Ch. 23: First Kill in Years (And You Get Involved)

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As William drives down the road, your XM radio is on and it's playing Getting Away with Murder by Papa Roach. You smirk and you say, "The irony the song title, huh?" You giggle. He smirks and he says, "Yeah. But I'm doing this all for you, babe. Nobody's going to get by with that shit. Not with MY girl." 

You look at him and you say, "By the way. Thanks for the teddy bear. He's cute. And I love red and black." He smirks and says, "Anytime. I know what a girl wants, (Y/N)." He looks over at you and he says, "I'll do anything for you. Anything, at all." He looks at the road. You say, "I love you, Will." He says, "You know I love you too, sweetheart." You say, "You have my support, my favorite psycho." 

He grins and says, "I've met the right woman. In fact... I may just have to test something out once we get to Troy." You say, "Oh? And that is?" He peeks over at you and he says, "YOUR killer instincts." You say, "Boy, do I fucking wish with him." He smirks and he says, "Oh yeah... I get a good feeling about this when it comes to you, sweetheart." 

You were both on Troy's trail the entire time. He was unaware. You see him parking near the woods just out of Omaha. He gets out of his car and he walks into the woods. You grin and you say, "Perfect area for a kill. Am I right?" He says, "Absolutely right. Smart girl." You say, "Awe. You say such sweet things to me.~" 

William parks right behind Troy's car and you both get out of the car. You walk around and you stand right next to him. He smirks and he pulls something out. It's a blade nearly as long as his forearms. 

He grins and he says, "You ready for your first ever kill, baby?" You say, "Let's do this. Guys like him will have it coming, anyways." He says, "Just follow my lead, sweetheart... I'll show you the ropes." You follow him into the woods where Troy went.

***(Trigger Warning: Drug use here.)***

Troy gets in the woods and he looks around. He says, "Good. I can do this blow without anyone spotting me. This is the spot to do it. Nebraska's still pretty stupid with this shit." He gets to a stump and he gets his stuff out. It's not weed, either. It's cocaine. He kneels down and he uses the stump as somewhat a table to do his coke. 

He gets it ready and he gets a straw out. He leans down and snorts it. He sits up and he sighs sharply. He says, "Ooh man. Good shit." He sighs and he sits down. He thinks back to high school and he says, "Damn. I wish that (Y/N) (L/N) would've given in instead of running from me. Prude much? She was so goddamn hot. Not my fault she was the more attractive sister compared to Fantasia. She was cute, but (Y/N)?... Ooh fuck. I was so tempted to fucking her right outside school grounds. Too bad the hot bitch kicked me in the balls." 

He suddenly hears this, "You'll never lay your filthy hands on her again, you little bastard." He raises a brow and he looks back to see a middle-aged man in a yellow shirt and blue jeans. Has facial hair with gray on his chin. He stands up.

It happened to be William. He smirks and he says, "I see you came all the way here just to enjoy your little high from your booger sugar." He approaches Troy. Troy says, "The fuck do you want from me, man? I did nothing to you!"

He says, "No... It's what you tried to do to the very girl I love.~" Troy snorts and says, "Psh. What? You? You're old as shit, man. Why would a young doll like her fall for some middle-aged freak?" William chuckles and he says, "Because dear boy..." He approaches Troy closer and he grabs him by the front of the shirt.

***(Major violence warning.)***

Troy says, "The fuck, man?!" William says, "She prefers a real man with more experience... Not an amateur like yourself, kid." Troy suddenly feels something sharp pierce through his stomach and he yelps. His eyes widen and he grits his teeth. 

William says, "Oh come on. I've faced worse piercings from spring locks. And I still handled it better than you can with this one stabbing with a thin knife." He pulls the knife out of Troy's chest, making the younger man yelp.

William inflicts yet another stabbing on Troy, but more above, stabbing through his ribs and making him scream a bit more. He keeps at this and inflicts some cuts and scrapes all over the guy. William sighs and he says, "It feels so good to do this once again... It's been too damn long." 

Troy lies there on the ground, panting and coughing in pain. He coughs up some blood. He looks over and he sees someone run over. A familiar woman he remembers. It's you. He says, "O-oh, thank god! (Y/N)!" You yell, "Troy Parsons?!" You run to him. 

He holds a hand out and says, "H-help. L-let's get out of here... b-before this psychotic old fuck k-kills me. P-please?" He coughs up more blood. You stand there. He says, "(Y-Y/N)?" Your expression changes from a seemingly innocent one to a more sinister one. You smirk and you look at William. He looks at you and he grins. 

You say, "Keep at it, sweetie. Just like you told me... Nobody touches your little vixen." William chuckles and he says, "Anything your heart desires, sweetheart." William drops the knife, but he does end up punching Troy, violently. You stand there and you watch, not reacting whatsoever. Just a smirk and a slight nod.

William eventually stops. Troy lays there all bloodied, bruised, stabbed and beaten. William picks the knife up and he looks over at you. You look at him. He smirks and he holds the knife to you saying, "Care to do the honors... ma lady?" You approach him and you take the knife.

 He darts his head towards the direction Troy's laying. You approach Troy and you kneel down, reading the knife and pointing the blade down. Troy says, "N-no no no no no. (Y-Y/N). Come on. I... I'm sorry for trying t-to come onto you all those y-years ago. Please? I-I'm sorry." 

You raise a brow and you look at William. He nods and says, "Just one quick little slice to his throat. Put the little perverted bastard out of his misery." You look down at Troy and he says, "O-oh god. N-no. I..." 

You suddenly bring the knife down and you make a deep slit through his throat. Blood gushes out. He struggles a bit, but he stops moving and dies right there. You sigh and you bring the knife up. You look at the bloodied knife.

William is more than thrilled and he grins. He pulls you close and he says, "Good job, baby. That's my good girl." You sigh and you smile. You look at him. He cups your face and he says, "You have just committed your first murder. Congratulations." You stroke his face and you say, "Told you I've got your back, baby. I love you.~" 

You lean in and you kiss each other, deeply. You moan into the kiss a bit and so does he. You pull away and he says, "I knew you had it in you, my dear.~" You say, "He had it coming." He says, "There's a lake nearby. We'll dump him there. Wash away any evidence from ourselves and get back home. Also... the burn barrel over there?" 

He points over and sure enough, there is a burn barrel. He says, "We'll burn the evidence. Don't worry... We've got extra clothes from the thrift store, do we not?" You say, "Nice and all, but we don't have a match or a Bic lighter or a torch. I do have a gas can in the back trunk in case of an emergency fill on my gas." 

He says, "I've got some matches from the thrift store." You look at him. He looks at you and he says, "The moment you've mentioned Troy and what he tried to do to you... I knew I had to do something about it besides stab him to death. Burning the evidence is best, sweetheart." You say, "That's no lie." 

He says, "Help me drag his body to the lake and we'll dump it. Wash the blood off of ourselves in there. Then we'll burn our bloodied clothes, get in the car and get the new clothes on." You nod. He says, "We'll be home after." You say, "Yeah. I'm sure poor Asami is already awake by now and bored out of her fucking mind." 

You and William do what you do. You find the lake which is not far and you dump Troy's dead body in it. You wash yourselves of any blood, get the stuff out of your car to use to burn the evidence in the burn barrel and walk back to the car. 

You change into the new clothes and you get in the car. You pick up your red teddy bear and you hold it close. You say, "By the way, I bought Asami some clothes, too." He smirks and says, "You're a good friend." You say, "Thanks, baby." You both take off and you head back to your apartment in the city of Omaha.

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