Ch. 28: The Truth Comes Out

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Later on in the afternoon, both you and William are at home. You're both off work for the day. You're a bit cured from your hangover. William suggested that you rest up a bit after you guys got home. He drove you guys back.

He's in the shower right now. You're in the living room. You've got your XM Radio on your TV right now. You have it on the Octane station. One of your favorites since you love rock and metal music most of the time.

You have the song We Are Shadows by Kittie on right now and you're jamming to it. You can barely hear the shower going on, but William can definitely hear your music going. He didn't mind, though. He hears the song and he says, "She needs to tell me who that group is." He continues showering.

You keep jamming out to some rock music and you hear this, "Hey... Turn around.~" You turn around and you blush as you see William standing there with just a white bath towel around his waist. It's not a very long towel, either.

You smirk and you lick your lips saying, "Mmm. Now, pop a woody behind that towel. That'll be so hot.~" He smirks and says, "I could if you show off that sweet body of yours.~" You approach him and you say, "I mean, why not? We're both off work for today and it's just us. Have your young cutie.~" He pulls you close and he says, "May as well.~" You both lean in to kiss each other.

You reach your hands down and you're about to remove the towel from his waist. But you get stopped by your phone ringing. You move away and you say, "Shit. I'll be right out, baby." You walk into your room. William whispers, "Not the only time I've been cock blocked by her phone ringing." 

You grab your phone off of your nightstand and you see who's calling. It's your dad. You say, "It's all good, babe! It's my dad!" William looks in the room. You answer it and you say, "Hey, daddy. How's it going?" 

You hear your dad saying, "(Y/N). Hey, baby. How are ya?" "Alright." "Hey, honey. Listen. Your mama and I want you to come to our house. You and William both." "Sure, okay. But what about?" "Well, baby. We've discovered something, recently... and I think it's time you knew the truth."

You say, "The truth?" William looks at you. Your dad says, "Yeah. Come to our house. Both of you. I'm callin' Fantasia. She needs to know this, too." "Okay. We'll be there." William walks into the room. 

Your dad says, "That's great. Your mom and I can't hide this from you two, any longer. But come over and you'll know everything. Your grandma's here, too." "Okay. See you then." "Love you, baby." "Love you too, daddy. See you in a few." 

You hang up. William says, "What did he want?" You look at William and you say, "Babe. Get dressed. We need to be at their place, asap. Daddy just called me and said I needed to know something. You, included." He says, "Alright. I'll get dressed." 

He walks to the closet and he opens his side. You have one of those sliding double doors for your closet. He has his own side now since he lives with you. He removes the towel and it drops to the floor. You smirk and you lean against the wall, not taking your eyes off of him.

He looks at you. You say, "Oh please. Do continue.~" You giggle. He smirks and he says, "Thirsty girl.~" You say, "I'm not taking my fucking eyes off of you for one second. Go ahead. Get dressed. Right in front of me while I watch.~" You have your arms crossed and you smirk. 

You watch as he gets in the closet and he pulls out a shirt and pants. He walks to the dresser and again, his side. He grabs a pair of briefs and slips those on. You grin and you say, "Bow chicka wow wow.~" He looks over at you. You wave. He continues getting dressed, getting the shirt and pants on, as well. 

In Love With a Killer (Springtrap to William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now