Ch. 8: Strip Tease (Gone Awry)

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(No lemon in this chapter, but it's still kind of provocative.)

Later on at 11:45pm, you're driving back to the attraction. It's pouring down rain. You've had William Afton on your mind all day. The moment you saw a photo of what he once looked like before becoming Springtrap... You couldn't stop thinking about him. You fell in love, instantly. You didn't give a crap if he was in his 50s then. He looked good to you.

You sigh and you say, "I didn't expect this. Not at all. The stories of William Afton. And his Springtrap form. Sis was right. It's William that fell in love with me. Not the yellow rabbit part of him. But HIM. I... I think I've fallen for him, too." You sigh and you turn the radio on. It plays Numb by Disturbed. You turn it up and you continue driving down the road. 

You get to Fazbear's Fright and you park right outside. You get out of your car and you shut the door. You face the front doors of the building and you sigh. You say, "Now that I'm gonna see him... I'll see William Afton's real face in my mind."

You get in your backseat and you pick up your sister's speakers. She's letting you use them while you work nights at the attraction. You take those with you along with your phone. The speakers are in a tote bag. You get inside.

You lock the doors behind you and you face the hallway. You sigh and you say, "I never thought that in a day in my life... I would do what I'm about to do. Lure ahem... 'Springtrap' towards the office. A different way. I can't believe I'm doing this... but I see HIM. His real face is on my mind.~" 

You're unaware that Springtrap is hiding in a closet nearby and he's hearing all of this. He looks out at you. You sigh and you say, "I think he deserves a little show.~" You walk to the security office. 

Springtrap comes out of the closet and he quietly follows you to see you get to the office. He tilts his head a bit and he says, "She saw me... The real me. The lock picking worked its wonders." He approaches the office.

He hears music playing and he walks towards the window where you are, on the other side and in the security office. You've set up the speakers and you have your phone on a censor to play on the speakers better. You have just put it on the song Slept So Long by Jay Gordon. From the Queen of the Damned soundtrack.

You turn to face the window and there he is. Standing right outside the window, looking in at you. You look at him and you say, "Okay... I'll put on a show for you. I saw the real you, Springtrap. When you were William Afton. And I wasn't disappointed at all.~"

You grab the top button of your uniform and this gets Springtrap's attention. You undo it and you approach the window in a sultrier way. He cannot look away from you for a second. He leans in some more. You climb upon the table and you near the window. You look at him. 

You undo another button on your shirt and he presses his hands upon the window. He darts his eyes down at your chest. You say, "Like what you see... William?" His eyes widen as you say his original name. 

You say, "I know you're in there... Literally in there. Your soul's trapped in that spring suit. Scratch that... Your body is. It has been for twenty-four fucking years, Will.~" He sighs and you see his breath on the window.

You undo another button and you sigh. You look at him and you say, "But, don't fret... William Afton. Yes, I'm saying your real name. I think you deserve to see this after so long.~" He looks right at you.

**(A bit raunchy at this point.)**

You look at him and you unbutton the rest of the shirt. You pull it apart and off, revealing your pink and black lacy bra. He's about to lose it. He presses against the glass as he looks down at your covered breasts. 

The song had ended by now, but it doesn't stop you. Springtrap is still looking right at you and waiting for what you've got in stores for him. You stand on your knees and you grip the button of your pants. He sighs shakily and he looks down. He slaps the window with both hands. You get the pants down and you sit on the table. You turn a different way where he sees you from the side and you look at him.

You get your pants down and you kick them off of yourself. You get yourself up and you face him saying, "Bear with me, William... I never do shit like this. But the moment I saw your picture... I couldn't stop thinking about you.~" 

He sighs and he says, "Ooh, sweetheart. You have n-no fucking idea how badly I need YOU.~" You look at him and you say, "To the point where you'd murder someone for me?~" He says, "Yes. Anything, at all to have you close to me, (Y/N).~" 

You reach your hands behind your back and you say, "Get a load of these babies.~" He chuckles and he says, "Ooh, who knew you'd already let out your inner whore to me? And all because you found out what I once looked like, huh?~" You kiss the window and you whisper, "You were so hot for your age, William.~" 

He sighs and he says, "Ooh, this animatronic body of mine. This... this goddamn suit I'm possessing." You look at him and you say, "You alright?~" He sighs and he says, "You're so hot, (Y/N). So goddamn lovely. I would go in there and ravage the shit out of you right now...." He looks at you and he says, "If I still had a fucking dick!!" He bangs a fist on the window and it cracks, startling you. 

You don't scream or anything. You just put your hand up to your mouth. He growls and he says, "FUCKING SUIT!! THE ONE REGRET IN MY FUCKING AFTERLIFE!! AND IT'S THIS!!" You say, "W-William! Calm down!" He screeches and he runs off. You can hear things breaking. You get up and you get your clothes back on. 

You look out of the office and you yell, "Will?! William!!" You can hear him screeching and breaking things in the distance. You sigh and you back away. You run to the drawer in there and you get out a piece of paper. You grab a pen and you write something. You run out of there.

You unlock the front doors and you head out. You tape the note on one of the doors and you get to your car. You get in and you start it. You sigh and you say, "Jesus fucking christ. How could this happen to me? I... I need to get home. Now." You drive off. 

The note you left on the doors says this, "Mr. Wheeler. Sorry for the inconvenience you're about to hear, but it's a mess in the attraction and I had a family issue. Pretty late. Yes. But I had to leave asap. I'm sorry, Mr. Wheeler. A lot of shit is going down right now and I can't deal with it. Not tonight. - (Y/N) (L/N)"

In Love With a Killer (Springtrap to William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now