Theyna cuddles

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*Thalia's Pov*
I looked up at the ceiling of mine and Reyna's tent. I couldn't sleep. This happens sometimes and it's so annoying.

I sat up and looked over at Reyna. She was sleeping peacefully. Her chest was rising and falling slowly. She looked so perfect. Ugh Thalia stop thinking that!

I shook my head and got up. I headed out of the tent. I sat down by the fire looking up at the night sky. The stars twinkled. I laid back on the ground and watched the stars. They looked so beautiful. They twinkled like when Reyna's eyes twinkled going into battle. There my thoughts going back to Reyna.

"Why are you up?" Reyna appeared out of nowhere.

"Couldn't sleep." I responded and looked back at the sky.

"Oh." Reyna mumbled and laid next to me.

"Why are you up?" I asked after 2 minutes of silence.

"Oh I woke up when you left the tent. I was worried so I came out here." She explained. Reyna was worried about me!?

"I'm fine, go back to sleep." I suggested.

"Yeah no, I'm not going back to sleep until you come with me." She said stubbornly. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"I've heard the name Zoë passed around, who is that?" Reyna asked.

"That is a story for a whole different day." I said.

"But I wanna know." Reyna whined.

"I'm not telling." I shook my head. I turned my head and she was looking at me.

"Fine, but when your comfortable, you'll tell me right?" She placed a hand on mine and smiled.

I laughed, "Ok."

"Also I know you Reyna." I sat up. She looked confused and sat up. "You had a nightmare didn't you?" I asked. She laughed nervously and rubbed her neck.

"Yeah, I did." She admitted sheepishly.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. She shook her head. I sighed and fell back onto her lap. She laughed and brushed some hair out of my face.

*Reyna's Pov*
Thalia soon fell asleep on my lap. I shifted so she was on the ground. I stood up and picked her up, bridal style. I went back into our tent and placed her on her sleeping bag. I knelt next to her and brushed my finger on her cheek. I got up and looked at Thalia sleeping peacefully.

I knew that I wasn't going back to sleep after that dream. I wanted to sleep next to her so bad.

So I did. I laid next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I placed a peck on her forehead and closed my eyes. I felt safe with her right there. Soon I felt sleep taking over.

"Night Thals." I whispered as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I did it! I did Theyna finally! They are so cute together.

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