Give a Raccon a Bath 1#

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Varian's POV

"Ruddiger Get back here!" i shout, rushing down the hall "Get back here you raccoon!" I shout running down the castle hallway, "morning Varian!" Stan says As I passed him down the hall "Morning can't talk right now, sorry" I say quickly as I run down the hall, "Ruddiger, Where did you go?" i question stopping at the corner I step down the hall full of paintings and murals. When I hear a screan come from the kitchen.

"Not again" I sigh, I rapidly run to the kitchen swinging open the door to find one of the maids on top of the counter as well as a furry little trash panda snacking on cookies just below her. "Sorry ma'am" i say apologizing before scooping up the raccoon, much to his dismay, "Again sorry" i say quickly as we leave the kitchen, I scold Ruddiger As we head back down the hall to my room, I shut the door behind me.

"It's just bath day, Why do you have to make it so difficult" I sigh, I approach the metal bucket already full of water, that was warm at one point, And go to dunk the raccoon in the water, but the slimy little thing holds on to the sides of the bucket As I try to push him in. "Ruddiger! Just, get, in, the, wa-" I'm cut off by the raccoon wiggling out of my grasp causing me to fall face first into the water.

"Varian you in here?" Hugo's voice rings out as he opens the door, "no don't-" I'm to late to warn him as Ruddiger runs out of the room once again "i don't want to chase him again" i groan as i sit in the water, "noramlly people take baths without their clothes" Hugo teases "ha ha" i mock as i pull my knees to my chest "bath day?" Hugo asks i nod.

"don't raccons bathe themselfs?" Hugo asks approching the bucket, "normally, but Ruddiger is special and is constantly getting into my lab stuff" i sigh Hugo smiles softly "what?" i ask look at him "nothing you're just soaking wet" he states i groan. "come one hair stripe, lets get you dried off" hugo says helpping me out of the bucket.

once changed out of my soaking wet clothes i find Hugo on my bed with a book. I craw up on the bed and lay on his chest "better?" he asks, i nod into his chest, he places the book down and runs his hand through my hair, reluctuntly he makes me relax into his grasp. "you good there goggles?" he asks, I look up at him and smile "yes i'm doing good" I've learned quickly Hugo needs words to believe something.

I can't believe he's my boyfriend, I mean I think we are, we haven't really had that talk yet, does he see me as a boyfriend?, we've only been together for a month or two? i think, when was the artifact quest? i mean we kiss and cuddle and- "I can feel you thinking to hard, what's up? what's going on in your head?" Hugo asks pushing the hair from my forehead away, I get sucked into his trap of his eyes, their so green so entaching "goggles?" Hugo says softly "huh? oh nothing just an idea, don't worry" I say he smiles and kisses my forehead "ok, also I think Nuru and Yong are visiting tommorow, Nuru is also bring her friend" Hugo says with a raise of his eyebrows.

"you mean her, friend?" I say with quotation marks, he nods "oh I am sooo teaseing her about this" I state Hugo chuckles, we cuddle for the next hour or so when dinner time arrives. we make it to the dinning room being met with Rapunzel, Euegen, Lance, Catalina, and Kiera. me and Hugo sit across from the sisters as the servents bring out the food. "sorry i'm late!" Cassandras voice rings out "no you're just in time" Raupnzel says giving her friend a hug, me and Cass give each other an acknowledgment nod.

I'm asked about how the water heater plan is going "its going good, me and Hugo should be able to have hot water everyone in Corona by the end of the year" i look over at Hugo whos smiling fawly at me, i blush "so hot water, whats next? no more candles?" Euegen states, "hopefully" I say with a smile. Cassandra takes over and tells us stories of her adventures across the world.

After dessert raupnzel stands up "can I get everyone's attention?" she asks, we all look in her derection Hugo grabs my hand under the table and I don't pull away "me and Eugen have an annocement" she says before looking down at Eugen"we're expecting!" she says and the room erupts in congraduations, "thats wonderful raps" Cassandra says, i watch her smile, its fake, takes one to know one, unrequited love is a hard one to get over sure my crush on Cassandra was childish, but i've had other people who I felt more for, thankfully I have Hugo now, I hope at least.

i don't doupt Cassandra is happy for raupnzel, but i do know she wishs that her and raupnzel were more than just a sisterly bond. Dinner ended, me and hugo congratulate raupnezl on our way out before heading to the lab, where we find Ruddiger stuck in one of my goo traps, "this is why he needs baths twice a week" i state pointing at the raccon, Hugo chuckles.

Once Ruddiger was cleaned i meet Hugo back in the lab, we work on our separate projects side by side, since i'm the royal engineer of Corona, still not used to that title, he gained his own title co. royal engineer, we work well together, sure we get on each others nerves sometimes cause he's way more organized than me when it comes to notes and papers, but we make it work, neither of us complain thats got to count for something right?

"its bed time goggles" Hugo says "just one more test" i pled, "nope bed, it is current way to early for either of us to be up and we have a long day tomorrow so bed" Hugo states removing the quill from my hand and holding it above my head, i sigh "fine" i roll my eyes he places down the quill and picks up the candle, "come on" he states, i follow him but pick up my journel once he turns around.

once by my bedroom door he gives me a kiss, he pulls away and smiles "give me the journel, Blue bird" he whispers "what journel?" i say playing dumb he just sticks out his hand "journel, now" he states, i sigh "you know its really annoying when you do that" i say handing over the lether bound Journal with a V carved into it, "thank you sweet cheeks" he teases.

"can't you stay?" i ask he smiles "you know i wish i could but the princess would have a fit and i'm sure your dad would too if he found out i've been staying in your room, Goodnight Varian" he says and kisses the top of my head before heading down the hall, journel in hand, i turn a light pink and head into my room where i find a clean and sleeping Ruddiger, "you and him are going to be the death of me" i state to the trash panda before climing into bed.......

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