Chapter 3

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The day of Elowen's departure is already here. As Elowen prepares for her upcoming flight, there's a sense of both excitement and anticipation in the air. With just six hours left until departure, she moves about her room with purpose, methodically gathering her last few items. The sunlight filters gently through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as she folds her clothes neatly and places them into her suitcase. Each item holds a memory or significance, from the comfortable sweater she wore during chilly evenings to the vibrant scarf gifted by a friend.

Her travel essentials are carefully arranged on the dresser: passport, tickets, and travel-sized toiletries neatly organized in a transparent pouch. She double-checks her documents, ensuring everything is in order for a smooth journey ahead. As she zips up her suitcase, she takes a moment to survey her room, mentally ticking off her packing checklist. 

There's a bittersweet feeling knowing she'll soon leave the familiar comfort of home, but the prospect of new adventures awaits. With her belongings secured, Elowen takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement fluttering in her chest. She knows that the next few hours will be a whirlwind of final preparations and goodbyes, but she's ready to embark on this journey and embrace whatever experiences lie ahead.

As Elowen emerges from her room, ready for her upcoming journey, she finds Viola and both of their parents waiting for her in the living room, a mischievous grin playing on Viola's lips. Always ready for a bit of friendly banter, wastes no time in teasing her friend. "Finally decided to join the land of the living, huh?" Viola quips, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

Elowen responds with a good-natured roll of her eyes, knowing full well that Viola's teasing is all in good fun. "I had to make sure I didn't forget anything, unlike someone I know who always leaves her phone behind," she retorts, a hint of laughter in her voice. Viola feigns offense, placing a hand over her heart in mock indignation. "Hey now, that only happened once...or maybe twice," she counters, her grin widening. "But at least I never forget the essentials, unlike someone who once forgot her toothbrush on a camping trip!"

The playful bickering continues as they exchange gentle jabs and teasing remarks, each one trying to outwit the other with witty comebacks. Despite the banter, there's an underlying warmth and camaraderie between them, a bond forged through years of friendship. Their parents chatting amicably as they oversee the final preparations for the girls' journey to New York for their studies. As Elowen and Viola engage in their friendly bickering, their parents exchange knowing glances, sharing a silent understanding born from years of witnessing their daughters' dynamic.

Lucia interjects with a smile, "Alright, girls, that's enough teasing for now. We have a long day ahead of us, and we don't want to waste it on friendly arguments, do we?"

Viola's father, a jovial man with a hearty laugh, chimes in, "Your mom's right, El. Save some of that banter for the trip. Who knows, you might need it to entertain yourselves during those long flights!"

The parents' intervention brings a momentary pause to Elowen and Viola's banter as they exchange sheepish looks. They both know when it's time to rein in their teasing, especially in the presence of their parents. El's father David adds, "We're all excited for your new adventure in New York. Let's focus on making today a smooth and memorable start to your journey." Viola's mother nods in agreement, her expression softening with maternal warmth. "Yes, and remember, you have each other for support every step of the way. Your friendship is a treasure, one that will only grow stronger with time and distance." With a shared nod, they exchange a final, affectionate smile before turning their attention back to the task at hand, united in their excitement for the adventures that await them in New York.

As Elowen, Viola, and their parents arrive at the airport, the bustling atmosphere adds to the excitement of their journey. Amidst the crowd, they find a quiet corner where they can share a few moments together before Elowen and Viola head off to their flight.

El's mother breaks the silence, her voice filled with pride and a hint of nostalgia. "Can you believe our girls are all grown up and off to pursue their dreams in New York?" Viola's father chuckles warmly, placing a supportive hand on Viola's shoulder. "Seems like just yesterday they were playing dress-up in our living room. Now, they're off to take on the world."

Elowen smiles gratefully at her parents, feeling a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support. "We couldn't have done it without you," she says softly. Viola nods in agreement, her eyes shining with excitement. "Thank you for always believing in us, even when we had doubts ourselves."

Their parents exchange a proud glance, their love and support evident in their expressions. "You two have always had the courage to chase your dreams," El's father says, his voice filled with warmth. "And now, it's time to spread your wings and soar."

As they share a group hug, surrounded by the buzz of the airport, Elowen and Viola feel a sense of gratitude for the love and encouragement of their families. With one last goodbye, they gather their belongings and head towards the departure gate, ready to embark on their new adventure in New York, knowing that their families will be cheering them on every step of the way.

While entering, Elowen turns her head slightly and watches her parents, with glistening eyes she smiles gently. Her parents reciprocating the same gesture and waves her with a goodbye.

Inside the flight, after taking their seats viola turns her head towards Elowen and begins to express her excitement. "Elowen, can you believe it? We're actually on our way to New York!" Viola exclaims, her voice filled with contagious energy. "I've been dreaming about this moment for as long as I can remember, and now it's finally happening!" She leans in closer, her excitement palpable. "I can't wait to immerse myself in the vibrant energy of the city, to explore its bustling streets and discover all the hidden gems it has to offer. And the thought of meeting new people, experiencing new cultures... It's all so exhilarating!" Viola's enthusiasm is infectious, and Elowen can't help but smile at her friend's excitement. 

"I know, right? It's going to be an adventure unlike anything we've ever experienced before," she responds, sharing in Viola's excitement.

Slowly as they both settle down, her mind drifts back to her past, a journey marked by both uncertainty and love. She reflects on the realization that she is adopted, a truth that has shaped her in profound ways. Memories of her childhood flood her mind: the warmth of her adoptive parents' embrace, the laughter shared with her family, and the moments of quiet contemplation as she grappled with her identity and place in the world. Despite the questions that lingered in her mind, she always felt a deep sense of belonging within her family.

 As the plane soar through the sky, Elowen finds herself contemplating the reasons behind her journey to America. While pursuing her studies is undoubtedly a significant factor, there's another, more personal reason driving her decision. America holds the key to unlocking this chapter of her life. It's a land of opportunity, a place where she hopes to not only further her education but also to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to search for the pieces of herself that have been waiting to be found.

As the plane carries her closer to her destination, Elowen feels a mixture of excitement and apprehension. She knows that the road ahead won't be easy, but she's ready to face whatever challenges come her way, armed with the love of her family and the courage to embrace her truth. And as she gazes out the window at the vast expanse below, she feels a sense of hope blooming within her, a belief that her journey to America will lead her to where she's meant to be.

Thanks to my lovely readers for showing your love and reading. Since my schedule is always messed up it'll take a bit of time to release the next chapter. I'll be leaving updates on my IG.
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Love ya>3

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