Marry me?

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*Percy's Pov*
Leo, Frank, and Jason were with me at the store. I was gonna propose to Annie! I need the perfect ring. I ordered it before hand so once we got there it would be ready. The ring was shaped like an owl with her first words she said to me "you drool when you sleep." I can't believe how much we have come. We were once 12 year olds who hated each other, now we're 22 year olds. 10 years, wow. I put the blue velvet box in my pocket. Leo and Jason were kissing while Frank just looked uncomfortable.

"Oh come on guys no homo, Frank is terrified." I said walking back over to them. Jason and Leo pulled apart.

"When are you going to propose to me?" Leo asked. Jason blushed.

"Frank when are you proposing to Hazel?" Jason asked changing the subject.

"Uhh when she is ready." He said. True man. I nodded.

"Let's get back before Annie kills me." I said walking off.

"So bro, you scared?" Jason asked. He put his arm around me.

"Bro, yeah I'm terrified, what if she says no!" I admitted.

"Bro, she isn't going to say no, you guys have been through hell, literary." Jason reassured me. That place was the reason I want to marry her. There are many other reasons but that was the hardest moment together. I don't think I could've survived without her.

Respect for Nico for surviving 2 times. Once alone and once with Will. I looked back to see Frank and Leo gone.

"Jason where are Frank and Leo?" I asked. He pointed up. I looked up and Leo was holding onto an eagle. Now I thought Leo hated eagles but hey there they go. I looked at Jason.

"What are we going to do know?" I asked. Jason grabbed me and shot up.

"You forget I could fly?" I asked.

"Yeah sometimes." I admitted.
We got to camp half-blood right after Leo and Frank.

"Guys you just flew off, what was that about?" I asked.

"Leo made me do it." Frank pointed to Leo.

"Leo!" Jason scolded. I took Frank and walked away.

"Thank you, I didn't want to be apart of there fight." Frank gulped.

"No problem." I said patting his back. I looked over and Hazel and Annabeth were waiting for us.

"We're in trouble." I pointed to Hazel and Annabeth.

"Oh crap." He yelped. Annabeth pointed to us and down at her feet. I grabbed Frank's arm and headed towards them. I split with Frank and went over to Annie.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"Uh out with the boys." I explained. Not a total lie.

"Whatever, I'm going to go talk with my siblings." She said walking away. I grabbed her arm.

"Before you go meet me at the beach at 7 wise-girl." I let go and she walked off. I saw Piper run up to Annabeth and drag her away to the Hades cabin. Weird. I looked over to see Hazel gone with a confused Frank. I had 3 hours till 7 so I took Frank by the arm and dragged him to the Poseidon cabin. Once we got inside everyone was there. Not everyone. I mean like Jason, Leo, Will, and Nico.

"Percy sit down I want the story on bow you asked permission from Athena." Leo demanded. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Jason. Everyone was staring at me.


I walked up to the throne room. I knew Athena was there.

"Athena, me and you need to talk." I shouted.

"Oh why hello too you too Jackson." She said. Her voice dripped with sass.

"Listen here," I started. "I have been through hell and back with Annabeth, so if you don't approve, sorry to say somethings wrong. I have loved Annabeth since I was 13. We have been dating for 6 years. We both have been through 2 wars. She took a blade for me, and I went haywire. If-"

"Jackson, I sadly have to approve you marrying her, you both love each other, I don't need to be Aphrodite to know that, so I approve of this marriage." She explained. I was stunned. I felt like time stopped. I screeched so loud it shook the floor.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"But Jackson, if my daughter gets hurt because of you, your dead." She threatened.

"Yes ma'am." I said. She waved me away. I turned and walked back to the elevator.

End of Flashback

"Now that's awesome." Leo admitted.

"I hope I don't have to do that with Hades, he'll probably squish me." Will gulped. Nico blushed.

"Yeah same here Will." Frank agreed. I looked over and Jason was sweating. Oh right Hephaestus. I've never met Hephaestus personally, but I knew what happened with Zeus and Hephaestus. Drama. If you don't know go look it up. I'm to lazy to explain.
3 hours later. I was waiting for Annabeth at the edge of the beach. There she was. She came over. She looked beautiful. She came over and kissed my cheek. I linked arms with her and started down the beach.

"Annie, you remember when you chased me around camp because I did something stupid." I started.

"Percy, I do that everyday." She laughed. I gave her a smile.

"Yeah I know but the first time, I got a mouthful of sand." I explained. She giggled at that. "Also that day was special because it was right before our first quest. Before everything went down hill. But lately there hasn't been any crazy killer prophecy. So I wanted to ask you something." I stopped.

"Oh and what's that?" She asked. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail.

"Annie, we have been through a lot, our relationship has been push to the edge, but we always find away back. Because of your smarts and bravery. You are the only person I know that has dealt with me my whole life. I know my mom isn't going to stay around forever so I wanted to ask," I got down on one knee, taking the ring out. "Will you Annabeth Chase, marry me?" I asked. She looked shocked and taken a back. She put her hands over mouth.

"Of course seaweed brain." She nodded. I got up and slipped the ring on her finger. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Now that was the happiest day of my whole life!

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