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~🖤The Perfect Bride 🤍~

Genre : Romance 💒/Drama ⚠️

By Dana 💜


✨~•^ PROLOGUE ^•~✨

Ely sighed with a number of bills in her hand, her eyes reddened from all the stress.... Lost in her thoughts, her ringing phone shook her from it. She quickly swallows given she hasn't been receiving any good news lately, she finally picks up her phone with a bit of hesitation. It was a call from her university administration, pressing her temples her lips quivered before she finally answered in a shaky voice.

E📞: Hello?
UN📞: Miss Ely your time is overdue and we haven't received your payment.
On the other end the voice was violent enough to make Ely loose all hope as she desperately tried to reason out.

E 📞: apologies I tried but I have no clue or solution... Can y-.
She was cut off harshly not finishing her phrase , she knew she was doomed , her eyes shaded out tears, rolling down her cheeks as she listened silently.

UN 📞: Till the payment is done you won't have access to your online courses, neither would you take the exams.
( The call was ended abruptly without given her a chance to speak)

Ely sat there breathing out, gasping trying to calm down in silence. She was devastated, her mother needed treatment urgently but she was in the middle of nowhere and had no idea on how to solve this. She cursed internally


Suddenly she was alarmed almost shaken from the loud knock on her appartment door. Placing her phone down in anger Ely was about to severely scold at whoever was at her doorstep. Taking each steps in her furious mood, Ely opened the door with all her might as her expression darkens seeing it was the landlord. Today wasn't really meant for her Ely thought. Ely covered her face in shame knowing her agreement was exhausted. Miss. Lettu almost amused stared at Ely, the sight of her lip slightly sneering. Miss Letty seemed to be mocking at Ely with just the expression on her face.

Finally she spoke
“I think today is the last day huh? Tonight I'll kick you out!"

In a loud voice she sighed and turn her back not listening to Ely. Ely held her forehead making rounds on the spot. Why me she asked why I'm I so unlucky. With those thoughts in her mind Ely finally calmed down and took a quick shower, dressed up and was out her way to the hospital.

At the hospital
Upon arriving, she closed her eyes hoping it won't be the same thing here, finally breathing out she reached to the reception and was lead to her mother's room. On her sick bed her mother Hana was sleeping soundly. Ely was relieved, she leaned in kissing her mother's forehead. Immediately as her eyes narrowed around she almost stumbled seeing the doctor, she knew there was no turning back. She quietly walked towards the door with her shoulders in slump as she stood by the doctor. Almost wanting to negotiate the scenes of her traumatized morning flashed in her mine as she took a hold of herself

( who I'm I kidding?)

She asked herself. The doctor looked at Ely, he pitied her but he was only doing his job

“Miss Ely this is not a charity house, we don't heal people freely around here..."

He paused knowing Ely must feel awful hearing this as he proceeded

“we'll be discharging your mother tomorrow if payment is not met, she's in a critical situation and the meds won't work for long"

he added. After taking a glance at Ely vs mother he silently left Ely by herself in silence. She was standing up emotionless it was like an empty shell. Ely felt like giving up. Her eyes suddenly lit up as a bitter smile appeared on her lips even though this was the last person on earth she'd ask help from. She had no choice, than to do so.

Ely opened her bag in a hurry taking out her phone dialing a number with the name Dulcan, it ringed to no avail, Ely almost growls , she cursed
( f!CK damn it!!)
She didn't give up she was waiting for the call to get picked up.

...........At a certain club............

Dulcan sitting in the midst of pretty girls, his eyes filled with mischievous intentions, stared at his ringing phone, slightly dipping his lips into his glass of whiskey, he breath almost whispering " Hmm~ pressure was indeed the best way for her to react" his eyes moved quick as he remembered paying Ms. Letty to pressure Ely.

“ Ha! Ely~ Ely"

He said her name softly almost liked he was scared of the words escaping, " I'll make you so desperate that you'll have no choice than to willingly come to me ~" . His phone rang continuously 📞.....



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