Their Butler, Her Birthday

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(When Sebastian entered the servants' quarters, he clapped his hands the sound boomed like thunder around the room, and followed by the screams of Bard and Finny as they bolted from their beds).

Bard: Whazzat...! Are we bein' attacked? (pulling his portable flamethrower out from under his pillow and aiming it around the room.)

Finny: Is it mornin' already...? (shook his head sleepily and fell out of his bed with a thud.)

(The demon, who had moved to pick up the awoken Tanaka by his nightshirt collar, glanced at the two men, clearly still half-asleep).

Sebastian: You are aware what day it is, are you not? Be sure to wake up Mey-Rin before joining me down in the kitchen. There is much to be done. (He left before they could say anything back at him, not that they ever would...).

(Washed and dressed, Bard, Finny, Mey-Rin and Tanaka entered the kitchen with slight apprehension. Sebastian was looking at them all with a serious expression on his face).

Sebastian: As you may already be aware, it is the Mistress's birthday today and the Master has a demanded a small party to be arranged in celebration. I have awoken you earlier than usual in order for you to have time to complete your chores before the party. I suggest you get them done as efficiently as possible, for I will guiding the lady away from the manor, with some help, so that you can set up the decorations prepared. For the day, I must entrust the Young Master to your care. I have left instructions for you to follow, and I expect them to be followed to the letter, are I clear?

(The servant trio saluted the butler).

B&M&F: Sir, yes Sir!

[Amara'd Bedroom]

(I jolted out of my dreams just as the door opened and Sebastian stepped inside. He smiled at the disheveled sight of me, nightshirt slightly askew and the soft curve of my shoulders exposed to his feasting eyes).

Sebastian: Ah, My lady, I am glad to see you have awakened.

(Blushing under his gaze, I pulled the shirt back into place. I was surprised when he placed a cup of tea on my bedside table and offered me a plate of fluffy eggs and crispy bacon).

Amara: Breakfast in bed? This is a surprise.

Sebastian: It is the day of your birth, is it not? So you may enjoy the luxury of a nice breakfast without leaving the comforts if the bed.

(Sebastian smirked and allowed me to eat my breakfast in peace while he prepared my clothing for the day: a dark blue day dress with black lace trim, black button boots and a small dark blue hat trimmed with a black ribbon and a black net face veil. I finished my food and sat down in front of my mirror, undoing my hair and beginning to brush it. The demon appeared behind me).

Sebastian: Allow me.

(Meeting his eyes in the mirror, I slowly handed him the brush. When he took it to my hair, it flowed far more easily than when I did it; any difficult knots and he would use his fingers to loosen them. I watched with wide eyes as he twisted my hair into a neat half up half down style).

Sebastian: There. Lovely.

(While I would admit I liked what he had done, I was curious about what he was up to).

Sebastian: Now, I've left your clothes on the chair. I shall assist when you call me. (Sebastian said as he walked away to deal with the breakfast stuff).

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