Old Friends 2#

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"Varian!" a high pitched voice shouts, as the kid, who isn't really a kid anymore because he's now thirteen due to his birthday this past month, a proper teenager. He runs and jumps at me, I wrap him in a hug "good to see you to Yong and happy late birthday, sorry me and Hugo couldn't make it" I say apologizing, "its alright, though you did miss a huge firework exspolion it put my face in the sky!" he shouts, I hope he never loses his child like wonder.

"that's good to hear, and theirs the woman of the hour" I state looking past Yong to see the star princess herself "ha, ha, i'm assuming Hugo told you I was bring someone" she states "that he did, I can't wait to meet this Azelea" I say walking down the stairs to give Nuru a quick hug "well I prefer Azzy" Azelea says existing the carriage, the red head smiles "well it nice to meet you Azzy" i say doing a quick bow.

"no need for formaitys, Varian right?" she asks "in the fleash, Hugo is around here somewhere" I say shaking her hand, "Right, your boyfriend?" Azzy asks "I think so" I say, she looks at me confused but before I can go into a rant the blonde in question comes running down the stairs, "its so good to see you two, three sorry, Azelea?" Hugo asks moving next to me.

"yes, but just Azzy" she says shaking Hugo's hand, once we had set the three up in their rooms the five of us hang out in the lab. "these are really cool" Azzy says pointing to the hot water heaters, "thanks, took me several months to get it correct, with the help of Hugo hopefully this will be the normal for every home across the land, i'm still working out a few issues, they tend to blow up randomly still" I rant, I hear tinkering behind me and turn around just in time to see Yong light something up.

"Yong what-" I didn't get a full sentence out before the mini firework he set off blows up in my lab causing a chain of reactions, knocking over viles hiting the water heaters and blowing my notes all over the room. I look over at the youngest one of the group, he smiles "sorry" he states, I sigh "why did you think that was a good idea?" I ask he shrugs "I didn't think it would actually work" he says before going into a rant I shake my head and go to clean up the mess "don't be mad at him" Hugo whispered into my ear. "i'm not just- its nothing" I state and finish cleaning up the spilled liquids just happy nothing is on fire.

"Fire!" Nuru shouts, spoke too soon, I turn around and my eyes go wide as one of the three water heaters start to boil over "out, out everyone out!" i shout we all run out of the room as all three exspolde, I lay flat out in the hall way looking at the ceiling, "we heard an exsploion what happend- oh Varian" Rapunzels voice rings out, I don't make an effort to move.

"Goggles you ok?" Hugo asks standing above me, "just contemplating why I do what I do" i state, Hugo sighs "i'm going to take our friends up to the roof, join us when your ready" Hugo said before walking off, i hear Yong mumble a "i didn't mean too" as the group walks away. i groan and sit up seeing i've been left alone, i pull myself off the ground and head back into the lab, I have work to do.

I work on fixing the water heaters till late into the night, skipping dinner in the process, a knock a door alerts me to this. "come in" i say not looking away from my work, "i brought you dinner" Hugo says, i nod still not looking away from the bolt i'm tighting "look i know you're probally mad at Yong" this alerts me i look up at the ex theif, "Mad? i'm not mad? what would i be? its not like he destoryed months of work in a matter of five seconds" I state before going back to my work.

"he's really sorry" Hugo says i sigh again and sit back up looking over at him, "i know that he is and i know he didn't mean to, but what it means for me is i didn't make these well enough, so they needed to be thicker and less flamable, you would think after two years of being the royal engineer I would have a perfect set up but no, i'm such an idoit" i rant stating the obvious "no you're not an idiot, sure its not perfect but you shouldn't work when you should be hanging out with your friends and relaxing" Hugo says moving next to me.

"if I don't fix this the whole castle is going to blam- not have hot water for several days, let me just fix this ok?" I state, I know he senses it I know he knows its more than that and I know he wont address it till I say something, so I wont. "ok, just go to bed soon ok? don't fall asleep in your lab again" he says kissing my cheek before leaving, I sigh and get back to work to busy to think about anything.

The morning arrives and I wake up on my lab floor, its still early, but not early enough for me to sneek up to my room before Hugo notices so I just stare up at the ceiling the door cracks open eventually as Ruddiger scurries in, "hey buddy" i say as he climes up on my chest, i sit up feeling my back strain, "don't sleep on stone floor, got it" i mummble to myself.

"so you did sleep down here" Hugo states i groan "sorry" i apologize "i figured you were going too, come on breakfast is ready" Hugo says helping me off the ground, he seems upset, i frown as we head to breakfast "Yong i think that is too much syurp" Nuru's voice is heard as we enter the dinning hall, "there is no such thing" Yong states as he pours another ton of syurp on his stack of pancakes, "Varian, Hugo, tell this delinquent that he has too much syurp" Nuru says draging the two of them into it.

"he's fine Nuru" Hugo says "that is a lot of sugar though" i counter Hugo gives me a look i can't quite decipher, what is the matter with me today? Once breakfast was over i felt the effects of sleeping on the stone ground for no more than four hours kick in as i start to yawn "ok its nap time" Hugo states "i'm fine Hugo" i state "Goggles i'm over here" Hugo says from behind me, i turn around turning red "yeah i knew that" i say "bed now" he states i sigh and head to my room. Yes i'm being told to take a nap by my- whatever he is. i fall asleep quickly being haunted by dreams of my past.....

words: 1208 06/11/2024

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