The trauma trio

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*3rd Pov*
Leo, Percy and Nico were the only ones up. Everyone else fell asleep at the sleepover. Annabeth was passed out on Percy's bed. Jason fell asleep on Leo's lap. Will left earlier for the infirmary. Gods people get hurt a lot. Piper was asleep on a extra bed. Hazel, Frank, and Reyna were at Camp Jupiter.

"Do you guys ever think about what our life would be like if we were, well normal?" Leo asked brushing the hair from his boyfriends face.

"All the time." Nico responded, laying down staring up at the ceiling.

"I stopped thinking that along time ago. I just accepted my fate." Percy sighed. He was up against the wall throwing a ball up and down.

"I wonder if things would be different if my mom never died." Leo wonder to himself.

"Same here Leo." Nico replied slowly sitting up. Nico leaned against a extra bunk.

"My mom's still alive." Percy said stopping throwing the ball.

"No schist Sherlock." Leo mumbled.

"Hey I was just sating the obvious." Percy put his hands up in defense. Leo stuck his tongue out at him.

"What happened to your mom Valdez?" Nico asked. Leo tensed up when he asked.

"She um died in a fire." Leo said barley above a whisper.

"Oh I'm sorry Leo." Percy's expression was sad and mournful.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did the fire start?" Nico asked. Leo heard his mom's screams again in his head. Leo slowly pointed to himself.

Nico tried and failed to speak. Nico could tell Leo wasn't telling the full truth. Thanks to being around Apollo kids 24/7. Percy's expression was filled with sorrow and sympathy.

"But hey it's alright that was like 12 years ago." Leo laughed. "Can you guys tell me about the war with Kronos and is it really true that Percy had the Styx thingy?" Leo waved his hand at Percy.

"The war was difficult to say the least and yes I had the Achilles 'heel'." Percy explained.

"I remember coming in with Hades, Demeter, Persephone, and all of the underworld as backup." Nico chuckled.

"Omg yes I remember, you were like 'who's ready to party!' Then the whole war did a 180 and we beat all there butts." Percy nodded excitedly.

"Then Percy had a whole moment with Annabeth," Will appeared at of thin air in the door way. "He dragged me away and demanded me to help her because she took a knife for him. Let's just say that was my bi awakening." Will plopped next to Nico.

"Wait what?" Nico asked turning to face Will.

"What's happening?" Percy asked.

"He just confessed he had a crush on you dude." Leo faceplamed. Percy's eyes went wide and he looked at Will.

"What, I don't like him now. I was dumb. Also ew, he looks like a skater boy and I had my time with those people." He admitted.

"Two people think you aren't there type." Leo snickered. Percy didn't hear what Leo said but Will and Nico did. They both let out a little chuckle..

"What?" Percy asked. He wanted to be apart of the joke.

"Nothing." Nico shook his head.

"Anyways I'm going to bed, you all should too." Will urged climbing up onto a bed.

"Whatever William." Nico rolled his eyes. Quickly there was light snoring coming from Will's direction.

"That was quick." Percy commented.

"He always falls asleep fast." Nico responded. Leo nodded his head.

"Do you guys ever sleep?" Leo asked. Percy and Nico looked at him. "I shouldn't have asked I already know the answer." Leo mumbled.

"I sometimes sleep when Will forces me too." Nico explained.

"Same." Percy nodded.

"Hold up I just realized that we all have blonde hair partners." Leo stated.

"You just realized that?" Nico asked.

"Wait your right Leo we all have blonde hair light colored eye partners." Percy said excitedly.

"We do!" Leo screeched. Jason moved a bit. "Schist." Leo whispered. Percy and Nico let out a little chuckle.

For the rest of that night the "trauma" trio all vented and shared stories from their past. They only woke up Piper once when Leo made a joke. Piper cursed at them and went back to bad as quickly as she woke up.

This is the creator of this account and not Piper. I wanted to do one before finals. I love you all and have a great day/night!

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