Chapter 5

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It's already been a week Elowen and viola have reached America- New York to be specific. They had settled into their new apartment, surrounded by half-unpacked boxes and the promise of a fresh start. They brought few boxes other than their suitcases- which contained few books and few other things for their new abode. As they sorted through their belongings, the topic of rent and employment naturally arose.

"So, about the rent," Elowen began, stacking books on a makeshift shelf. "We should probably figure out a system for splitting it. How about we go halfsies?"

Viola nodded, folding clothes neatly into drawers. "Sounds fair to me. We can keep track of expenses and bills in that notebook we bought."

"Great idea," Elowen agreed, scribbling down a reminder in the notebook. "Now, about jobs. We need to start applying soon. Have you thought about what kind of job you want?"

Viola paused, considering. "I'm thinking something flexible, maybe in a café or bookstore. I want time for classes and studying, too." Elowen grinned. "You just want all the free coffee and books, don't you?"

Viola laughed. "Can you blame me? What about you? Any dream job in mind?"

"Hmm, maybe something in a gallery or art studio," Elowen mused, hanging up a print on the wall. "But for now, I'll probably look for something in retail or maybe even tutoring." "Smart," Viola said with a nod. "We'll find something. And hey, at least we'll have each other to navigate the city and the job hunt."

Elowen smiled, feeling grateful for her friend's company. "Definitely. Siamo una bella squadra, vero? (we make a good team, don't we?)" "migliori coinquilini della città (Best roommates in the city)", Viola declared, bumping shoulders with Elowen.

As they continued unpacking and planning, the excitement of their new adventure filled the air, mingling with the comforting warmth of friendship. As the sunlight waned and shadows crept into their apartment, Elowen and Viola exchanged tired glances. They had been organizing and unpacking for hours, their energy slowly draining with each box they unpacked and every piece of furniture they rearranged.

"I don't know about you, but I think my brain has turned into mush," Viola groaned, stretching her arms above her head. Elowen chuckled softly, rubbing her eyes. "Tell me about it. I feel like I've been lifting weights with my brain all day."

Their stomachs chose that moment to join the conversation, growling in unison like a duet of hungry lions.

"Okay, I think it's officially dinner time," Elowen declared, placing a hand on her rumbling stomach. Viola nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "Absolutely. Let's go find some food before we start chewing on the packing peanuts."

They shared a tired laugh at the image of themselves snacking on packing materials before mustering the energy to head out into the city. As they stepped outside into the bustling streets of New York, the aroma of various cuisines wafted through the air, enticing their senses and reviving their spirits.

"You know, for a city that never sleeps, it sure knows how to cook up a storm," Viola remarked, inhaling deeply. Elowen grinned, linking arms with her friend. "Agreed. Let's go find the perfect place to refuel and celebrate surviving our first day as New Yorkers."

With a renewed sense of determination fueled by hunger and camaraderie, they set off into the night, ready to conquer the city, one meal at a time. After a lengthy search and a few wrong turns, Elowen and Viola finally stumbled upon a cozy little restaurant tucked away on a side street. They exchanged tired but triumphant smiles as they entered, grateful to have found a place to satisfy their hunger.

As they settled into their seats and perused the menu, Viola insisted on paying for dinner, much to Elowen's protest.

"No way, Viola," Elowen insisted, reaching for her wallet. "I'll pay for tonight. You can get the next one." Viola shook her head adamantly. "Not happening, Elowen. You're the one who's been helping me with all the apartment stuff today. Consider this a thank you gesture."

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