Their Butler, the Funeral

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Grell: Here we are, a demon and a reaper! I suppose we'll never resolve this. These feelings that we have are forbidden. Oh, my! It's just like Romeo and Juliet! O my dear Bassy! Wherefore art thou my sweet love Bassy? If you would deny thy master and refuse thy name, I know that we could be happy together...

Sebastian: The moment my master and mistress uttered my new name, the word became our solemn contract. I was re-baptized as theirs, and theirs alone. From that day, I have been Sebastian. By yonder moon I swear it.

Grell: To swear by something inconstant as the moon, how can I believe your words? Yet I see your eyes and know that they do what your lips and hands long to do. You caress me softly with your unworthy, devilish gaze! Oooh! It's too much, Bassy! I would bear your children if only you let me!

Sebastian: Please stop that... It is revolting. Besides, I already have a mate who will bear my kin.

Grell: Urgh, you treat me so coldly. Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! My dove-feather'd raven! Oh, Bassy! Bassy my love... If only cruel morning would never come! Then the two of us might go on like this forever. Our love permanently lit by the moon's seductive glow. But, no, I'm afraid our adventure ends here. Shall we part with a passionate kiss? No, then good night, my love, a thousand times good night! (She cuts his stomach with her chainsaw, Sebastian's cinematic record flies out) There now, surely your Cinematic Record would be far more interesting than any human's! Mmhmmm... Mmm? Mm?

Grell: No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Who are these people?! What the hell is this?!

Sebastian: That is what my life has been for the past three years, after all.

Grell: I'm not interested in seeing your daily chores, I know all that! Come on, show me the good stuff!

Sebastian: So sorry, I'm afraid I charge for the juicy bits.

Grell: Skinflint!

Sebastian: Look at that, my clothes are ruined again. This is past mending.

Grell: You must be pretty confident to worry about your clothes right now. But of course, you know I always appreciate a sharp-looking man. Well done, Bassy!

Sebastian: There was one technique that I absolutely did not want to use... but I have no other choice.

Grell: So, at last you're gonna fight me seriously? Shall we send the curtain down with the next blow? I'll miss you terribly, but perhaps we'll meet again. Farewell! What the hell?!

Sebastian: That was my finest tailcoat, it was made of the highest quality Yorkshire wool. Wool is a very tricky fabric. Once it becomes caught in something, it is exceedingly difficult to remove.

Grell: How could you do this to meee?!

Sebastian: I acquired that coat at the manor, and I certainly didn't want to use it for something like this... But you had already ruined it, after all. So then, fisticuffs, yes? That suits me quite well. I do have some expertise in that area.

Grell: No! Please! Just one request! Not my face! I said, no face! Please, just stoooop!

(Sebastian proceeds to only injure her face then kick her away so she doesn't land on Ciel and Amara.)

Sebastian: I am sorry. I seem to have misjudged the distance, my lord.

Ciel: You look pretty awful.

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