Episode 10: The Burning Town

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"So, granny where are we heading?" I asked since we had been walking for a while.

"You'll be heading off a cliff if you keep calling me that Blondie Boy!" she yelled in my face.

Geez! I don't even know her name, besides it's all her hair's fault.

<Then why don't you just ask for her name. Maybe if you do that, then she won't want to kill you!>

"Well, then tell me what your name is and then I might Consider not to call you granny," I said crossing my arm and trying to look down on her, but it was hard since we were the same height.

"UGH! FINE! My name is Princess Ariella Rose from the Rosewater Tribe."

"Well, I am Prince Arthur Caspian from the Caspian tripe," I said mockingly. "Also, doesn't your name mean lioness? That sounds so funny. Brown and ugly.

"Because in my homeland, Auqabio, I am the fiercest fighter there is in my land. And don't you dare start to mock me, your name just means bear. A Bear. A lame old fat bear. Fits with your face and personality."

I then tried to punch her. I don't care if she was a noble or something. She was making me so angry I couldn't think. So I just tried to punch her, but she instantly evaded and landed the heaviest punch I have ever felt. I flew across at least 10 feet and then hit a tree. "OOF!" I coughed out.

"That's what you get for trying to attack ME! Learn your lesson Blondie Boy." She then kept walking.

"You get back! I just slipped! I didn't lose. YOU COME BACK!!" I cried out. I couldn't believe a girl that was only 5' 7" could do that. She wasn't lying when she said she was the fiercest fighter. So I ran to her trying to land a punch, but then she countered and landed a slightly lighter punch than before. "OOF!" I coughed out again.

So that's how our journey continued till night time. By then I had so many bruises that I was covered in green and blue. Though I did land a couple of good punches on her too. (Not really) We set up a camp and called a truce for now.

"Hey granny, can you set up the campfire while I go and find more sticks?"

"Um... No! I'll go find sticks and you can set up the fire."

"Why! Why can't you set it up, or are you too dumb to do it."

"No! I am not dumb! You are, which is why you are going to set it up."

"FINE! I'll do it then." I complained. Ariella then went away into the woods. In between our fights, she told me that we were in the Forest of Storms. This forest can cause a storm on all the other continents. That's because this forest has magic in itself. I didn't believe it but whatever.

I also found out that Ariella is actually not that smart. I asked her questions but she was barely even able to answer most of them. I also asked her simple math questions just to test, but she didn't know any of the answers. Apparently, she hates learning.

I mean I don't hate school but I also don't like to spend so much time on it. So I study hard to get out of school faster. I am fifteen now and I was about to enter a college in Florida. You see I am smart.

The rest of the night we disguised the path to her city. From what I understand about geography and our walking pace, we should make it in a couple of weeks. That's with carriage rides too. We'll be stopping in on a couple of towns too from what I can get out of Ariella. After our talking, we went to sleep.


"Wake up Blondie Boy! We got to head out now!"

As I opened my eyes it was barely sunrise. "Give me five more minutes," I said. Then I got kicked right in the gut. "Oof!" I then rolled a couple feet from where I was. "You white witch!" I called out.

"You are the sleepy head so it is your own fault. Now get up and let us get going."

"Ugh! WHY! I hate this! Why can't I just sleep in?" After complaining more, we headed southeast to her city. As we traveled for a while we hit a town, by then it was noon. "Oh no!" I said as I looked down from a high viewpoint. The town was in flames. "What happened?"

Ariella then started to run down the hill. I followed her. As we got closer, it was even worse closer up. People were screaming, kids were crying, and animals were running wild. These animals were unlike any I had seen before, but that wasn't important.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Ariella cried out. People stopped for a second but then kept on running around crazy trying to extinguish the fire. I then saw a kid crying all alone in a wooden building in flames. I ran as hard as I could.

You see I have always loved to hang around children. So kids were special to me! I ran into the building, grabbed the kid, and ran out. The building was so hot it burned all my arm hairs off. I let the kid go and she ran to her crying parents. "You are more braver than I thought," said Ariella.

"Well, a life is super important, especially a young one." I then remembered about the blue room I was in, where I had no chance to save any of the lives on that ship. I didn't want it to happen again. Then we begin running around the town helping everyone. We helped the town as best as we could.

Apparently, Ariella was well known here so everyone started to calm down. "The HERO is here. She'll save us all!" The people cried out. The town's flames still danced in the midnight. I was starting to get really tired running around so much. I looked at Ariella but she looked like she was still energetic.

We helped the town till the next rising sun. The town was finally saved and Ariella and I talked to the nobleman who was in charge. He told us that a dragon lord and demons came here and destroyed their town because they wouldn't join their army. I really didn't get anything they said though.

"Good for you! Now I am going to sleep, so good noon," I said as it was about to hit noon. I slept in a tent they prepared for me. I was tired and I really needed my beauty sleep.

<You did a great job out there. You saved a lot of lives because of what you learned in the cave. You were fearless. I gave you a bowl of rice right now if I could. You also made a lot of good decisions. I am proud of you!>

Why are you sounding like my dad, stop that. Anyway, goodnight or morning or whatever......

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