Their Butler, Chance Encounter

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Ciel: Is this really the time for a game of chess?

Angelina: Obsessing about it won't help you solve the case. Why not just leave it all to Sebastian, dear?

Ciel: Because he's simply my chess piece. I'm the one who moves him by giving orders. But he's no ordinary piece, he can move as many squares as he needs to. Like that.

Angelina: Ahh! That was against the rules, you know?

Ciel: Indeed, it would be if this was a game. But rules such as that have no true meaning in the real world. There are always knights who break the rules and pawns who betray. If you let your guard down, it's checkmate.

Madam Red: You two must've had other options in life besides policing England's underworld. I'm sure my sister, your mother, wanted something else for the two of you. And yet after their deaths, you return to be the queen's guard dog and get a position special for Amara. Is it because you're trying to avenge your parents' murders and give Amara a better life?

Ciel: The need for revenge is a funny thing. It won't bring back the dead, nor will it bring them happiness.

Madam Red: But then...

Ciel: To answer your question, I didn't return to the house of Phantomhive for my parents. I did it for myself and Amara.

(He stated as he glanced at you who sat by the window seal and brushed your fingers through the part of your hair that was tied off. Madam Red dressed you today and put you into a red dress that flattered your appearance.)

Ciel: Amara and I want to find the people responsible for what happened, and we want to make them experience the same pain and humiliation we suffered

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Ciel: Amara and I want to find the people responsible for what happened, and we want to make them experience the same pain and humiliation we suffered.

(He said as your aunt hummed.)

Madam Red: Mm, I still remember when you were born, though it seems so long ago. You were so tiny and fragile I remember thinking, 'No matter what, I have to protect him.' And the same for your sister, she was the prettiest girl, when your mother and father took her out people couldn't stop looking, and they still do.

(She trailed off as she and Ciel turned their gaze to you who smiled at them.)

Ciel: You both know I was never able to have children, but there was the two of you. And I've come to think of you as my own son and daughter. Which is why I wish you would quit this.

(She tried persuading the two for you but you simply shook your head.)

Amara: This is a task We've freely chosen. It's still our choice to make and no one else's. I don't regret my decision in following him and I won't be coddled by anyone.

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