Prologe / Character List

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Disclaimer please read: A lot of things have changed since I wrote the first book from my writing style to the places I used last time, this one is going to ver closer to the og story but still is going to have my own touch to it, I have edited the other book (the adventures of the artifacts or my og Varian and the 7 kingdoms book) just be awear of that while reading.

Donella's POV

Deep in the forest around Corona lies an old shack falling to peices, it used to be an old barn for the castle but was claimed unsafe, now it gives shelter to a gray haired woman named Donella and her crew, "ma'am we brough back what we can" one of Donella's hinchmen says placing a bag down full of suplise, "whats the word from Ingvarr?" Donella asks as she looks over her maps and papers. Donella has been out here for two months planning her next moves, unfornete for her the whole kingdom is out for her.

"we don't know ma'am" the hitchman named Carl states fear in his voice, Donella slams her hand down on the wood desk, "I need to know how Ingvarr is behaving after that stunt the queen pulled of putting a bounty out for my capture" Donella says clenching her fist, "we're working on it ma'am we'll get it to you as soon as possible" the other hitchman Fred says, the Hitchmen shake in their boots, "well work faster" Donella shouts with a crazed look in her eye.

the two men run out of the shack out of fear, Donella sighs and sits down on the wood chair, playing with the knife in her hand, "when I get a hand on you Hugo you will pay!" she shouts out her eyes moving to the photo on the table, she picks up the photo of Ulla and her precious son that Hugo had given her when they first started this mess. bet that brat is living it up in the castle now, she thinks to herself.

"ma'am" a voice comes from the door "what!" Donella shouts, "a letter arrived from Viggo, he- he said the king and queen are leaving Ingvarr for the next few weeks, what's your command ma'am?" Fred asks, Donella's faces shifts into a smirk looking at the photo in her hand "pack up we're heading home" she says with an evil look in her eye. Fred nods and leaves Donella to her own devices.

Standing up Donella pins the photo to the wall, "i'll start with your precious Varian, Hugo" she says throwing the knife at the photo landing right on the small boy's face, "that way you will know all the pain I went through when i lost her!" Donella shouts again throwing her hand crafted throwing knife at the photo again this time landing on the red head know as Ulla.

"Everyone will pay, I will make sure of that" Donella says before pulling her knifes from the wall causing the photo to fall, picking it up she smirks "they will all pay" she says before lighting a match and setting the photo on fire, collecting the crews stuff she drops the photo setting the broken barn up in a blaze, Donella leaves the building to crumble not looking back. "where are we going miss?" Carl asks, "to the Ingvarr, time to over throw a kingdom we should have acquired long ago" Donella says throwing their stuff in the wagon, the three ride off to ingvarr, the war lands, for what Donella sees as her just reward........

words: 529 05/28/2024

Hello! Welcome back! Book two is hopefully going to be better with new charaters (Oc's or Should have been canon) a brand new adventure and we'll see where this takes us!

Charater list (just because)

Varian - Our spunky little alchemist who's still trying to grapple with the fact that he now is dating Hugo, his mother is stuck in an interdimensional portal, and Donella is still out in the wild yet to be caught.

Hugo - The sarcastic blonde thief who's now living a life of luxury in the castle with his own title and is slowly gaining the trust of everyone else, as he learns what real love is and that family isnt made with conditions, conversation is key.

Nuru - my favorite little lesbian who's best friend and crush is joinning them on this new adventure, learning she has more power than she initially realized and is ready to spend time on the road with her family

Yong - a yong teen to now thinking he's full grown is ready for a new adventure who cares more about others than himself, this teen is ready for a quest of a life time

Azelea (Oc) - Nuru's best friend and knight in training, she ready with the wind in her hair and her trusty sword by her side how hard could this really be right?

Donella - Hugo's former boss needs to find something that will give her the uper hand in an inevitable fight, with her best friend and most her men gone she has nothing left to lose

Viggo (Oc) - right hand man of Donella and loyal follower of her pursuit

Fred and Carl (Ocs) - two dumbasses who are only really around cause Donella has no one else to replace them with

and a few others you'll meet on the way, i hope you all enjoy this read with this new adventure, couples, and angst (still working on it) welcome back to the world of Varian and the Seven kingdoms enjoy!..................byeeeeeee.....................

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