☆彡𝐈'𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐞.

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"So, what's the answer?"

It's 1st period of cram school and I'm already losing focus but then again, calculus has never been my strongest subject.


My ears perched as I surveyed the class for the origin of the secretive sound meant to attract me. I ended up coming across a set of gunmetal blue eyes.

Akaashi was mouthing the answer to my question. It annoyed me — the fact that he thinks I don't know the answer to a simple problem.

That's cause you don't know ....

I hushed the voice in my head and shut my eyes, I breathed before preparing for my comeback, "The answer to your question is y equals x plus 1 squared, divided by 4."

The teacher nodded, pleased, and said, "Good, now moving on."

The teacher's voice faded into the background and the air fell silent, only soft snickering remained.

I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"A second year doesn't know lower secondary school calculus." Kuroo sneered with a following deep husky laugh.

"Kuroo, don't be mean she can hear you." Bokuto was trembling when I turned around to face them.

"Got something to say rooster?"

The teacher stopped writing on the chalkboard and turned around.

Kuroo was sitting in his seat, man spread and a hand on his stomach. Even without sitting up straight in his chair, he still looked tall.

"I don't recall mentioning your name?" He said.

"It was implied."

"Trust me," he said with a small smile on his face, " I'd rather die than utter your name, Hito."

Since elementary school Kuroo has called me Hito, meaning lonely human. But I'm not lonely — or at least I don't think I am.

"Ukai, Kuroo, anything you two would like to share with the class."

Bokuto shot up from his seat, "They're just messing around teach, don't worry I'll calm them down!"

Akaashi chuckled at Bokuto's nervousness before picking up a pencil and throwing it at my leg. I knew Akaashi wanted me to stop, but I just couldn't.

"Stop calling me that," I said.

"Hito? No."

Remember what I said about not being lonely..... I lied. I am lonely, and having a moron like Kuroo remind me of my loneliness makes me feel pathetic and feeble.

"Do you still need tutoring in English, Kuroo?"

Kuroo's eyes left mine and pinned onto Akaashi.

"What?" Kuroo breathed.

Akaashi glanced at me and furrowed his eyes, "Your mom called me this morning, she said you're still having a hard time differentiating prepositional and participle phrases."

The rest of the students in the class snickered and talked with each other.

Kuroo grew visibly agitated, "Hey you-"

"Enough, I am trying to teach. Those of you who cannot wait until lunch can feel free to leave and get a zero for participation."

I turned back around and winked at Akaashi for his bravery. He's always been quiet and observant, it's not that he's shy, he just prefers to stay away from people and their problems.

Which is ironic because we're good friends yet I have a lot of problems. Or at least I think I do.


"What did you get?"

Akaashi opened his bento to reveal Japanese curry with sliced carrots and two steamed pork buns.

"Wow, our lunches are almost identical!"

I had Japanese curry with broccoli and two steamed bean buns. My mom was the owner and head chef at a luxury restaurant in the center of Tokyo. She especially took pride in my school lunches, but I was craving curry the day before, and she delivered.

"Wow, that smells heavenly."

We both took one bun and traded. His pork dumplings were good, then again Akaashi's mom was always a master in the kitchen too.

"When's your next game?" I asked

Akaashi stretched his arms behind him to lean back as he finished chewing his food.

"It's this Thursday, I'll text you the details after cram."

I took another bite of my bean bun, "who are you playing against."

Akaashi icked, "Ukai, don't talk with your mouth full."

"Sorry," I licked a bit of curry off of my fingers.

"We're playing Nekoma."

I stilled, "But I thought Fukurōdani already played against them?"

"That was a practice match, not an official game."


"Are you still going to go?" Akaashi was weary of the sudden change in my aura after he mentioned Nekoma. It was bad enough seeing Kuroo in cram school, but seeing him at a game sounds worse.

"Of course, I'm going!" I shoved the rest of my bun into my mouth and nearly choked whilst trying to speak with my mouth full, "I'm going for you and you only."

"Ukai," Akaashi grabbed a napkin from his lunch box, "chew your food correctly."


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