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Annika stared at the assortment of dishes that lay in front of her. She looked at her husband, blinking once. "Shivaay," she said slowly. "What is this?" She gestured towards the table which was laden with enough food to feed her entire chawl.

"Dinner," he shrugged. "For you."

Annika's lips parted in surprise.

She loved her husband dearly—— she truly did; and she didn't wish to be the reason the huge grin on his face would disappear—— but she was starting to wonder how her husband was said to be one of the smartest people on earth.

"Shivaay," she cleared her throat. "I love you, I truly do." He smiled smugly, rubbing his fingers through his hair. "And I know you would never do anything to hurt me intentionally," his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out which direction the conversation was headed. "But are you drunk?" He stared at her. "Or high?" She shrugged.

"What?! No!" He denied vehemently. "I promised to not drink anymore, didn't I?" Hurt was clearly laced in his tone. "I wouldn't go back on my word, Annika."

She sighed. "Shivaay, who is this for?" She pointed towards the bowls which made her mouth water, but her stomach churn—— paneer makhani, saag paneer, aloo puri, gajar ka halwa, naan, paratha, steamed rice and aloo gobi.

She refused to even glance at the assortment of desserts he had apparently put on the kitchen island.

"I just said it, na," he rolled his eyes. "For you."

Annika blinked. "You weren't kidding."

"No," her husband frowned, confused.

"It wasn't a joke," she muttered faintly.

"No, Annika," he rolled his eyes.

"You were being serious?!" She shrieked.

Shivaay winced. "Haan. You haven't had anything but caffeine all day!"

"Shivaay, I know I'm a foodie, but no way in hell can I finish all of this," she sighed in exasperation, looking at the colourful dishes which were laid out in front of her.

"Sure, you can," he shrugged. "I've seen you finish two people's portions of pav bhaji."

"This is like sixteen people's portions," Annika muttered. "You have to eat with me." She looked at her husband, pointedly.

"Annika, you haven't eaten all day," Shivaay arched an eyebrow, mixing the paneer with the rice and holding a spoonful of it to her lips. As Annika pouted, he rolled his eyes. "Eat."

"Shivaay, I mph——" he stuffed the spoon into her mouth and she glared at him, chewing slowly. Taking a seat beside her on the adjacent chair, he held up another spoonful.

She pushed it away, making him frown, "Annika."

"I cannot finish all of this," she gestured towards the dishes laid out in front of her. "Let's call Arjun and Aastha."

"Who?" Shivaay's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Annika slapped her forehead, biting her tongue, "Oh, right! I completely forgot to tell you about our neighbours." She smiled, "Arjun and Aastha Singhal. They live in the house nearby."

"The one with the towering glass windows and the decorated garden?" Shivaay frowned.

Annika nodded. "Arjun helped me bring you home from the bar the other night," he winced, remembering his hammered state. "And Aastha came by to visit me today. We had some chaat and I shared the coffee you made."

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