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*Connor's Pov*
I was running from the police because I might've stole pricey jewelry. That is sorta a lie. I kinda forgot I had it in my pocket. I panicked when the alarm blared so I darted. Sue me later. I turned the corner and ran to Malcolm's store. Great to have a bookworm as a boyfriend. Malcolm was always protective when I was in trouble. That made me fall for him harder. I kept on running. The police were gaining on me. I had to throw them off. I have an idea. I stopped abruptly. All the police man bumped into me and all fell down. I darted around the corner and down an alley. I opened the door to the bookstore and tried to catch me breath.

"Connor what happened?!" Malcolm asked.

"You know the usual, I forgot I had jewelry on me and I panicked so I ran." I explained trying to catch my breath. Malcolm sighed and went back to organizing the books. I sat down in Malcolm's spinny chair and I had so much fun just spinning. I felt like I was a kid again. Malcolm looked over and chuckled. I stopped spinning and gave him a smile which made him chuckle more. I always loved to hear Malcolm's laugh. It's been 5 years since me and Malcolm have started dating. I remember the day I confessed. I was just a dumb 17 year old. Now I'm a 22 year old with a college degree and has a handsome and smart boyfriend. I got out of the chair and walked up to Malcolm. He was facing away from me putting a book on a shelf. I slid my arms around his waist and he leaned in on the hug. Bless Athena and his dad for making this master piece.

The police busted through the door. They had helmets on so I couldn't see there faces. I turned around.

"Turn around!" Police number one demanded. I did what I was told. I saw the terror on Malcolm's face.

"Grab the ring from your pocket!" Another police demanded. I grabbed the ring I had in my pocket.

"Now get on one knee!" The 3rd police man demanded. I got on one knee. Malcolm looked so confused then realized what was happening. He looked down at me and he had tears in the corner of his eyes.

"You idiot, I almost had a heart attack." Malcolm scolded.

"Malcolm Pace, I stole your heart now I want you to steal my last name, so will you marry me?" I asked. Malcolm put his hand over his mouth and nose and nodded. I slipped the ring on his finger and kissed him. Everyone cheered. The plan worked. Travis, Percy, and Leo took there helmets off.

"Finally." Travis stated. Annabeth came running in and gave Malcolm a huge hug. I stepped to the side and Travis put his arm around me. "So are you helping me propose to Katie?" Travis asked.

"When you mature and started taking care of Katie I take care of Mal." I patted his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and left me. Today was a great day. A son of Athena who never stole anything just stole my heart, last name, and future. I wouldn't have my life any other way.

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