Old Corona 4#

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Varian's POV

"why do we need to go to Old Corona?" Nuru asks "because last time I left I got scolded by my dad for not telling him that i was on a death defining adventure, granted he still doesnt know that we found mom and that she's alive just not here" i state "and that she tried to destory all magic as we know it?" Hugo comments, i roll my eyes "definitely not that" i groan "just don't mention it, also i havent seen him in a bit" i say before standing up.

"we're all hooked up, much better than our carrige from the last adventure" i say with a proud smile, "much better, thank you Queen Rapunzel!" Yong shouts, "no problem Yong" she says, "the Caravan should stay intact, i had Xavier re inforce this one" she states with a smile before walking over to me, squeezing me in a hug "don't almost die again" she whispers "we'll try not to" Hugo says answering for me, giving me a wink.

"what was your estimate for being gone?" she asks, "roughly six to ten months this time, possiblly longer, i mean there are seven trails not to mention how far we have to travel, the dark kingdom is on the list so pretty far" i rammble off, "just be safe, ok?" Raupnezl says, i nod and give her one last hug "alright everyone in!" Hugo shouts.

Me and Hugo drive first waving bye to Raupnzel and Eugen as we depart for Old Corona, "a new adventure, are you excited?" Hugo asks, i nod "if its anything like our last i think we're ready this time" i say, "last time was-" images of the portal and my mother flash before me, "interesting" i mumble, Hugo places his hand on my shoulder "were not going to let that happen again, i mean no moonstone this time around, we have our crew and a brand new home for the few months, it will be great Goggles" he states.

I smile "as long as we don't run into Donella i think we'll be right as rain" i say as we cross the bridge leaving the island, half way there Hugo pipes up again "since its just you and me right now, i wanted to ask you a question" he says "yes glasses and what would that be?" i ask "what are we?" he asks, my eyes go wide "what, what do you mean?" i question holding the reins tight "like i heard you last night saying whatever we are and-" i cut him off "you were listening to me last night?" i shout.

"no, no, i mean yes but thats not the point i'm just wondering-" he starts again "no, thats an invasion of privacy Hugo" i state fuming, i might have some anger issues "look Hair stripe i'm sorry ok? there i said it, but we really need to talk about what we are" he says, and yes we do need too, but him spying on me is clouding my though process "we can go back to that, right now i want to know why you're babying me? i can take care of my damn self" i say my knuckles turning white as i clench the reins.

"i'm not babying you i'm just worried i mean can you blame me? i've foud you asleep on the floor more than once not to mention you almost died, that would make someone who cares about you worry" he shouts "yeah almost, i didn't though i've gotten on fine on my own before i don't need you coming around and acting like my damn mother!" i yell.

"We're here!" Yong shouts from the side window, interupting our argument, i pull the reins to a hult and hop off the front as quick as possiple tying up the horses, "Varian please listen to me" Hugo starts again, i turn to him "not now, let's deal with my dad first then you can talk your pretty little head off all you want" i say pissed before heading to the back of the Caravan opening the back door "we'll only be here for the afternoon than we'll set off again" i say Nuru gives me a soft look "are you ok?" She whispers moving to my side after she hops out of the Caravan.

"I'm fine Nuru just annoyed is all, come on my dad will want to meet you all" i say and walk around back finding my dad in the feilds "dad!" I shout he turns around and smiles "Varian" he says he gives me a squeeze, "hows castle life treating ya?" he asks "good, really good" he says "and where's that boy, the blonde one, Hubert or somthing" he states "Hugo and he and my other friends are out front" i state.

i see his face drop "you're here to say goodbye" he sighs, i frown "we have another quest to go on" i say, he nods "i know, i just want you all to be safe" he says, we walk back over to the front and head inside, Dad pulls out some stuff for a late lunch, we all sit around and eat talking about where we're going, "i've always wanted to visit the water kingdom" Yong says stuffing his face with his sandwich.

"i can't wait to actaul stop in Bayangor this time, last time we just stopped for a moment, but the infrastructure is so interesting" Nuru says "Bayangor you say? I think your mom has a brother there, goes by the name of Ulf, I met him twice, last time I saw him was before your mom left" Quirin states, "how come you've never told me this before?" I ask he shrugs "Ulla's family cut me off after they got word that she had gone missing and they never really knew you so I guess it just wasn't going to come up" he states taking a bite of his sandwich.

"cool maybe we will stop by" I state with a tight knit smile, another thing i've been lied too about do people not trust me? I mean I wouldn't blame them I wouldn't trust me either. we finish eating and I send the others out to the Caravan leaving me and my dad alone "sorry for springing that on you son" my dad apologizes. "no i get it, we may be gone for a few months" i say brushing over his apologie, "how long?" my dad asks worried "six to ten months" i state i see his face drop before wrapping me in a hug.

"just be safe ok, i love you" he says forcing a smile "we'll try, thank you for lunch, love you too dad" i say giving him one more hug before heading out to the Caravan, Nuru takes Hugo's spot up front cause i really don't feel like fighting right now, "ready?" she asks i nod as she hits the reins, we wave bye to my dad and off on the road we go, first task get through Kresten Loch........

Word: 1184 06/25/2024

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