Screw up 6#

17 1 0

(Yong's POV)

We've only been on the road for a few hours and i'm already getting fidgety. I need to tinker with something but both Nuru and Varian would scold me and possibly consider murder if i did anything to the caravan, i also want to prove to them i'm not a kid anymore, I already goofed up in Varian's lab I need to prove myself, but i swear if I don't get my hands on something I might actually implode.

"Yong, can you help me with this?" Azzy asks, i nod eager to do anything, i bounce off the bed and head over to the red head, i like her shes nice i think if her and Nuru actaully started dating they would be perfect for each other But one is to dence to realize that she likes the other. "whats up?" i ask she turns around handing me a pile of peices, "i used the toster acidently as target pratice for my sword, mind fixing it?" she asks. can you guess who the dumb- dence one is?

"sure can" i state walking off, finally something to tinker with. i work on the toster that Varian made, the difference between mine and Varian's inventions is that Varian doesn't cause stuff to blow up unless he wants it too, i wouldn't be suprised if he's always been an amazing inventor. the Caravan stops abruptly, i leave my peices on the bed and head outside "whats going on?" Azzy asks standing in front of me and Nuru.

"Varian please!" I hear Hugo shout "no I don't want to hear it, we'll deal it it later!" Varian shouts back. I look at Nuru she glares into the snow I wrap my arms around myself its freezeing, "whats going on?" Azzy shouts drawing her sword "ice river, we either have to go around or risk crossing it" Hugo shouts over the wind. "you two go back in, i'll deal with it" Azzy states, I decide not to argue with the lady holding a sword and head back in Nuru is a little more hesitant to but follows.

I go back to my task as we start to move again, Azzy stays up front with Varian giving me and Nuru time to talk "something is off with the couple right?" I ask Nuru nods "tension can be felt, I don't know what about but those two need to sort it out or so help me I will leave them in the snow with each other" Nuru threatens and her threats are rarely empty.

We end up going around the ice river, I help Nuru with dinner as we make soup in the tiny kitchen I chop up vegetables and stir the pot as Nuru adds seasonings, "whats this soup called?" I ask Nuru shrugs "my family just calls it Vegetable soup cause my mom will make it when the cooks are out and usually what's left in the kitchen is vegetables so" Nuru says with a shrug as she turns off the gas stove.

When we come to a hult again, me and Nuru leave the Caravan bringing the others soup, "i'll take mine inside" Hugo says with a sour face as he hops off the front, "You head in too Az, I need to talk to Varian" Nuru says and I definitely don't want to be here for that. Me and Azzy head back in to find Hugo grabbing another bowl of soup.

"I'm going to go sharpen my sword" Azzy says as she moves to the far end of the room, I move to stand next to Hugo "what's up?" I ask he glares down at me before rolling his eyes "Nuru put you up to this?" Hugo asks I shake my head "nope" I say popping the 'p'. he sighs "nothings wrong Yong i'm just annoyed" he grumbles taking a spoon full of soup.

"doesn't seem like nothing" I say, he groans "I just don't get it, he says i'm babying him then doesn't actually do anything to fix his habits, its ugh! and he acts like him almost dying isn't a big deal" Hugo rants off, "well maybe to him it isn't?" I suggest "what do you mean firecracker?" Hugo questions "I mean, you know that wasn't the first time he's almost died right? Varian has almost died multiple times" I state and after that I feel like that was the worst thing I could have said.

"He has! how did I not know this?" he asks "he's had literal wanted posters, how did you not realize this?" i ask "well i just though- i mean- ugh, i'm a terrible friend" he sighs "boyfriend right?" I ask he looks over at me his eyes sad "I don't know" he sighs before heading off to his bed, I make a mental note, Love is messy, definley don't want to deal with that.

I wake up the next morning to find Hugo and Varian curled up on the bed below me, they must have made up last night, I streach as i'm careful not to wake them, I peak out the front window seeing Azzy driving and Nuru talking her ear off, I decide to leave the couples to it and attempt breakfast. I find flour and baking power, you can make something with that right?

I burn the first few alerting Varian awake "Yong what are you doing!" he shouts rushing over "trying to make breakfast" I state, "try it!" I say with a smile handing him one of the least burned ones, "I'm good, how about you leave cooking to one of us" he says cleaning up my mess, again. I sigh "ok" I clime up on the roof staring out the back watching us drive, why can't I do anything right? I silently cry pulling my knees to my chest, I wrap my jacket tighter around me as the wind blows.

Varian is good at Alchemy, Hugo is good at inventing, Azzy is an amazing knight, Nuru is good at everything, and i'm just a screw up. I wipe my tears i need to prove i'm more than a screw up, more than a kid, i'm thirteen for crying out loud! i march myself back downstairs and start working on the broken toster again, this time i wont screw up, this time i'll fix somthing and it wont blow up, this time and all the times after this.........

Words: 1080 07/09/2024

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