The Map 3#

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(Hugo's POV)

do I feel bad for sending Varian to bed? no, no I do not. Am I babying him slightly? yes, but he wouldn't take care of himself otherwise, i'm doing this for his own good, at least i hope i am. "Is Varian ok?" Nuru asks "yes princess he's fine, just tired" i say slightly irrated not at Nuru just in general. she looks at me skeptical but doesn't ask another question.

We all head to the lounge room and talk about life, I'll fill Varian in later. when the door slams open "Raupnzel what's wrong?" I ask "I have word from Ingarvv" she says moving to sit next to me, "is it Donella?" I ask she nods I tense slightly "what's going on over there?" I ask, She frowns "nothing good, Donella's men have stormed the castle holding the king and queen hostage, Donella was also sighted grabbing a map of some sort" Raupznel says hanging me a rolled up peice of paper.

"from what my sources tell me this is what it looked like" she says I unroll the map and hold back a gasp "do you recognize it?" she asks Yong, Nuru, and Azzy gather around "I though it was a myth" I state "what is it?" Raupnezl asks again "its the map of the seven totems, its said in Legend that if you complete all seven trials and collected each totem it will revel the Eternal Library, but i don't know why Donella would want to chase this myth" I state looking down at the map confused.

"doesnt this library have any magic weponds or something?" Nuru asks "like i said its just a Myth, anyone who has gone after any of the totems either give up or die trying, its a lost cause, or so i've been told" i recall from memory, "well it looks like Donella doesnt see it as much of a myth" a voice says from the door way, i look over and see Varian "you're suppost to be resting" i state "i'm rested" he snaps back before moving to stand beside Raupnzel.

"i've heard the same stories, even if you find the map you still have hundreds of things in your way, theres a reason this Myth has stayed that way, look" he says pointing at the top coner "Crona starts here, it carries you though Krestan Loch, the under ground Laybrinth and the forest of no reture thats only to get to the first trial the others are much worse, not to mention half the monsters you could face along the way, its a hopeless journey" he says but i see that mischievous glint in his eye "we're going on it arent we?" i ask.

A wide smile apears on his face "of course Glasses, if the queen allows it" Varian asks looking at the brunette woman "i would say my crew would go on it, but with my current status and situation i can't really disagre, we need to know what Donella is up to and i already have guards as well as Cass scotting out Ingarvv so, i'll allow it" she says with a sigh.

"what about you three? up for another adventure?" i ask look at the other three teens "i'm in" Yong says "anywhere you three idoits go i'll go too" Nuru states "Azzy?" Varian asks "why not, a little adventure never hurt" she says with a bright smile. "that settles it, we leave tomorrow afternoon" Varian states, before leaving the room to prepare, i follow him back up to his room where i see him start to pack a bag.

"V?" i ask stepping into the room "yes Hugh?" he asks look at me, "i'm sorry about-" he cuts me off "no problem everything is fine, i'm fine i know you just want me to be at my best" Varian states shoving more things into his satchel "Varian i don't want to baby you but you need to take care-" he turns back around with a smile on his face that isnt very convincing "i said i'm fine and i understand, now we have a long trip starting tomorrow" he says and leans over kissing me, i kiss back before he pulls away, its to quick i chase his lips missing the conncetion "go pack" he commands and pulls out another bag.

i sigh and leave the room, I pack my own bag before heading down the hall to Nuru's room, knocking on the door it swings open, I peak inside and see Nuru in her bed, how did she? "what was that?" I ask confused, she turns her head and her eyes widen "ah, I though you were Azzy" she says "you have magic?" I ask confuse "something like that, look its a lot to exspain and its late and-" she rambles "I have time, spill Nuru" I state.

She sighs and closes her book, "sit" she comands, I do. Sitting on the edge of the bed. "Since i'm the princess and future queen of Koto, the wind kingdom, Royalty gets certain powers, but it skips a generation, for instance my mom doesn't have the ability but my grandfather did. It apperd shortly after I arrived home" she sighs "its wind magic or manipulating the air around me i'm still not perfect at controling it but i can now do stuff within a short distance, nothing crazy though" she says as she tugs at her gown, something I've noticed she does when shes nervous.

"that would have been helpful with Donella two months ago" i state, she nods "yeah, unfornetly no one outside the royal family is supost to know about this gift" she says gift like its poison on her tougne, "But Azzy knows?" i tease, she looks away "no comment" she mumbles, I chuckle "You can't tell Varian or Yong" she almost shouts, i look at Nuru confused "but we promised no secrets?" i sigh "you can't Hugo, i mean it, you arent even suppost to know, i know its my own fault but you can't tell him, promise?" she asks "yeah promise" i state sadly.

"i should probally get to bed, long days ahead" i hop off her bed and leave the room, Nuru closes the door with her powers behind me and i sigh, i don't like keeping secrets especially from Varian, i pass Yong's door and take a peak inside seeing him sound asleep on his bed, well falling off said bed. i shut the door back and stop at Varian's room one more time before heading to my own, peaking inside i see him sitting at his desk writing something before heading off to bed.

"i know he means well ruddiger" i hear him say to the raccon, the animal chirps back "i know he's my- whatever we are" he says turning red, whatever we are? arent we dating? "but still its over kill, i mean i literally inslaved a whole kingdom to do my bidding, not that i'm proud of that, but the point is i can take care of myself" he states before falling on to his pillow, i decide thats enough eves dropping and pull the door shut heading to my own room.

laying back in my bed i stare up at the stone ceiling "whatever we are? i like him arent we past that? arent we dating?" i mummble into the darkness, i've never dated anyone before i mean i've had a few crushes here and there but nothing sticks when your a theif, i mean thats how i know i like guys over girls any day but me and Varian are dating right? we should probally talk about that, thats the responsable thing, i mean i want to be more than just dating but that would be something awhile from now, yeah we need to talk about it, i'll talk with him tomorrow...........

Words: 1322 06/18/2024

Hugo and Varian are stuck in the "are we boyfriends?" loop.............byeeeeeee..............

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