Chapter 8

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As Marcus was entering his friend Fabio's art studio, someone collided with him and was about to fall. That's when he caught the person by waist just in time to prevent from falling and when they both looked at each other's eyes they could feel that warm feeling inside them. Elowen's heart raced as she regained her balance, her cheeks flushing slightly at the unexpected touch.

When Marcus disappeared inside, he looked for Fabio his friend but more like a brother. He went through the bustling art studio, his brow furrowed in frustration as he scanned the room for Fabio. Spotting him engrossed in a conversation with a group of artists, Marcus strode purposefully towards him, his expression unwaveringly stern.

Fabio's eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of Marcus approaching, his easy smile faltering for a moment before he managed to plaster it back on. "Hey there, Marcus! What brings you over here?" he greeted, trying to appear nonchalant despite sensing the tension radiating from his friend.

Marcus halted in front of Fabio, his arms crossed firmly over his chest. "We need to talk," he stated bluntly, his voice low and serious.

Fabio's smile faded as he recognized the gravity in Marcus's tone, his own demeanor shifting to one of concern. "Sure, what's on your mind?" he asked, his usual joviality replaced by a sense of apprehension.

Leaving the group behind, Fabio followed Marcus to a quieter corner of the studio, where they could speak without interruption. As they settled into the conversation, Marcus's stern expression softened slightly, replaced by a mixture of frustration and genuine concern. Fabio listened attentively, his features reflecting a mix of understanding and remorse as they delved into the heart of the matter.

As Marcus confided in Fabio about the challenges plaguing his company, he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at him. Despite his position of authority, Marcus found solace in seeking counsel from Fabio, knowing the depth of wisdom that his friend's father, a trusted confidant of Marcus's own father, could offer. Mr. Mario Gomez (Fabio's father) was one of the trusted man of the Hernandez company. He worked under Mr. Hernandez for a very long time though he's retired now, but still he is always there to give advices to Marcus because he loves him just like his own son.

"Fabio, I need to speak with your father," Marcus admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and determination.

Fabio nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of Marcus's request. "Of course, Marcus. My father will be more than willing to help. He's always believed in you, just like he believed in your dad."

The mention of their fathers stirred a poignant nostalgia within both Marcus and Fabio, a reminder of the enduring legacy that bound their families together. Despite the weight of their responsibilities, they found comfort in the knowledge that the bond forged by their fathers' friendship remained unbroken.

After visiting Fabio he returned to his office, waiting for Mr. Gomez's arrival. As Ben has went to pick him up and bring him to Marcus's office. He glanced at the clock, becoming impatient by waiting for him. As Mr. Gomez entered the room, Marcus went towards him and shook hands with him- greeting him. "How are you, Uncle?" he said with a warm tone. Mario chuckled slightly, shaking his head lightly. "I'm hanging in there, Marcus. But you know what they say about old age- it's not for the faint of heart."

After they took a seat, they wasted no time in broaching the sensitive topic. "Mr. Gomez, I'm deeply troubled. It seems that information about our project has been leaked."

Mario's brows furrowed in concern. "Leaked? How did this happen?"

Marcus sighed heavily, his frustration palpable. "I wish I knew. We've taken every precaution, but somehow, details about our project are circulating outside our trusted circle."

Mario leaned forward, his expression serious. "This could have serious repercussions for the company. Have you identified any potential sources of the leak?"

Marcus shook his head. "Not yet. But I've initiated an internal investigation to trace the leak back to its source."

Mario nodded thoughtfully. "Good. That's the first step. We need to act swiftly to contain the damage and prevent further leaks." After thinking for a moment, he spoke again, "do you suspect Alex could be behind all these?"

There was a heavy silence in the room, Marcus exchanged a glance with Mario and spoke, "you know, I've had similar suspicions about Alex lately."

Mario leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper. "Marcus, I hate to say it, but it's time to confront Alex once and for all. He's been a thorn in your side for too long, and now with this leak..."

Marcus's jaw tightened, a flicker of frustration crossing his features. "I know, Mario. Believe me, I know. But he's family. I've let him slide too many times because of that."

Mario sighed, his gaze unwavering. "Family or not, Marcus, he's undermining everything you've worked so hard to build. You can't let sentimentality cloud your judgment anymore."

Their conversation was laced with tension, the weight of years of familial loyalty clashing with the harsh reality of betrayal. As Marcus listened to Mario's words, a resolve simmered within him, steeling his determination to finally confront the cousin who had long been a thorn in his side.


Later in the evening, Marcus returned to his opulent apartment, seeking solace in the familiar comfort of his lavish surroundings. As he stepped into the marble-clad bathroom, steam enveloped him. With a weary sigh, he shed the weight of the day, letting the hot water cascade over him, washing away the stress and tension that had accumulated.

Emerging from the shower, Marcus stood before the mirror, his reflection illuminated by the soft glow of the vanity lights. His grizzled features softened, if only slightly, as he ran a hand through his damp hair, strands of silver catching the light. Despite the weariness etched into the lines of his face, there was a steely resolve in his eyes. Dressed in a crisp shirt and trousers, he made his way to the dining area, and had his dinner. Despite his gruff exterior, Marcus appreciated the finer things in life, indulging in a culinary delight that matched the sophistication of his surroundings.

With dinner concluded, Marcus retired to his study, a sanctuary of solitude. Surrounded by shelves and the soft glow of lamplight, he settled into his favorite armchair, a contemplative expression crossing his features.

As Marcus immersed himself in the pages of his book, his thoughts drifted back to the chance encounter in the park. The memory of the girl's gentle appearance and earnest words stirred something within him. Her words about helping others echoed in his mind.

Lost in reverie, Marcus found himself speaking aloud, the words as a whisper against the silence of his study. "She was unlike anyone I've ever met," he murmured, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability. "Her words about help... they struck a chord."

The memory of her lingered like a haunting refrain, weaving its way into the fabric of his thoughts. Try as he might, Marcus couldn't shake the image of her from his mind, her presence haunting him like a wistful dream that refused to fade with the light of day. Amidst the trappings of his wealth and power, he found himself yearning for the simplicity of that chance encounter, a reminder of the fleeting beauty found in unexpected moments of connection.

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I know this chapter was pretty much boring, but yeah good chapters with exciting scenes are on it's way!!! (slow romance h, kar bhi kya sake. mujhe bhi toe-curling wale scenes chahiye🤭👀)

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Thank you my VALERIENS 💓(did you guys find out the meaning of this yet?)


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