Ch. 22: High School Creep Spotted

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(Joke: What is William Afton's LEAST favorite holiday?...

Spring break... Get it?)

A moment later, you, William and Asami are in the kitchen eating dinner that you have just made. Asami takes a bite and says, "Mm. Holy shit, girl. Good stuff." William says, "She's a great cook, isn't she?" He eats. Asami says, "Uh, hells yeah. I'm always resorting to convenient store food. I live by myself in my own apartment and I'm not seeing anybody." 

You say, "Hey, girl. I was living by myself for a while too until I met William here. He moved in with me." Asami says, "How did you two meet?" You say, "I was working at Fazbear's Fright not too long ago as a security guard. That's where I met him. We fell in love and... yeah. Here we are. Despite me ending up with an older man... I'm happy. He's an attractive guy. He's treated me the way a girl should be treated." 

She smirks and says, "That's because you've ended up with a guy old enough to be your own father, girlie. More likely to want to take care of YOU. But I'm not judging here... You've landed a good deal." 

You smirk and you lean in whispering to her, "Hey. I know what you're thinking, Asami. I'll tell you after dinner. Will and I had a talk." She looks at you. You nod. She grins. You sit back and you eat your food. You hear William saying this, "(Y/N). I'm fully aware. We had a talk about this, earlier... You want ME to tell her, now?" Asami looks at him. He chuckles and he says, "My answer is yes." 

She blushes madly and she looks away, blushing and smiling. You smirk and you say, "There you go, girlie. He says yes." She looks at you and she says, "Girl. Thank you so much for this." William looks at her and says, "In our room. 8pm. Don't keep us waiting.~" He smirks. Asami grins and says, "Yes, sir.~" 

You grin and you say, "Two young thirsty bitches, screwing a middle-aged dilf." She says, "That sounds like the name of a random porno." William looks at both of you. You look at him and you say, "Hey. Just saying, baby. I'm not the only one who ended up seeing you that way. But I still keep you for myself." 

You eat your food. He chuckles and says, "Correction, my little vixen... I keep YOU for myself.~" Asami smirks and giggles saying, "I definitely look forward to tonight's little, ahem... 'occasion.'" You say, "So do I, Asami. So do I." You all continue eating dinner.


Later on at 7:58pm, Asami is in the living room, watching something on Netflix. Probably Disenchantment or something. Same creators of The Simpsons and Futurama made it. She's laughing as she watches it. 

But then she thinks of something and she says, "Oh shit." She turns the show off and she turns the TV off. You yell, "You remembered, didn't you?!" She yells, "I'm coming!" You yell, "Oh, you'll be saying that, alright! Wink wink, bitch!" You hear William saying, "Alright. Just bring her in."

The door opens and you come walking out. You approach Asami and she stands up to face you. You grab her hand and she takes yours. You say, "Come on. It's time we both experienced a threesome.~" She grins and says, "Ooh yeah.~" You bring her into your room and you shut the door. A moment later, noises are heard from outside your room from you, William and Asami.


The next morning, you and William wake up. You both sit up and you look down to see Asami still asleep. Smile on her face. You smirk and you say, "You know she received that damn good dick if she's smiling in her sleep." 

He chuckles and says, "Happy to oblige, sweetheart." You say, "Mission accomplished.~" You giggle and you say, "I would know.~" He says, "This is why I love you. Not only are you loyal... but you're open to sharing me with a friend you haven't seen since your high school days." You say, "Both twice your age. Not like a give a shit. Just saying." 

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