Episode 5: Cinque Quest - Part 1

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The moment I opened the door, I fell. This time I didn't pass out, though with all of my heart, I wish I did. I landed on nothing, it almost felt like I was flying, but I could definitely feel something solid on my feet. I looked around. Then suddenly, this sense of dread, coldness, and fear came over me. this feeling was unlike any other I have felt! In fact beyond what I have ever felt before. I was alone. It was dark but not black. I could see a few steps ahead of me.

"Hello?" I yelled, but no one answered. "Hello?" I yelled again, but still nobody answered. Then I felt that horrible fear again. This is not like me. Why do I have so much fear? I am Arthur Caspian, I fear nothing. As my thoughts went on. Something else came into my mind.

--No friends. No family. No one who cares about you. You make no difference in the world. You are just extra space.--

"STOP!" I cried out. This wasn't true, I have many friends, I have a loving family, and I definitely have people who care about me. Then my feeling of dread went away a little. I then started to walk in a direction with no destination. I walked and walked and walked, but nothing happened. Hey Emerald you there?


Not answering? I kept walking, then I thought about my future. How I would grow into an adult and get me a girl. Hehehe. Then as we kept getting older, we would enjoy the time with each other. Then we would both reach a hundred. Then death. My heart suddenly beat faster as my blood ran cold. Beads of sweat ran down my face.

--Death. Death.--

I don't want to die.

--Death. Death.--

The feeling of death crawling on my back. I quickly turned around, but nothing was there. Then I felt it again on my back.

--Death. Death.--

Why do I fear death so much? Is it because I haven't done anything important? Is it because of the unknown ahead of me? Why? Why? I don't want to die.

--Death. Death.--

No! No! NO! I don't want to die. I don't want to die! My whole body shook. My hands were so pale, and I was so cold. Nobody is here. I am all alone. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

--Death. Death.--

"STOP! I beg of you. I cried out. Tears coming out of my eyes. There is no happiness here. No happiness in death. No jokes to be told. Nothing to laugh about. The fear was so overwhelming. So uncontrollable!


"Nooooo! Who is that?" I yelled. "I don't want to die, leave me alone," I said with a quick pace.

<Calm down man. Have a bowl of rice. You are not alone, I have always been with you and never left you.>

No! You are just my inner voice. You are no one. You can't prevent death. Death is all around. I did not even know what I was saying. I did not understand what I was saying. It was like someone put those thoughts there.

<Calm Down.>

Then I felt a sense of warmth inside of me. Then it spread to my whole body. Whta was this. The sense of happiness, lovingness, companionship. "Huh? Why was I just acting that way?"

<Cause you're dumb. All the things you just said were dumb.>

Ok, you don't have to be that mean. I don't even think it was me. Anyway, thanks for pulling me out of that one. So, is this why that door was called the "Conqueror of Faear?" Also Emarld, do you know what that voice was?

<That was the voice of your true self. You are deathly afraid of death. Get it, hahahah>

Now is not the time to joke around. Not at a place like this one. Besides I didn't think you were the joking type. I kept walking in a straight line hoping to run into something.

<Well, the matter the fact is that in many ways I am like you. When I entered into your heart, when you were born; I was also basically a baby. So as I grew up with you, I experienced many things that you experienced.>

Then why didn't you like, you know, talk to me?

<I didn't know how. Every time I tried to speak to you, there was this kind of wall that blocked our communication. But you know, whenever you had a craving for rice, that was my doing.>

"No wonder I always felt weird eating rice." So why are you able to talk to me now?

<I don't know. Like I said I know the same stuff you do. But from what I guess; it is because this world broke away that wall that kept us from communicating.>

Oh, that is actually pretty smart. You know what this reminds me of a joke. You know what you call a wood that is scared? Petrified!!! Ahahahahah.

<You are so annoying, but for your sake, I am glad you are better. When you were terrified, your mind wouldn't let me make any rice, so that is why I helped out.>

"Oh come, at least a little sympathy," I said though I felt like he really didn't fully mean all that. "So are we like friends?"

<Sure I guess. I am literally stuck with you for the rest of eternity so, might as well.>

"Cool! With two brains, we could come up with all the best jokes in the world!" From then on, I had a friend who will always stick by my side for the rest of eternity! As I thought about these things, I kept walking in a straight line. Then after what felt like hours, I finally arrived at another door. Well, actually there were two doors. Both said:

Conqueror of Choices

As I was looking at the doors, a box appeared out in the middle of nowhere. It was a simple gold-looking box a little bit bigger than my head. Then it suddenly opened. Insdes lined with green cushion was a brown bandana. Hey is it fine if I grab this?

<Who knows? This looks like a reward of some kind.>

I guess it's fine then. I reached out and grabbed the bandana. Then the box suddenly disappeared. I then wrapped the bandana around my head. It felt so comfy and it kind of kept the hair out of my face.

<Huh? This thing can block all mental attacks. It is called the Helmet of Cerebral.>

Wait how can you know what it does and the name for it too?

<I can just see it. I can't describe how I see it though.>

As Emerald was talking, I saw a note there. It read:

You will experience fear far beyond what you even felt today.

But you are a hero, and you must fight that fear in your life.

Conqueror of Fear does not mean you are immune to fear.

But, you now know how to fight and stand your ground to it.

"Great, this is just great!" I will experience fear far beyond the one I already felt. But I at least have you, Emerald. so I'll be fine.

<That is right. Nobody gets between me and my rice!>

Ok, then let's go! I picked the door on the right and opened it. "WOW......."

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