Cute doggo

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*Frank's Pov*
Hazel was adorable but she can be scary. Hazel ran after Leo and Percy for doing something stupid.

"Do you think Hazel will kill them?" Jason asked.

"Most definitely." Annabeth answered.

"I love her so much." I said aloud watching Hazel hit Leo to the ground.

"Aw I love your relationship!" Jason squealed. I smiled and watched Percy get knocked out by Hazel.

"Annabeth you should go make sure Percy's ok." I suggested. She put her book down and walked over.

"FRANK!" Hazel screamed. I could tell she was angry.

"Yeah?" I sqeeked.

"What did you do?" She asked marching up to me.

"Nothing." I said.

"Frank don't lie to me." She demanded.

"I promise I did nothing wrong." I put my hands up in defense. Hazel waited. I knew nothing of what happened so I stood there watching her.

"Frank confess!" She demanded. I turned into a pug and ran away. I am not dealing with my scary girlfriend right now. The Hades cabin was open so I ran in. Will and Nico were in there talking about who knows what. I ran under a bed and didn't come out. Will and Nico tried to get me out but they failed.

"I'll go talk to my sister." Nico announced leaving the room.

"You can come out now." Will whispered. I came out and transformed back into human.

"I really hate lying to Hazel." I whimpered.

"Hey at the end of this you'll be engaged." Will smiled. He always looked on the bright side of things. What did you do you might ask. Well I might've took something of Hazel's to set up for me to propose to her. What I took was her sword she always carried around. I'm going to give it back but I had Leo add some stuff to it. I knelt down and took her sword from under her bed.

"What are you waiting for go ask her." Will pushed. I chuckled and left the cabin. Hazel and Nico were on the hill. I walked up with her sword in my hand. It felt so weird carrying a sword around. Nico saw me and shadow traveled away. Hazel was confused till she turned around. She saw me coming up and her face lit up.

"Hey Hazel, I got your sword, sorry I took it I just wanted to suprise you." I explained handing her the sword.

"I didn't care about the sword, I thought you talked bad about Nico." She explained.

"How told you that?" I asked. I would never.

"Leo and Percy." She growled.

"Ok before you go kill them I have to ask you something." I took her hand. "Hazel would you marry me?" I asked kneeling down taking the ring I made out of part of her sword. She blinked then started to cry.

"Of course Frank!" She squealed. I slid the ring on to her finger and kissed her. Best day ever!

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