Their Butler, Forlorn

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(Elizabeth was silent as she remembered all that brought her here...)

Ciel... He disappeared for a while after the estate burned down and his parents died.

(Three years before, she rushed out of the carriage that pulled up in front of the rebuilt Phantomhive estate, and ran straight for Ciel as he stood overlooking the water. He seemed so much thinner than before, his clothes loose and slipping off his body. Lizzie smiled so prettily when she saw him, and ran over to him.)

Eventually, he did return home.

(When Ciel turned around, the bandage that went over his right eye was prominent, and the dark look in his left eye made many a person gasp. But it was the absence of his smile that struck Lizzie the most. But by then, he had stopped smiling. She remembered the smile she treasured so dearly...)

I love him. My Ciel. And I love his smile. But for some reason, we keep going in circles. What can I do? How can I help him? How do I get his smile back?

(As she sat against the wall, back straight and hands folded in her lap, her head drooped forward. Her skin cast an eerie glow in the shadow of the workshop. )


(Amara lay atop the table in the workshop, her body felt heavy. She tried to move her hands, but found she was only able to barely move her fingers and wearing a new necklace.)

What did he do? Is this some sort of spell? Am I meant to be trapped like the princess in the glass coffin?

(Her eyes stared up at the ceiling, and shifted out of the corner of her eye to see Elizabeth in her trance-like state.)

At least I'm in the right place. Although I don't appreciate being the damsel in distress.

(Closing her eyes, she forced her body to regain its mobility, cell by cell, unaware she was deepening the bond between her and Sebastian as she channelled into the drops of his blood flowing through her body.)

(Sebastian sat at the window before Ciel.)

Sebastian: You lost your parents, your home, and this time, you stand to lose Lady Elizabeth.

Ciel: Sebastian!

(He glared at the butler.)

Ciel: Take that back, right now.

Sebastian: What do you mean?

Ciel: I don't like you taunting me!

(Sebastian smirked.)

Sebastian: Master, earlier you informed me you had some business to take care of. This business of yours, did it include endangering not only yourself...

(His face then darkened, his lips contorted into a scowl, and his eyes glowed demonically in the shadow of his hair.)

Sebastian: But also the life of my mate? Was this meant to be a misguided attempt to rewrite the past?

(Ciel had looked ashamed when it come to the subject of his sister, Amara, he hadn't been taking care of her as a brother should, and now she was no longer at his side. Things were not looking good for him, especially when Sebastian spoke in his demonic voice.)

Sebastian: Do you remember what you said at the Frost Fair? About your body, and about your ring? What you said was both had been shattered and reborn, and that you no longer had any fear of being broken yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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