Yet, I couldn't save those lives.
I looked around and saw a box floating there. This was not worth it. How much more do I have to suffer through. I hate this place. I want to go home. I want to go home! I then saw a door that said:
Conqueror of Heart
"I won't walk through," I yelled. The box then opened showing a pair of boots. "NO, I won't wear them! This is enough. I want to get out of here!"
Nothing happened. I stood there. I didn't want to go through whatever lies beyond that door. I didn't want to experience more pain. This was horrible. This is why I don't want to save the world. Why can't someone else do it! Why does it have to be me!? I am just a fifteen-year-old boy.
<You need to go through. I know this is hard for you. If I could, I would give you half of all of my rice to cheer you up.>
Thanks. No point wasting more time. I took the boot and saw the note. I opened it and read:
There are many choices to make in life.
Some easy, some hard, some unpredictable. Sometimes you need to choose just and fairly. The most painful of all are the impossible ones.

I didn't want to read any of that. This did not help. I threw my shoes away and put on the boots. So, what can these boots do? I thought sadly.
< They are called the Boots of Path. This can lead you to anywhere you wish and does not expend your energy.>
I took the news. Then without a second thought, I opened the door and walked through.

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