Episode 12: The Capital wall.

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 It was night but by the time we stopped for rest. We were barely out of the woods and camping by the tree lines. The animals we were riding on were called Eruthos; let me tell you, they can ride. I think we were traveling around 90 miles per hour. 90! I couldn't breathe and my face was stretching in a lot of weird ways.

Before we left the town, I got a map from the villagers back there. It was like those old fancy-skinned maps. Apparently, maps are pretty rare in this world. I had to use Rose's status to get my hands on this. As I looked at the map of this continent I realized that this world is super big. I mean think about it. We were in a town that was supposed to be at the very edge of the Storm Forest. Yet it still took us seven hours to just barely cross it and we were traveling around 90 miles per hour.

"Hey stop just sitting there and do nothing! I want you to make the fire and food." She yelled at me.

"I am not doing nothing. You are doing nothing." Goodness, it was hard to look at her in the moonlight. Wait! I just realized something! There were two moons! The bigger one was white but the smaller one was brown. This really was a fantasy world.

"Would you stop getting zoned out!" She yelled then kicked me.

"Oof! Alright, alright alright. I will set up the campfire." I said in agony.

After setting up the fire using some wired noises, I wanted to know about Ariella but I also didn't want to die. "Hey so um do you have like this inner voice thing that talks to you or something?"

"Huh? What are you, crazy 'cause I don't have that kinda thing. What do you?"

"No, no, no. I don't"

<Hey, I am here and talking to you right now. Yum, also you should ask her if she likes rice. That is what matters the most.>

"Do you like rice? Wait sorry, I don't why I just asked that. So um...How did you get the mark?"

"Had it since I was born. You?"

"Nope, just got it recently."


Awkward. I have no idea how to talk to a pugnacious person. So I just turned around and went to bed. I am a simple man. If I don't know what to do, I'll just go to sleep.

That was basically how the week passed by. To tell the truth, I have never been good around girls. I just don't know how to talk to them. Though through my awkwardness I figured out that she likes signing. That's it. That's all I was able to get out of her, the rest of the time she just punched me whenever I tried to do something nice for her.

We only had seven more days left till the Dragon attacks.

It was around noon when I saw a huge, I mean huge city wall. This land was pretty much flat but I couldn't see the end of the wall on either side. It must have been a couple miles long. "WOW!" That was all I could manage. I heard that this was the 7th largest city in Aldoira.

As we got closer the bigger the wall seemed to grow. I mean it was at least 90 stories high or more. It was huge, but what else was cool was that the whole wall was made of water. I mean WATER! Imagine a 60-foot-thick water wall. IT WAS PRETTY. The sunlight made the wall look so cool!

"Hunf." What was she getting so prideful for? I saw her as she was doing her full of self pose. Then we found the entrance to the capital of Jal.

(Now you might be confused but this is the Catpial for the southern region of the Mikos. Each Regin has its own capital to run the towns around it.)

I didn't realize this but there were some kinds of creatures in the water. It looked like a worm with the head of jellyfish. It looked creepy.

"That is called Bitnash. When it is night time they shine like the stars or something along that line."

"Cool!" I then reached my hand into the water or at least tried, because I just felt something solid. I guess it's a wall after all. It would be pretty useless if things could get through or swim through in this case.

<For some reason I remember something about this place. I think I liked it a lot.>

We walked to the giant gate with our Eruthos. Ariella walked to the men in blue armor and said to let us in. The guy bowed and let us walk through. When I walked through the gate it felt like I saw in the ocean. Walls of water were all around creating a pattern, but it felt like I was in it. The Bitnash was swimming above my head. I wonder how this amount of water can be kept like this. I guess magic.

We then walked out of the wall. "WOW!" What I saw was amazing, I mean it filled my heart with absolute excitement. The whole city was blue. Most people would say this was too much, but this city balanced out its uses of different shades of blue. The most noticeable thing was the huge castle on the horizon. It looked like it was touching the clouds.

"What are you gawking at," Ariella asked

"Well. It's just. Wow. This is every boy's dream to be able to see a view like this one. Is this really your home?"

"Well yeah duh!" This is going to be my city when I come of age."

"Well, the castle looks super far away, how long is it going to take to reach there?"

"I don't know, why should I know."

"Ugh! Useless. OOF!" I got punched yet again.

We decided to head to something that looked like a welcome place for new visitors. The building was made of blue sand, blue roof, and everything else blue you can think of and imagine. As we walked in, I noticed all your typical fantasy races. Dwrfts, Eleves, etc etc etc! They were cool-looking with their armor and clothes. I realized that for some reason everyone was parting like the Red Sea.

"Is that The S ranker White Fist?" I heard people whisper. Then I noticed that everyone was looking at Ariella.

I thought people were looking at me because of my handsomeness but I guess not. I walked up to the receptionist. She was tall but skinny wearing a blue uniform. "Hey," I tried to talk in a deeper voice "How do I get around the down. Baby" I think that is how cool guys usually did it.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL HER BY THAT NAME!!!" I heard someone scream and then saw a fist flying in my face. "Oops, sorry"

"Oh no you don't!" Just as quickly as the fist came at me, Ariella suddenly blocked the attack. "He is new, so back off." Ariella then proceeded to punch the Minotaur guy who was twice her height.

"That really is White Fist." I head to the whole room and say in unison. "But who da the newbie that she's with?" "He looks weak" "How about I beat the hack out of him" "You already saw how that went for the last guy" "Yeah she is called the White Fist for a reason" I heard so many whispers going around.

"Everyone quiet it right now or I will beat the life out of every single one of you!" Ariella yelled and then the room suddenly became quiet.

"Um... So yeah, don't mess with me." I said cowardly. Then I saw the thing that I wanted. A map of the city of Jal. I then quickly left with Ariella behind me.

"So what is that for?"

"For going around the city and finding our way around it! What else. And no, I do not trust you to lead me!" Then we started to head to the Castle in the distance.

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