Kresten Loch 5#

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(hey for future knowledge, the Tangled the series and VAT&K does not have a canon map that i can roll off of so we're just going to make some guesses, that being said if something doesnt line up don't question it, please i'm trying my hardest here)

Nuru's POV

It's nearly night fall when we meet the edge of Kresten Loch, the cold wind blows causing me to shiver, I wrap the blanket tighter around me to keep out as much of the wind as possible. "what now?" I ask Varian who's beside me, "we camp out for the night, tackle it in the morning" Varian suggests his teeth chattering, we tie up the horses throwing their own blankets on before me and Varian head inside.

Where its much, much warmer, Varian pulls the door to keeping out the cold. I find a spot on the carpet leaning against one of the beds "we're here for the night, has everyone pick their sleeping arrangements?" Varian asks, "me and Nuru are sharing!" Azzy shouts, to which I was not awear of this but I make no protest, so I like her big deal, she's my best friend. nothing is going to change that between us.

"Yong can have the top bunk me and Varian can share the twin" Hugo comments, pointing to the bed i'm leaning against. "so your just going to make that decision for me?" Varian shoots back, me, Yong, and Azzy watch the couple stare off "do you not want to share with me?" Hugo asks confused and irrated, whats going on? "well maybe i don't want to share a bed with someone who Invades people's privacy" Varian states crossing his arms standing his ground.

"You're still on that?! i said i'm sorry what else do you want from me?" Hugo shouts standing up from the chair "whoa, boys chill" i state being the mediator, the two stare, if looks could kill both would be six feet under by now "i think theres another bed under the bunk let me check" Azzy says giving me a look before pulling out the large drawer from under the bed "see everyone is happy" Azzy smiles I give her a nod. Varian and Hugo don't speak again going to their own separate beds.

I pull on my bonnet over my head and clime up the latter into the bed, Azzy joining me shortly after, "whats the problem with the two of them?" Azzy whispers turned on her side facing me "heck if I know, normal couple drama i'm sure" I comment back, she smiles "I hope i'm never like that with any of my future partners" she chuckles I smile and stare for a little to long, "what?" she asks her face shifting to confusion "nothing, just tired and cold" I state pulling the blanket further around myself but it isn't doing much to keep out the cold. "cold?" the red heads voice rings out, I turn back towards her "yeah" I mumble "we could cuddle?" Azzy suggest, it isnt weird cause we've slept in the same bed since we were young, Cuddling is just a step up, for warmth purposes only.

"sure" I say feeling my face flush, she wraps her strong arms around me pulling me closer, "Night Azzy" I say "Night Nuru, Night everyone" Azzy says off of the top bunk "Night" Yong is the only one to respond as I fall asleep in my friend's arms. Late into the night i'm awoken by a flickering light, I sit up rubbing my eyes, Azzy's arms still wrapped loosely around my body, I peak over the side of the bed seeing Varian still up.

I groan and clime down knowing Azzy is a deep sleeper and won't wake up to me moving the bed, once back on the wood floor I sit in front of Varian startling him "Nuru, is it morning?" he asks startled I shake my head still tired, but resisting the urge to roll my eyes "what are you doing up?" I ask he turns back to his notebook "making notes for the trip, where we're going, where we need to stop, etcetera" he states.

I take the quil from him "hey!" he whisper shouts, I look over my shoulder at Yong who's half on the bed half off it, how does that boy stay asleep? I look at the floor bed and see Hugo shuffling in his sleep before going back to a comfortble position looking back at Varian i give him a scolding look "bed" i state still glaring, he sighs "why does everyone tell me when to sleep" he mumbles "because you suck at having a normal sleep schedule, you are going to go to bed then apologize to Hugo in the morning i will not be dealing with two whiny teenagers for the next several months, fix it" i scolled before taking the quill with me to bed and tucking it in my bag.

i look down and watch Varian blow out his candle, i sigh in relife and craw back under the covers, Just to be abruptly awoken by Hugo shouting at me, i sit up not finding Azzy in the bed with me "whats going on?" i ask frantic as the Caravan shakes "Sea monster creatures are attacking Hurry up!" he shouts, I jump out of the bed throwing on a coat and shoes before running out side with Hugo.

He wasn't wrong, big blue frozen sea monster creatures are fighting Azzy, who looks amazing using her sword, Yong, who's using his fireworks as ammo, and Varian throwing his alchemy stuff. Hugo fights with his fists, of course. I go to join them and help when I'm grabbed by one of the creatures "let me go!" I shout he throws me and I catch myself with the wind land on the ground "i'm sick of this" I state before pushing all five of the monsters off the sides.

"that was annoying" I say when I turn around and see the three boys and Azzy staring at me "what?" I ask "what was that!" Varian shouts more excited than mad, "nothing worth mentioning to anyone understood!?" I command "yes ma'am" the three boys say in unisiont, I sigh and head back inside as Azzy follows close behind me shutting the door, "that was really risky princess" she says I sigh "well would you rather I let you all die?" I shoot back.

"no, but you know what will happen if word gets out the princess has magical powers" Azzy says laying back against the table, I sigh "I know, but how could it? we're all the way out here? plus those three are idiots, my idiots but idiots none the less, they won't tell, I know them well enough to know that" I say Azzy pushes herself off the table walking closer to me before taking my hands.

I fight the blush rising to my face "I just don't want you to get hurt ok? one because your parents would kill me and two because I care about you" she says worried, I nod "I know" I say as more words hang off my tonge, i care about you too more than you know, she wraps me in a hug before heading back outside, I change into actual clothes before joining the group outside "whats the plan V?" Hugo asks, Varian rolls his eyes, Seriously what's up with him?

"we have a straight shot path through Kresten Loch, if we can stay on course we can make it through by tomorrow morning, Hugo is up front with me, the rest of you keep warm, and Nuru can you chart our course?" Varian asks, i nod "can do Varian" i state, "good, now time to cross a frozen waste land" he says, we all look out at the deep pit of ice and i'm starting to regreat not packing an extra coat, adventure awaits, what could go wrong?....

Words: 1298 07/02/2024

What could go wrong indeed.........heheeheh...........byeeeeeee.........

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