Ch. 10: The Necromancer

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Later on at night, you're driving elsewhere. You've got Fantasia with you. Chelsea decided to tag along, too. She's sitting in the back. Chelsea says, "S-so we're going to see some voodoo witch for this shit?" You say, "We'll have to try. My only hope to having the one man I've fallen for close to me. Not in that fucking suit, either." 

Chelsea says, "But he's been dead and stuck in that suit for twenty-four years. The year YOU were born, (Y/N). How the fuck is this gonna work? You going crazy?" Fantasia says, "Look, Chelsea. We're doin' it whether you like it or not. This is for her." Chelsea sighs and says, "Okay. For (Y/N)." You say, "Thanks, guys. I just have to try. No matter what it takes to have William Afton close to me."

You get to Barge Lane and you drive around. You say, "They say that it's the dark green house." Fantasia says, "Dark green? Girl, it's dark as hell out now. How the fuck we finna see the dark green house at this time?" You say, "They also said she'd have two gargoyle statues on her front porch." 

Chelsea looks over at a house and she says, "You mean that one?" She points over. You look and you see the gargoyle statues. You say, "There." You park right by the sidewalk and you all get out of your car. You stand to face the house that belongs to the witch lady. 

Fantasia says, "Aight. Let's see this voodoo witch... bitch." You say, "She's a necromancer, sis. There's a difference." Fantasia says, "Both do crazy shit. And not in the way I prefer.~" Chelsea stifles a laugh. You sigh and you say, "Let's just get to her." Chelsea says, "I'm right beside you guys." You all approach the house and you get up to the front porch.

You knock on the door and you all stand there and wait. The door opens with a creaking sound and you see a slim older woman with long blondish gray hair, aging, black shirt, black skirt, etc. She sees you guys and she says, "I figured three young women would be knocking on my door this late at night. I sensed it." 

Fantasia whisper, "Wait. She a psychic, too?" You say, "Apparently." She says, "One of you is here to see me for a reason. Am I right?" You all nod. She says, "Hmm... I believe it's YOU, am I correct?" She looks right at you. 

You nod and you say, "Yeah. Hello, Madame Tanya. I'm..." She says, "(Y/N) (L/N). The temptress." You say, "Temptress?" She says, "Come in here. All three of you." You all head inside and Tanya shuts the door.

You look around. Fantasia whispers, "Weird. But I ain't surprised by this shit." Chelsea sees a little vintage doll with beady eyes and a dress and bonnet on and tries to reach for it. She hears Tanya saying, "No touching the relics, young lady." Chelsea moves her hand away. Tanya says, "Half of the items are cursed. That one included." Chelsea says, "I'll take your word for it." 

You look at Tanya and you say, "Why a temptress?" She faces you and she says, "You've been just that for quite a few nights you've worked at that place. A... haunted attraction, that is." You say, "Yeah. Fazbear's Fright." She says, "You're the temptress because a certain individual dwelling in that place has fallen for you the night you arrived." 

Chelsea says, "Springtrap." Tanya says, "The individual is inside the yellow rabbit. Yes. But it is the man behind the suit... who has fallen for the temptress. And YOU... You're here for a reason, young one." 

You nod and you say, "Yeah. William Afton. He's in that suit." She says, "As I'm aware. You yourself have fallen for the man who had been gone for two in a half decades and forever trapped in that suit." You sigh and you nod saying, "He was such a good-looking guy. I don't care about what age he was. He was handsome." 

She says, "My dear. I don't have to be a psychic to know how a young woman like yourself feels. It's obvious by your expression." You look at her and you say, "Do you think you could perhaps..." She says, "Bring him back?" You say, "Yes." She tilts her head and looks right at you for a moment.

In Love With a Killer (Springtrap to William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now