Episode 9: WHYYY?

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I crept up closer to look. She looked around my height wearing a baby blue dress. Her hair was white and her eyes were sky blue. She looked so pale that the sun made her skin glow. It was devastatingly pretty. Then she looked at me but didn't say anything. I walked up to her brushing my hair and trying to look cool. "Yo, the weather is pretty nice huh."

"You smell."

"What!?" I DON'T SMELL. I then quickly smelled my armpit and instantly gagged. I thought I would almost die. That's right, I haven't showered since I came here. No wonder... Emerald!! Why didn't you tell me that I smelled!

<How am I supposed to? I am literally inside of you. I can't smell you from the outside. Also, that would be insanely wired.>

Ok, never mind but do you know how I can get back at her?

<Um no. She looks like she can..>

"Well, I am sorry I smell. But you know what, with that white hair you have I thought you were an old grama. That's why I approached you.

"Ugh, Stella(another word for the Star). Why do I have to meet up with this boy of all people?" She then stared daggers at me. "I bet you think you are a funny person."

"Well, a matter of fact I do. You've got a problem with that granny."


"Whoa granny, calm down, it's not like I wanted to meet you anyway. And Besides I don't know you so why are you here to meet up with me.

She then crossed her arms and her stares became even more intense "Because you, Blondie Boy, are a hero."

"WHOA WHOA WHOA! What are you, five years old. That is the stupidest nickname I have ever heard!"

"Well, it fits with your stupidity for assuming and calling me a granny!"

"Not my fault you look so ugly and old." I snap back though it was completely a lie.

Then she looked away and started to whisper, "Breath, Just breathe. This boy is the definition of dumbness but I am not. I am mature unlike him. I will be the adult here."

"I can literally hear every word you are saying!" I cried out.

She then looked directly into my eyes. "I am here because I am also a hero. You are summoned here to help me. GET IT! Blondie Brain, or was that so complicated that you need your mommy to explain it to you!" she said in a super whiny tone.

"NOT MY MOMMY! How dare you bring up her in this conversation. Ugh, I am leaving, I wasn't even planning to become a hero or actually be a hero."

"Well, you can't! Once you are chosen, you can't escape this hero path. I tried many times but I always come back to this hero path."

"You don't know me, so how would you know that can't make a path of my own!"

"You see Blondie Boy, the hero path also follows you. FOLLOWS YOU! Get it. Every choice you make is of your own free will. But it just happens that every choice you make is also the way to the hero's path. There is no way to run from it!"

"Then what the heck with the idea that I have free will! If the path I choose is the path I don't want to be on then there is no free will."

"You really are dumb. The Seraphic already knows all the choices you are going to make, but there are still your choices. He is the god of all things so he knows the future, the present, and the past."

"If he is so powerful, then why did he let the bad guy go and kill so many people. HUH?"

"Our thinking is never going to compare to him. We think human-like so we think worldly. The Seraphic thinks like a god, but he is willing to give us the answer if we search for it.

"That still doesn't answer exactly what I want to know."

"Well, you see dummy, the Seraphic granted all souls free will. There are laws set up in the universe to protect us and help us. But where there are laws to follow, there are also laws to break. Humans tend to get corrupt in the presence of power or money. Evil lives within us all because of the first human sin.

"This sounds so stupid. Who would actually believe in that kind of stuff? What did they eat an apple or something? Thats funny. You sound like you are a religious person granny."

"You will soon understand and stop calling me that! Anyway, I am here to take you to the Capital of Light. And before you ask, this world's name is Aldoria and yes it will take a good amount of time to get there.

Can she read my mind? Noway. I mean this world is filled with magic so maybe. Better keep my guard up. "Well, I wasn't going to ask those questions anyway. Think you are so smart.

She stared daggers at me again. "I really wish it was a responsible boy that I can travel with, but noooooo. I have to be stuck with you." She cried out into the sky and then started to walk in a direction. "Follow me if you don't want to die."

"I really don't want to but I also don't want to die, so fine! I am willing to work with you for now." I then thought about the old wizard. He was so much nicer than this crazy weirdo. 

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